Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Papa 182

Recruits who arrived on Oct. 27, 2009 formed as PAPA 182.

Please send letters of encouragement to:
CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083

The company commanders for Papa 182 are IT1 Resendez, BM1 Bailey, and BM2 Thor.

Graduation for Papa 182 is scheduled for December 18, 2009.


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PRcoastiemom said...

Hi Kim, I am SR Callahan's mom, Connie. We are from Paso Robles, Calif., we have not made any reservations yet. I am waiting to "not hear" anything before we do. Does that even make sense? Meanwhile, I am watching the airfares climb higher. Oh well, he is worth every penny. I have never been to NYC so we are planning to visit there also either before or after graduation, depending on Brian's wishes.(He may want to come straight home)
Can you offer any pointers for 1st time NYC tourists? Thank you!

PRcoastiemom said...

Kim, A copy of "Message to family and friends" appears on the Cape May Training Center website. This was my source for graduation info. It does not make any reference to the number of people allowed to attend so I would think it is not any issue. However, I could be wrong. ( but don't tell my husband :) Connie

momendad said...

PAPA 182 Families

Looking for a nice place to rest your bones for graduation? Our son just graduated from KILO 182 and we stayed at the MADISON AVE. BEACH CLUB Motel. We paid $61 per night and had a refrig., sink, microwave, 2 double beds, large bath. Everything was clean, neat, and modern. We were very satisfied. It was near the base. Everything is near the base in Cape May because it is a small town. There are no "chain" hotels or restaurants, but what is there is VERY nice.

Barbara said...

Oh Monday, I was entertained all weekend by Fr. Alfonse and his orchestra by the sea, Elvis and Englebert. NOW I WANT A POST.....

MOM said...

I know that I saw it but cant locate it now. Does anyone know where I go to get graduation info and accomadation link for graduation?

Thanks PAPA 182 Families!!


momendad said...


If you go to the home page and click "visitor information" on the left side and then scroll a short way down, you will find a site to click entitled capemay.com Then go and click on Cape May Times and you will find lots of info. on hotels etc.

momendad said...


Sorry, it's called
not capemay.com

MOM said...

Thanks for your help momendad!


papamama CapeCod said...

Hello again, Papa families!
I am anxiously awaiting the posting on line for Papa 182. It is my understanding that it is updated some time on Tuesdays and that it only begins after the 3rd week is completed. So that means tomorrow. I'm not sure who writes it, but I have a feeling it is a recruit, who is named "the historian". I sure hope that there are some pictures too. They are starting the 4th week now and should be quite the soldiers by now.
Until next time!

papamama CapeCod said...

Hello again, Papa families!
I can't wait for the Papa 182 on-line postings to begin. It is my understanding that they are updated some time every Tuesday and that they begin after completion of the 3rd week. So, that means tomorrow. I'm not sure who writes them, but I guess that it is a recruit who is appointed "the historian" for the company. I sure hope that there are some pictures.
I also wonder how many recruits are left and if they are staying healthy.
I have tons of questions about whether they will be allowed to stay home for Christmas and how many days of leave must be used for the holidays. If anyone knows how it works, please enlighten me.
Until next time.

StephKane said...

Bonjour SR KANE!!! :)
Hope you will be able to read this soon. I am now back in the US, all is good here, missing you SO much!
I received your letters, mine must be taking for ever to come from France!
Hope you're good.
Je t'aime...
and good luck to all of you...

C J said...

Wow, I just assumed that Julie would be wherever she was stationed for Christmas. when someone finds out I would like to know too. I got a funny letter from her. You know you're in bootcamp when.....the sound of a siren makes you jump out of your rack and put your shoes on in the middle of the night...you stand at the position of attention in the shower. At least they still have their humor

Barbara said...

If there is not a post the CC's will have to deal with crazy irate PAPAMAMAs. Distract and entertain yourselves all day.

Darla said...

Hello PAPA family, it's going to be a long day!! I read in the form letter week got the first week of camp that the recruits get 5 days leave. There is a contact to e-mail if we have questions: clay.r.cromer@uscg.mil
Have a Great Day

Lori said...


Barbara said...

I Love the blog but why does it say posted on Nov 10. Did I miss something?

Barbara said...

