Friday, September 24, 2010

Charlie 184

Good Evening -
Recruits that arrived on 9/21/2010 formed as Charlie 184.

Please send letters of support to:
CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083

Graduation for Charlie 184 is scheduled for November 12, 2010. The company commanders for Charlie 184 are OS1 Moon, ET1 Ross, and MST1 Kaseman


Linda said...

Felecia Constable Happy Birthday!!!! We are so proud of you:) We love and miss you! Good luck to you and everyone in your company!!!!!
Love Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Felecia! Happy Birthday :)! I lovee you a lot! And miss you very much! Hope your havin fun..... :)

Scotty said...

Felecia Constable my wife Happy birthday!!!! im so proud of you for doing this!!! your going to be great i love you very much and miss you.
Good luck charlie 184

Unknown said...

Hi Cam! Hope all is going well. We miss you but are so proud of you and know you're going in the right direction, keep on going!!! Love Dad & Mom

Mary said...

Jimmie we are so proud of you! Good luck company charlie 184!!! We love you! Love Mom, Dad, Taylor, Morgan and Ryleigh!

Mary said...

Jimmie we are all so proud of you! Good luck Company Charlie 184!!! Love You! Love Mom, Dad, Taylor, Morgan and Ryleigh.

Sheila Chenoweth said...

Hey Brandon,
Hope you are doing great. everyone misses you very much. Good luck to you and your company.
Love mom and dad

Unknown said...

Hey Brandon! Just wanted to say we love you and we miss you very much. We are so proud of you. Good luck to you and everyone in your company!

We love you!
Janet, James, & Jaycee

Atkinson said...

Joshua Atkinson,
Mom, Dad, Christian, Hannah and Friends love, miss ya and are so proud of you. Your going to be an awsome Coast Guardsman. Congratulations to Charlie 184 for making the decision to Serve and Protect! We are so proud of all of you!

Dracovis said...

Good luck, Korrena! We'll see you when we're out!

Barb said...

Samantha Montgomery,we are so proud of you for the direction you have taken in your life, be strong and be proud charlie 184, good luck Sam and all :)
We miss you very much and cant wait to see you November 12th.
Mom,Dad, Kyle,Jessica and cant forget
Mylo,Bocephus,Zeke and Butch
love you

JAN said...

Hey Cody Castle.. We miss you already and are so proud of you. Good luck to you and Charlie Company 184!!! Show them what you got!! Thinking of you every day... Love Mom, Mandy, Zack, Ted and Cooper. Hugs!!!!

Tina said...

Hey Brandon,
We miss you very much and are so proud of you. Good luck to everyone in your company and of course you to.

Love you,
Michael, Tina, Camden

Unknown said...

Felecia..met your mom and dad at homecoming =) They are so proud....and so am I! Put everything else out of your mind. For everyone in Charlie 184 - when you come out of this on the other side in November, people are going to look at you differently...and it's going to feel good. Thinking of you Felecia!


Linda said...

Felecia, just thinking about you and how you are doing. Just wanted to say hello and I love you! Good luck to you and all of Charlie 184!! See you in November :) Love mom

DON said...

Felecia "BUG" so very proud of you I know you're going to be great because you're a strong leader good luck to you and all of charlie 184 Love Always Dad XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Shayne said...

WESTON PAYNE, we love you SO much!!! We are SO proud of you! NEVER look back!!!! Good luck and we miss you more than anything.

Barb said...

Hello Sam, thinking of you everyday and wondering what you are doing on a daily basis, hope all is well :)
very proud of you and miss ya very much.
7 weeks to go,
good luck charlie 184
love ya
mom n dad

Barb said...

Hello to all family of charlie company 184, very proud parents we are :)I am
really enjoying everyones comments to there loved ones. we really miss our girl and know you all do as well, proud of them all and cant wait for the graduation day to come.
7 weeks to go.
love ya sam
hugs to all
god bless

Teresa said...

Trevor Gick

We are so proud of you! Stay strong and keep your head up! :)
Good luck Charlie 184

Love Mom, Steve & Sis

LindaR3722 said...

Matthew...Love you and Miss you ! We are so proud of you ! Love Mom, Mike, Michael, Hannah and Tara :-)

Shayne said...


We love you and miss you! Sending you tons of LUCK!!! Good luck company Charlie 184!!!!

Mom, Dad, Garrett, Gracie, Pippy, Barkley and Rico

Anonymous said...

Very proud of you, SR SWILLEY! Praying for you everyday. See you on Nov 12!

Love you LOTS!

Dana M said...

Samantha Montgomery, were all so verry proud of you, hope you are well can't wait to hear from you. Love Dad

easyday129 said...