Thank God I printed that other blog now it's gone! Now the date is Nov 17. I better print it again.

Darla said...

Hi Barbara! I am so glad you said something or I might have missed it! But behold great news....on the main page go under recruit journals and scroll to bottom of page to find the FABULOUS PAPA-182!!!!!!!!! This is exciting...take care:)

Unknown said...

Hi Papa182 - SR Cassidy - Just a little note to let you know that you are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. You make me so proud. I love you and miss you! Aunt Mary

Unknown said...

Hi PAPA 182 - SR Cassidy - Thinking about you always...Missing you lots...So proud to be your Aunt! Be Safe! Be Well! Be Michael! Love you! Aunt Donna

magonk said...

Hello to the PSL family of SR Helms. Our son SR Wert is in training with your son and at least one other young man from Stuart. This is not our first time through USCG training, if you have questions or concerns or need a little moral support contact me, we're your neighbors in Stuart. It's fun to know the kids are with local people, I wonder if they're had time to meet and talk yet? Send me an email - Jill magonk@comcast.net

momendad said...

PAPA 182 families:

Did you know that your recruit does not read these blogs? It is more of a way for families to communicate and get to know eachother. However, during their liberty wich comes in the sixth week and off-base liberty which comes in the seventh week, they have an opportunity to view them, but most choose to spend their time with other recruits pigging out on food and soda and having a good time. That being said, it still is a good thing to send words of encouragement to your recruit on the outside chance that they take their time to sit and go through these 221 plus blogs on their liberty. I know this to be so because my son just recently graduated from KILO 182 and I read blogs from families from other companies who stated the same thing. Best of luck to all of PAPA 182!!

Barbara said...

It is PAPA 182 behind the commentary desk on the ESPN special. And I'll be darned if I can find Hank. I have been printing the pages from the blog forHank to read and share with the other recruits. Hopefully I have not gotten him into other trouble. There is a Peacefulness that has come over me knowing that the first pay has been deposited and that I have not heard from him in 3weeks. Now my cruise and then I can concentrate on graduation. Hang tough PAPA182 You are doing it and so are we.

StephKane said...

Journal is on!! Hurra! So nice to read what the missed one is up to!

SRMattesMom said...

For the families of ROMEO 182, The next two weeks are going to be very long while you are waiting for word on your recruits. Please join us on facebook to share stories and pictures of your recruits. You can join at USCG Romeo 182. This is a good place to ask questions, answer some you know and for your recruit to keep in touch with the rest of his/her company in the years to come.

jbeard said...

We are planning to attend graduation, driving down from CT the day before. Can any of you previous classes tell us where you stayed and what you liked or didn't like...Thanks.

MOM said...

Hello PAPA families!!! I have been trying to make arrangements for a 1 night stay in Cape may on Dec 17 for Graduation. I cannot find a place to stay for just 1 night. Does anyone have info???

Thanks "Mom'

momendad said...


Go up to Nov. 16 and read the first few blogs. I got that motel site unseen knowing very little about where to stay. Things are cheaper now that the off-season is here, but many of the B&B's and motels are closed. When we arrived in Cape May, we killed time in that horrible rain, high tide, and wind, and looked at many of the hotels. I think that you will be happy anywhere you stay. It is a very nice town, but not much to do at this time of year. I'll check my list and get back to you in my next blog.

momendad said...


Like I said, you probably will be happy with most any place in Cape May but here are a list of places right on the waterfront(Beach Ave.)
Periwinkle Inn, Atlas Inn, Seacrest Inn, Marquis de Lafayette, The Grand, Stockton Motor Inn, Inn of Cape May, Stockton Manor. The B&B's are also very nice, so if you're into those, just pick one.

MOM said...


Thank you for your help again. It's so nice to have this site and people like you, I have been so lost through this. Have a great day!!


DawnBeehr said...

SR KANE!!!! We miss you and love you and are so proud of you, as always. The boys are awaiting your arrival home as excitedly as they are waiting for Santa! xoxox
Talbot, Dawn, Jackson and Tyson!

DawnBeehr said...

Hi Uncle Nick, I love you. I will send you a picture I colored. I love you, you are fun. Love, Jackson.

StephKane said...

Hi Recruits Family!
I learned in my husband letter that ESPN 1st Take was in the USCG Cape May for Veterans days!! :) and that PAPA 182 should be on the video in the background....
I could not find the video of the show but found a couple of announcements of it... here is the link... check it out, maybe one of your "SR" is on it! :)


Also if you can find the full video of the episode please share it!!! :)

Barbara said...

Hi StephKane, There are pictures of the show on the PAPA182 facebook page. I'm not sure if you can get to the vedio from there. I've tried to find my son but it is difficult. Those who see their recruits are lucky, they really all look the same to me. I think that is the "General Idae" in training camp. Good Luck.

floisalouis said...

Bonjour SR KANE!!! we hope ur fine we wish u the best for these weeks!!! see u soon... we think a lot of u from France!!! xoxoxo louis flo isa

StephKane said...

Hi Barbara, Thanks for the FB page!!! I had no idea about it... and yes, it is kind of hard to see who is who... :)

me said...

all the pics on the facebook page was great.. i saw SR Maynard 3 times and almost cried.. they were great.. but like it has been said before if anyone knows how and where to find the full video from espn i would LOVE to know!!!!

Unknown said...

bonjour nick how are you i hope it is not hard see you soon bisous anne et yvan

angel said...

Hello SR Womack, its been a while since I have posted tried to get my mind off of the computer for a bit. Hello PAPA family, and welcome to the families of Romeo 182, I hope that you all find our posts helpful and that they relieve some of the stress by reading and hearing what we went through in the first couple of weeks, and now I can't believe that we are coming up on week 4. Seems like time is going by fast, I know not for the young men and women away from home though. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend as we head into week 4. Take care all, Angel mom of SR Womack

DawnBeehr said...

still thinking of you and always proud....LOVE T, D, J and lil' T

momdadkane said...

SR Kane thinking of you everyday! We're all so proud of you and can't wait to see you in December. To the other families of recruits, what a great way of feeling like we are all part of the PAPA182 family!

Barbara said...

To all of you Papamamas and family and friends of PAPA182.
Happy Thanksgiving! This is a bitter sweet vacation I am taking. I will miss Hanks opportunity to call on Thanksgiving Day. But hopefully i will have access to a computer. This year I am Thankful for the gift of choice. With this gift there is good and bad. We all know the story of the apple tree. All of the Recruits of PAPA182 have made a tremendous choice to serve this great nation, as many before have done. Henry follows two other Henry's into the life of service. One he knew well and one he never met. The one he never met was my father. He passed away when I was 12. I remember him as a dedicated man. Tall, sure of himself, loving,kind and giving man. The other was my Uncle Henry, Hank's Godfather (Hence the name). He was devoted, methodical, neat as a pin. (everything has a place and everything in it's place). The qualities I remember of these gentlemen were commendable at the very least. As I reflect on the past few weeks, I realized that these qualities are the norm, expected, demanded in the military.Which made Hank's choice to join The United Sates Coast Guard that much more impressive to me.
Happy Thankgiving!

Unknown said...


I think about you everyday and send you postive thoughts all day long. I hope It's working! Keep working hard-it will pay off in the end. We're very proud of you and can't wait to talk to you.

Love mod and fod

Oh- Charlie says hi too!

Unknown said...

SR Sheyne, we are so proud of you. We love having the blog...to get a glimpse of your life in Cape May. Thor is happy. We can't wait to see you on Dec. 18th. We love you so much and miss you. We will say a special grace at Thanksgiving dinner in your honor.

love you so much,

mom and dad

CoastieMomOscar182 said...

ANGEL- Trying to reach you (on the Mom-Blog), just realized our son's were supposed to be in the buddy program together. My son SR Perkins, ended up going in the week before(Oscar182). Hope you're doing well! Reach out if you can. Good Luck Papa-182, Mama's and Papa's! My son is entering week 6 and its rejuvenating to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

angel said...

Hey Coastiemomoscar182, Angel here. I saw someone looking for me on the other blog. How are you? Yes our son's were suppose to go in together, but my son's recruiter wasn't that great. I did get a chance to meet your son at the MEPS station, very nice mannerable son you have. They really hit it off well, my son was a little disappointed that they didn't get to go together, thought it would be easier knowing someone, but oh well. Isn't this process rough, but they are going to be so much better for it. My email address is: aaronssweety@hotmail.com. So are you going for graduation? It is only like a couple of weeks away. Wow, so exciting. Well take care and email me if you'd like. Angel mom of SR Womack.