Hilary, Awesome job girl! We are very proud of you. This will forever change your life and will bring you much success. I hope that you havent gotten too waterlogged with all the rain! We are thinking about you everyday,and thank you for the letter to me, and to your grand parents, we love them! Stay focused and remember nothing lasts forever, you'll be done before you know it! Love from all of us, Dad

Bob said...

Jarred, Mom & I are very proud of you. Stay Strong and Alert. We miss you and love you.

Mom,Dad, Amanda

Anonymous said...

I miss you more everyday, but it's okay because I know you're doing an amazing thing. I'm so proud to be your girlfriend. Keeping doing your best and good luck to you, Jarred, and all of Charlie 184. I love you, Delaney

Kim&Mark said...

Hey Matt - Glad you're doing great before you know it the 8 weeks will be behind you! we're so proud of you Love & Miss you - Dad, Kim, Tori and the boys

Linda said...

Felecia, just wanted to thank you for the letter. We were glad to hear from you. We miss and love you !!!!! Keep up the good work it will pay off!!!!
Good luck to all in Charlie 184

Unknown said...

Hi Cam, Hope you are doing well :) Heading into week 3 already, stay strong and positive! So PROUD of you, we can't say it enough. We all love and think about you and your company every day.
Love Mom and Dad

Colleen said...

I am so proud of you, and I feel so blessed to be your fiancee! I love you very much; I know you are doing great! I miss you and can't wait for you to be home.

Cinda said...

Matt, We are very proud of you. We love and miss you very much.
Roger, Cinda and Cheyenne

Barb said...

Sam, we recieved your letter and so happy to hear from you, glad everything is going good, keep up the positive attitude and stay strong girl :)
Love ya
Mom n Dad

DON said...

Hello my Felecia "BUG" I really enjoyed your letter you funny girl,glad to here everything is going good for you,I miss you a lot looking forward to november , will write to you again. LOVE DAD XOXOXOXOXOXO

Teresa said...

Trevor, Miss you lots! Keep your head up and NEVER GIVE UP!:) We know you can do this! We Love You LOTS! We are SO PROUD!

Christin said...

Matt, I am so proud of you and the decisions you have made. I am honored to be your fiancée. I cannot wait to see you in November!! I Love you! Christin

Shayne said...


Been thinking about you!I know your doing well! We miss you..Love you always

mom dad Garry

Sgt Julie Love (Ret) said...

Hey everyone - we have a facebook page set up for Charlie 184 families and friends. Come join us there and get tons of info and share in the experience as families of recruits together. You will see pictures posted of recruits at graduations and videos of their off base runs. You may even spot your coastie! Here is the link and I hope you join us there!!/group.php?gid=120299524691998&ref=ts

Nikki said...

John Sullivan,
I'm so proud of you! I miss you so much! I know you're staying strong. Good luck to you and the rest of Charlie 184! Can't wait to see you in November!
Love Nikki

Cheyenne said...

I am so proud of you. We miss you and can't wait to see you and I know Jayden can't wait either we love you lots !! :D


Atkinson said...
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Atkinson said...

We miss you more and more each day, but we are hanging in there. We know you are too! Keep the letters coming, everyone is asking about you always! Love to you and all in Charlie 184. We are so proud of all of yall! Mom and Dad

Sheila Chenoweth said...
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Sheila Chenoweth said...

Just wanted to let you know that we miss you everyday. You've almost made it thru week 3. Hang in there. we love you
Mom and Dad

Barb said...

Miss you Sam,going on your 3rd week,hang in there girl and be strong!
We can't wait for graduation day, Good luck to all of Charlie 184.
LOve you

Dolores said...

Felecia Constable, We miss you and love you lots. Good luck to you and Charlie 184. Love, Aunt Dulcie and Uncle Fred

Linda said...

Hi Felecia! Just thinking about you and wanted to say hi :) Hope all is going well. We miss and love you but will see you soon you are now in week three!!!!! Love Mom xoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hey Cam & Charlie Company, almost done week three! Make the most out of every day you're there. Because every day you complete means you're all one day closer to coming home :) Love you Cam, Mom

Unknown said...

Jimbob & Mom, say ...go nelle go!
you are strong and smart! you can do anything, we love you and we will see you at Graduation.
we are so proud of what you are doing and the woman you are becoming.

JAN said...

Hey CodeMan, Got Your letter yesterday. Really enjoyed reading it. I'm glad there feeding you good. Stay Strong and Focused. See you soon. Love Mom

JAN said...

Hey CodeMan, Thinking of you everyday. Stay Strong. Proud to have you for my son. Love Ya Mom

Barb said...

Going on week 4 Sam, hang in there, be strong girl :) mom and dad are proud of you.
miss you very much
love ya

Shayne said...

West....stay strong, be proud of yourself!! going into week 4. We love ya!!!

Mom Dad Garry

Unknown said...

Charlie-184, you are stronger than you think, you can do Anything you want. Focu and work hard.
To My Nelle! Love you thinking about you I know you can do it! MOM

Dawn said...