C J said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all the recruits and their loved ones. I am hoping for a phone call from my daughter SR Julie Jane't. My phone will be attached to my hip.

papamama CapeCod said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all Papa-182 families and recruits!
There will be 1 place empty at our tables, but not in our hearts.
The group probably already had their photos taken. We're looking forward to seeing them and having one for our desks at work. Coastie pride.
Take care!

MOM said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all PAPA 182 families and friends. I know we are all hoping to get that phone call Thursday from our brave loved ones. Have a safe and happy Holiday. And safe traveling to all planning on attending graduation on the 18th.


Anonymous said...

Hi Family recruits!! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
No I am starting to get a bit concerned :) My husband wrote to me that he will be able to call this Wednesday, well tomorrow (and also on Thanksgiving day...) have none of your recruits wrote you about that Wed phone call? Let me know...

Anonymous said...

Hi Family recruits!! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
No I am starting to get a bit concerned :) My husband wrote to me that he will be able to call this Wednesday, well tomorrow (and also on Thanksgiving day...) have none of your recruits wrote you about that Wed phone call? Let me know...

MOM said...

Mine has not told me of any phone calls. I am just going by other family members experiances. My letters have been very brief. I am hoping to get a call any time. I will take Wednesday or Thiursday! And I will most certainly take Wednesday and Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Hope we all get 2 calls! :) Stay next to your phone ;)

Lori said...

To all of our troops and a special to our Papa 182,
Happy Thanksgiving !!!
You will truly be missed as we give thanks around our table, but you are and always will be in our hearts. I miss you so much SR Cavaciuti and I can't wait until you are in my arms again.
12/18 here we come !!!!!
I love you always

momendad said...


How did you do on accommodations for graduation? It's tough to find a place for only one night, but at this off-season period i'm sure you probably can do ok.

angel said...

Hello PAPA family SR Womack's momma here, wishing all of PAPA-182family and their families a very Happy Thanksgiving. May God's blessings shine upon you. We are getting closer, I know I probably shouldn't say we, but I feel like I have been through mommy bootcamp myself. I bet someone agrees with me. Also President Obama named the month of November Military family month for fall that we do, So happy military family month to you all. Talk to you soon, and remember to have your phones close to you over the next couple of days. Angel

munns said...

To PRCoastie Mom,
Hi Callahan family, this is the Munns family. We don't have your phone number and wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and know what you are going through. We are proud of Brian joining the Coast Guard family. David is home on leave until Saturday, then leaves for Alaska. We would love to share our experiences and answer any questions you might have. Please call us at 237-9728.

PRcoastiemom said...

Well, Hello Munns Family! I have often wondered which company David may have been in. We did see his his graduation photo in the paper sometime ago and know that he was stationed at Alameda. Ed will give you a call sometime today. Thanks for contacting us!

MOM said...

Hello momendad;

Your information was very helpful! I have not made any definate plans yet, as I was hoping to hear from my daughter on Thanksgiving to make sure it is all going as planned. But I think the Marquis lafayette will be it. a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your family and all the other PAPA families as well!


Anonymous said...

the anticipation of the phone calls is killing me....I have been answering every phone call I get with my heart in my throat....hasn't been my hubby yet though :( Happy Turkey Day to all, hope everyone gets to hear from their loved ones tomorrow!

StephKane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
munns said...

Hello to all the families and friends of these brave young men and women who are going to serve our Country. Our son graduated from Yankee 180 in February. We know how you must be feeling and waiting for that call, letter and journal entry. Before you know it they will be stationed somewhere and learning the Coast Guard life. You will be proud of what they become. Boot camp isn't for wimps and it has challenges, but my son said he would do it again! That's coming from an 18 yr old who's first letter home had me so worried I wanted to go get him.
Graduation should not be missed unless it would cause extreme hardship. It was an experience we will never forget. Happy Thanksgiving and keep writing them until the week before:)
The Munns family in Ca.

PRcoastiemom said...

Anyone get a call yet?

StephKane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cherrystate said...

We got our call! As a matter of fact my husband is still on the phone.. We'll also find out who Christians closest mates are. I'll post again after the call. This is truly a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Lori said...

Oh we got our call....SR Cavaciuti he sounds wonderful and got his orders to Nantucket Island, Massachussets.....I'm so proud and this truly the best Thanksgiving. He is off base today and is eating with a family in Cape May. He will be off base all day and might be able to call again later....

cherrystate said...

Our son is spending today with a host family and Cody, Gideon and Courtney of PAPA-182. The host family is super nice he said and are also providing in addition to a full Thanksgiving spread, a comfy living room, t.v, telephone and internet access. Very comforting to know.

StephKane said...

Finnaly hear of my husband a couple of times today too! :) it feels good...! His voice his breaking down from the yelling too! :)

PRcoastiemom said...

Yeah, we got our call!! Just after sitting down to eat, the phone rang. We had it on speaker during the whole meal and it was like having him home for Thanksgiving. What a special day! He has made some good friends: rackmate, SR Desroches, and SR Helms, and SR Schubert. He is excited about his duty station USCGC KISKA in Hilo, Hawaii. Doesn't know when he must report but I hope it is after Christmas! Happy Thanksgiving Papa families!! So much to be grateful for....

Anonymous said...

Finaly...my husband called this moring and woke me up. I was so excited to just hear his voice again. He is a little sick right now and says that many of the recruits have slight sinus and upper respiratory infections. He was so excited to get to talk to me, and we just kept talking over one another, we just had so many things to say, and questions to ask. He said that there were so many people volunteering their homes to the recruits today that many families that volunteered to take 6-8 recruits could only take 2-4....i think this is just wonderful that so many people opened their homes today for our loved ones THANK YOU ALL. Shawn got to call me again this evening before they headed back to the base....it was a lot more emotional. Mostly goodbye's, i love you's, and miss you so much. I am going to spend the rest of the evening recovering from the bittersweet phone calls! Love you honey...see you in just 22 more days!! I also found out we are stationed in Alabama....not our first choice, but just glad we will be back together!!

C J said...

I heard from SR Julie jan'e twice today. She was with 3 other recruits and had a wonderful dinner. I left a voicelmail thanking the family. Julie is one of the sick ones with the cold. She also said pink eye is going around too. She is going to Puerto Rico for her duty sataion. Her CC said why join the Ccoast Guard to get stationed back home? Go out and experience life. Good advise. And I live in Florida. Just across the pond from PR. Julie said she is leaving right after graduation so I am not staying the extra day like I thought. I am still looking for flights. Hope everyone heard from theoir loved ones and had a Happy Thanksgiving. C J

binder family said...

We heard from our son SR Binder many times today. He is headed to Honolulu Hawaii on the USCGC Rush. We are so excited for him Happy Thanksgiving to all Papa's families. We can't wait until Decembers graduation.

Hlubas said...

To SR Reed, I hope you now appreciate sleeping in Gran's basement until 2pm. Those days are behind you, and so they should be. Only a few more weeks to go and before you know it, you'll achieve one of the first great accomplishments of your life. Now you know you are capable, we'll expect many more in the years to come. The Freehold, NJ clan is looking forward to graduation, so hang in there and try to stop singing before they toss you out. As far as a PAPA song, I couldn't quite come up with another one, but how about "MAMA Tried", by Merle Haggard (Done by Bob Weir and the Dead as well). I know your Mama tried, and we're all thrilled your outcome is quite a bit different.

MOM said...

Hello Papa Families! Hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I Got my phone call!!! It was so wonderful talking with her. She sounds great! She sure had alot of stories to tell. And many more to share later. Only a couple more weeks! Y'all hang in there !


MOM said...


Sounds like my daughter Courtney was with your son for Thanksgiving!! It ade my heart at ease knowing she was with others! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that many of us heard from our recruit! It felt good, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Anonymous said...

My husband mentioned that they have been taking many pictures of the recruits during training and that I should watch out for them on the web....does anyone know where these photo's may be posted?

PRcoastiemom said...

The new bolg is posted. It sounds like they are really coming together as a company at long last. Keep it up Papa 182! Only three more weeks!

momendad said...