Jessika We are so proud of you almost there. Keep going. Love you.

Linda said...

Hi Felecia! Your enetering week 4. Keep strong and stay focused! I am so proud of you and all of Charlie 184. Good luck to all of you and keep up the good work!!!!! Love mom xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Press on Philip. Keep up the good work. Dad

Barnes Family said...

Julius Barnes we very proud of you. Go C-184! Keep pushing through and stay strong.

Love & miss you,
Mom, Dad, & Morgan

Unknown said...

C-184 every test makes you stronger
when you meet an obstacle
go over, around, thru it ….work it out
you can do it!
repeat after me…
I CAN DO THIS…and do not stop saying that till its done!
And to My Nelle.... I beleive in you I love you remember your me only better!

Shayne said...

meme...GREAT comment!!!

Company 184 U CAN DO THIS!!!


Love you strong...never look proud of your decisions..I know we are.

Love mom, dad, Garry, Rico, Grace, Pip, Barkley

Unknown said...

every step you take today puts you closer top your goal tomorrow
keep your eye on the "prize" …………….GRADUATION

Unknown said...

To My Nelle... remember your family is with you in spirit and at any time you feel like you can not go on, let our strength lift you and move you forward. We Love you…. MOM

Anonymous said...

My first born, Mandy Meredith, is in this company, we miss her so much but we are so proud of her, my Coast Guard Flag, is in front of house, so the whole neighborhood realizes we have a Coastie. Being so close to the ocean, and not being able to enjoy it sucks, but the water is cold ya

Shayne said...


Thinking about you! I miss you.
3 more weeks Charlie company!!


LindaR3722 said...

Congrats to Charlie 184 for everyone passing the midterm ! To my son SR Matthew Rowe: I'm so proud of you...stay strong, believe in can accomplish anything ! I love you and miss you and cant wait until you are home again xoxo Love " Mum"

Mmoore said...
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Mmoore said...

I am so proud of you! I love receiving all your letters telling me about your accomplishments. I always knew you would do wonderfully! With your dedication, motivation and wonderful personality you were just made to spell out success. I'm proud to know that someone like you is serving for our country. I can't wait to see you again, we all miss you so much. Don't ever forget: good things come in small packages my little tot! Best of luck to you and all of your company!
Love you dearly!

Unknown said...

To our Little Coastie Nelle:
Getting your letters is such an inspiration readng what you write shows how much you are loving what you are doing and how much you have grown. You can do antything you put your mind to doing and we are with you in spirit every step of the way. We were not suprised to hear that you were chosen to try out for the Silent Drill Team after all you are one of the chosen few and can accomplish anything. Anytime you need that little extra push just reach down deep inside and you will have our spirit boost you up to overcome any obstacle thrown at you. We Love You very much JimBob, and Mom

Unknown said...

Hi Cam, Of course your first call home is to dad when he's at Home Depot shopping and I was at home so couldn't talk to you! LOL, Ha! Ha! So glad to hear that your doing good and can't wait till I talk to you next time you call, cause you will call me first!!! right??? (just kidding) Love you so much, your'e getting close, won't be long now :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Brandon Chenoweth....we miss you very much and everyone is so proud of you. We can't wait to see you!

James, Janet, & Jaycee

Sam Montgomery said...

Hey Charlie 184.. I hope everyone is doing great! I just got back home. I miss being in company and I plan on doing it again as soon as I can. My discharge allows me to come back. So as soon as I get everything all straightened out I hope to come back! =) Good luck! You're almost done!

Linda said...

Felecia, just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you!! You are stronger then you think. Can you believe you have less then 3 weeks left. I miss and can not wait to see you in 18 days!! Stay strong, you and everyone in Charlie 184!! We all have a lot to be proud of :)Love and miss you.

Unknown said...

almost there girl! your doing a great JOB keep going, always do your best!
see you soon
love you MOM

Shayne said...

hard to believe your almost done. When I see you on graduation day you will be a new man. All of Charlie will have changed. I am so proud of you. 2 more weeks.....whooooo hoooooo

Love mom

Grandma said...

Hey Jesse Mc: Hope you get this. You know I am not that good with this technical stuff. Just wanted to say that Grandpa and I are very proud of you. Remember, you are closer to the finish line than to the starting line. We know you will finish strong. Grandpa said "be careful" and he knows that you are growing .....:) See you at graduation Love, Hugs, Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa P

Grandma said...

Hey Jesse: Just wanted to let you know that Grandpa and I are very proud of you. Sorry we all missed your phone call Saturday. Remember what I said, you are closer to the finish line than to the start line. Dig deep, have a "can do" attitude and you will finish every time. Love, Hugs, Kisses xxx000xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Nelle,
we will see you soon, Keep Going Charlie Company almost there. Great Job everyone!