Happy to help! Enjoy graduation. By the way, it is dress casual and many men wear ties and jackets. Any question we can help with, please ask. That goes for other PAPA families whom may be reading this blog.

angel said...

Hello All, SR Womack's momma here, yes we got our phone call, and it was so nice. It was emotional though at the same time, he had a lot of stories to tell but he was also very emotional at the same time. I know that Thanksgiving is his favorite time of year, so maybe just not being at home was a little too much for him. He was able to participate in Operation Fireside which is such a wonderful thing that the people of Cape May do for them. He said that the family was very nice and he had a good time. I just encouraged him to keep his head up and stay strong only 3 more weeks to go. Well I hope that everyone had a good holiday, I'm sure we all did once we got those phone calls. Take care it is getting closer to Dec. 18. Take care,

Kim said...

Hi Connie, Its SR Nash's mom, Kim, My apologies for getting back to you so late. We are about two hours NOrth West of NYC;along the Delaware River, three miles from the Pennsylvania border. There is a lot to see in NYC; I would start from the top of the list: Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Battery Park, Rockefellar Center, Empire State Building, State Building, United Nations. You can contact us at ewheat@hvc.rr.com and we can give you more information. Talk to you soon Kim :-)

Anonymous said...

Just got a quick 5 minute, all business, phone call from my husband...so wonderful and unexpected to hear his voice again! Just checking to make sure I have made all the travel arrangments! All done honey, see you in 19 days!

C J said...

I ma looking into flying in Atlantic City on December 17th. Is anyone flying there and if so can I get a ride to Cape May. I don't drive anymore. I do know my daughter SR Julie Jane't is leaving right after graduation to fly home to get her "stuff" ready. I will be staying in Atlantic City overnight and leaving on the 19th so I can "play" a little.

PRcoastiemom said...

Thanks for the info Kim. Turns out we may not be visiting NYC afterall as my son wants to come straight home before he must leave for Hawaii. Can't say that I blame him. He will be stationed a long, long, way from home and his friends. I am trying to request an extra two days off from work before graduation so my husband and I can visit NYC but Dec, is the busiest time of year in an OR and it seems unlikely.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't gone already....everyone check out the facebook page....there is a you tube video of Papa 182 running, wonderful to get a glimpse into their world!

Barbara said...

I finally saw Hank in the running vedio. Thanks for the headsup. Where did that come from?

Barbara said...

Good night Monday!! Hello Tuesday!!! I've come to love that day!!!

Anonymous said...

i hear you barbara....i sometimes stay up till midnight just hoping maybe it will get posted early!!

MOM said...

Hello Tuesday!!! Now that we are nearing the end for us and the beginning for them, I find myself more anxious than ever. My sweet little baby girl has already transformed, I can tell in just the little contact we have been able to have. Good for her!!! It will be off to cold Ohio for her, my San Diego girl. Gonna tell Santa to bring her lots of warm clothes! Good luck to all of you Papa families and most of all, Good Luck to our brave recruits! I dhave many proudd moments of parenthood, but this takes the cake!


MOM said...

How come PAPA is the last to post thier journals??? I can't hardly stand it!


PRcoastiemom said...

Kim, Yeah! My time off was granted. My husband and I will stay at the Sheraton in NYC on Dec 15th and 16th. Plan to visit St. Patrick's, Statue of Liberty, 5th Ave, Empire State Bldg. Is that too much for a couple of days? I am so excited! 1st time to NYC and my son is graduating! Let the count down begin! We will be staying at the Madison Ave Beach Club Motel in Cape May on Wd night. Anyone else gonna be there? Connie Callahan

Lori said...

Hi all.... 16 days and counting
We will be arriving into Atlantic City from Ft Lauderdale Wed driving to Cape May and staying at the Congress Hall hotel ....can't wait to meet everyone. Can you believe our recruits are almost done. Nick will be stationed in Nantucket, cold but beautiful...
See you all soon

C J said...

what time will you be landing in Atlantic City? I will be arriving at 11:55 am. If I could get a ride into Cape May I would appreciate it. I don't drive. I haven't booked my hotel yet. Still checking on rates. C J

MOM said...

Hello All PAPA families!! I am coming in to NJ thursday. Stayingat the Grand Hotel. Can't wait to see my daughter!!! Good luck and safe traveling to all!!!


Barbara said...

It is so exciting to see the travel arrangements finalized. It can only mean we are on the home stretch. I've booked a small bus to get our family and friends to Cape May for the graduation. We agreed that it is important for us all to be together, so Cape May here we come.

angel said...

Hello all, SR Womacks mom here. I haven't posted in awhile but I still go on everyday and read all the comments. This blog is very special and helpful. Anyway I can't believe we are so close. Just a few short weeks ago, we were all flipping out and about to lose it. It is so funny if you read back over some of the older blogs you can tell how everyone's anxiety level has come down a bunch of notches. Well we got our graduation information letter, so it seems we are down home stretch, got next week and then we will have our turn. The best company the coast guard has ever turned out PAPA-182. I think that all these young men and women are exceptional really not just PAPA. Take care and see you soon. Congrats to November-182 on tomorrow. Semper Paratus.

Kim said...

Hi Connie, I'm so excited for you that you got your time off. NYC is an exciting place to visit. St. Patrick's is a beautiful cathedral - remember to say a prayer and light a candle. I think you guys will have a lot of fun. We are on the homestretch now and looking forward to graduation and seeing our son. We are staying at the Grand Hotel and hope to meet you and other families of Papa 182. Kim

Unknown said...

Hi Matt Western,

I hope all is going well with you. Justin visited Carroll and your art teacher asked about you and said to say hi. Also, Meggy H. also said to say hi. Justin was asked to come back in the spring for ODP. I am proud of you.


Barbara said...

No Fair, What's up with the pictures of Quebec 182, We have been waiting longer!!

angel said...

Hey Barbara, I agree with you, where are the pictures of PAPA-182. Oh well we are almost done.

Barbara said...

Hi Papa Peeps, I missed Hanks call because I was sitting at the Rutgers game in the snow. If you are talking to your SR please tell him to tell Hank to call back, I have so many questions!!!!

PRcoastiemom said...

Got a call from Brian today during Papa's on-base liberty. He said he was on his way to buy candy and soda! And, you don't realize how much we miss entertainment like music, TV and gameing. He is not suffering from his small pox shot but some others are and..he is so relieved he has his wisdom teeth out already. He said that they don't knock'm out, they just use local and some of the guys come back with jaws a mile wide (due to swelling). They get "green belts" for a couple of days which means lighter physical exertion. Oh, and the guys are all talking about "my mom is friends with your mom"..from Nick and Justen. They sound good..can't wait to meet them and congratulate them all in person. See you soon!

MOM said...

So sad!!! Missed my daughter Courtney's call on Saturday. She called twice and I was shopping with no reception. That stinks!!! Hopefully will hear this coming weekend!


Unknown said...

Hi SR Reed: Just heard that you'll be heading our way. Can't believe it. Good luck with graduation and we look forward to having you so close to us.

jbeard said...

Papa 182 Mom....don't feel too bad, I missed my son's calls on Sat (SR Beard)..I think he had a liberty with the drill team...bummer that it went to voice mail and I missed it.Looking forward to the 18th...see you all then!!

cherrystate said...

We still have not received a call from our son SR Gochez his last one being on Thanksgiving Day. I know where he's stationed and our travel plans due to our last conversation but wouldn't as part of protocol still call home when everyone else did?
Any insight would be appreciated.

ml said...

SR/Pugh (Romeo 182)

Know how proud we are of you. Stay strong, focused and on target. Graduation will be here soon. Hope you got our last letter that had been returned to us. We love & miss you.

MOM said...


The only other call I got was saturday, and I missed it. I believe she had a on site privledge. I know that there are so many things for them to do, and time goes fast. Don't feel bad. maybe this saturday when thet should get off site privledge.


MOM said...

Whats up with PAPA??? No new journals yet, and lots of pics and info on Quebec 182. Isnt tuesday the day for journals?


Barbara said...

We have moved pages that means another new company has entered into Cape May. Getting closer to Dec 18. I have so much to do!@!!

gshepard said...

Hi SR Eanes Wow the time is moving but we are really Missing you I can still hear your voice ringing I'm okay and I know that your are. You are strong and will be that just fine. We are looking forward to your Graduation and being able to tell you how proud we are of You over and over again. Yes we know that you will do whatever you set your Heart and Mind to and with putting God first you will achieve. We Love you and stay Encouraged. Love Your Mom

C J said...

I am so excited to see my daughter SR Julie Jane't. I still haven't booked a hotel. I will do that this weekend. Fly up, spend the night, see all of Papa graduate and we will fly home. She will be home for Christmas. Yeah! The she is off to Puerto Rico.

PRcoastiemom said...

8 more days until I can hug my son again!

Lori said...

To my wonderful son SR Cavaciuti,
Words cannot express the pride I feel in my heart as you come down to the last week of your basic training and you begin your future. I am so happy for you that you are finally happy with yourself and that you have made the right decision. I'm sure you are very proud that you have accomplished this great feat and you should be. It takes a speical person to accomplish what you have done in the last 8 weeks and I admire your strength that you have set for yourself. Seeing you in your uniform will not only prove to me that you have become a man but also that you know you have become that man. You are my life, Nicky and I'm so very proud of you. I love you, MOM
Can't wait to see you

Barbara said...

Lori, You have said so much of what I also feel for my son Henry (Hank). For the last few days I've have been at a lose for words. As hard as that is for my family to believe. Off base liberty is this weekend and Hank has asked me not to come down to see him. I hope that means the new Hank is ready to experience the outside world as an adult.

Lori said...

I hope SR Cavaciuti can call home tomorrow, we are Jewish and I am having 40 people for dinner to celebrate Hanukkah....so we can put Nick on speaker phone and everyone can hear him and wish him congrats and Happy Hanukkah. !!!! yeah !!!! He will truly be missed tomorrow, but we will ake it up to him when he comes home ! One week to go....I can hear my heart already....

Barbara said...

PAPA is the Big Man now!!! We are next!!!!!!

Barbara said...

I just spoke to Hank!!!! 5 More Days I can't wait!!!!

Unknown said...

SR Western,

It was good hearing from you yesterday. If I don't make it to graduation, make sure someone videotapes it so I can see it! Can't believe we are having a baby girl in 30 days!! We are so close! We will see you soon..

Much Love from your wife, Sydney, & unborn daughter, Maddie

coastiemombarker said...

FYi.. from a recent graduates Mom.
UNLIMITED guests at graduation.
They do a fabulous job and everyone is welcome. Some people from the Cape May community even come for the ceremony. Wear comfortable shoes, there is a bit of walking (even with the jitney).
Layer your clothes as the gym is warm but it is WINDY in Cape MAy. Congrats!!! Anyone have a recruit headed to Florida? I'm in Jupiter and always available for another coastie and/or coastie family to contact, meet up, or a hot meal.
Travel safe. Be proud. Bring tissues!

coastiemombarker said...

FYi.. from a recent graduates Mom.
UNLIMITED guests at graduation.
They do a fabulous job and everyone is welcome. Some people from the Cape May community even come for the ceremony. Wear comfortable shoes, there is a bit of walking (even with the jitney).
Layer your clothes as the gym is warm but it is WINDY in Cape MAy. Congrats!!! Anyone have a recruit headed to Florida? I'm in Jupiter and always available for another coastie and/or coastie family to contact, meet up, or a hot meal.
Travel safe. Be proud. Bring tissues!

PRcoastiemom said...

Congratulations Papa -182! It was wonderful to see them in there handsome uniforms and meet the blog moms! Let's keep in touch via blogging. We did it moms! We survived boot camp! Now, on to new locations,adventures, and to missing them all over again.

PRcoastiemom said...

After a wonder Christmas holiday, we once again prepare to launch Brian with feelings of pride and sadness. Watching the sib,lings say their goodbyes is heart wrenching. Although an ocean will separate us, I anticipate that it won't be as difficult as those first few weeks of training without communication. Thank heaven for cell phones and computers! Good luck Papa families and best wishes to papa grads. please keep in touch. Connie in California.

Barbara said...

Yes saying Good Bye this time was difficult. Thank God Hank saved everything for the last possible second, it took our minds off of everything. By the time he was on his way I was exhusted. He made it to Memphis and is now on his way to his new CO in Arkansas. Good Luck to All of the new Guardians. God Be With You.

GM2 Sutton said...

5 years later.....Thanks mom

GM2 Sutton said...

5 years later...

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