Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tango 184

Good Afternoon Family and Friends of T184.
Tango 184 arrived on 3/1/2011 and are scheduled to graduate on 4/22/2011.

Please send letters of support to:

CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083

The company commanders for T184 are AMT1 Rosas, AMT1 Guillen, and AMT1 Couch.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Devan, Can't wait to hear about the boot camp adventure. I know you will do great. We are so proud of you! Love you and miss you so much already - Mom & Dad

Gloria Valles said...

Lucas, we are all doing great! We are praying for you and the T184 members. Remember I have always been proud of you, imagine now :)
Mom (-g-)

Tom said...

Brian - I know you are doing great and you are up to meeting any challenges that your commanders give you and your shipmates. Everyone is fine at home and we are all very proud of you.

Unknown said...

SR Benjamin Nunez, We love and miss you so very much, just remember you can do this! NO matter what not a second goes by me and the boys do not miss you! 43 days and we will be with you again, and you will have to pry us off! Love Always,
Emily, Liam and Chad

Sgt Julie Love (Ret) said...

We have a facebook page up for Tango 184. Its a great place to keep in touch with other families and you might see pics and video of the company! Come join us! Here is the link:


Brittany said...

Rob, You are being lifted so high by our prayers here at home. We love and miss you and are so proud of the sacrifice you are making for us! Know that you can do this! All our love, Brittany and Abigail

Unknown said...

Michael, We are thinking of you and hope you are doing well. Loki misses you! We'll get another letter off to you this week. We gave your address to H. and she posted it on Facebook.
Love from Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Richie my love, I miss you so much. Pray you are doing well and that this time goes by swiftly. I pray that you and your team do well... I'm proud of you for taking this big step for our future... Love you bunches... Amy aka. Richies Smalls

Anonymous said...


me and ma love you very much....we are so proud of you....

take care

mom and dad

Unknown said...

Hope things are going well for all of you as you enter your third week. Looking forward to the first post! I have started to clean Parker's room, I am really counting on those in command getting even on my behalf!!! And of course hoping nothing but the best experience for Parker and all!

Wendy said...

Hey Curtis, cant wait to hear about all the boot camp fun your having. I have my own boot camp fun cleaning your room. Wow! impressive mess. I love you and can't wait to see you again. Your dad and I are so proud of you. Be strong like the oder in your room;)-love ya, Mom

Charlene said...

Gary - I miss you dearly, but I know you are doing great! I'm so proud of you and what your accomplishing!! Can't wait to see you in a little bit..I love you!

Unknown said...

Parker, Grampa and I are anxious to hear what you have to share with us. We are proud of you and miss you. Love from us in Floriston.

Unknown said...

Austin, We are sooo proud of you and we love you so much. I know you'll do great, and remember that God is always with you giving you strength and wisdom. Miss you baby - Pants!

Tom said...

Brian - It's hard to believe that this is your third week of Basic Training. I know it's hard and demanding on you and your shipmates but stay "with it." The final goal will be something you will always be proud of. Everyone at home is fine and still doing well and we all care about you.

Unknown said...

Katelyne, I am sooo proud of you and i KNOW for a fact your pullin through this like we talked about your brothers and sisters are doing great and look forward to hearing from you-you got this Dad

Unknown said...

I just wanted you to know that I'm so very proud of you. I know that you can pull through this. You are always in my prayers.

Love Mom

The Rile said...

We love you and miss you so much. We know that you will do great things. Stay strong and continue to strive for the best. We are all praying for you and we will see you on April 22nd. Woody says hi.
Love you, Mom

Unknown said...


We are so proud of you! You can do this and we know you will be great! Cant wait to see you on the 22nd. We love you!!!

mom, dad and laura

Frank Bartholomeo said...

SR Nicolas Bartholomeo,
Thinking of you today and how proud we are of you, its worth all your hard work for you and your Team. Been reading the daily journals and know camp isnt easy but have all my faith in you. See you at Graduation. Dad

Unknown said...

Nancy and Wayne Sorensen for SR Sorensen, Kyle..
Think about yo all the time and miss you work hard and keep up the good work, it will be over soon. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love Ya, Mom

LOLA said...

Hi Nathaniel, I am so happy I found this site. I go on everyday now for an update. Its sound like everyone is doing great, we are so proud of you. You are greatly missed.3 1/2 weeks left, Wahoo!!! See you on Easter Sunday Love Mom, Dad and all of us who miss you.

Unknown said...

SR Rizzotto, Nate so proud to hear of your accomplishments. Knew you had it in you, just needed to get it out of you. The USCG and your country is as lucky to have you as you are Honored serve. Love the family.

Unknown said...

SR Harmeling, I am so proud of you! I cant wait to hear how much better you think you did in boot camp then me. Just rememeber Ill be a 2nd class when youre a non-rate!! Miss ya!

-Taylor Hunter

Unknown said...

Lucas, if they let you read these...which is WAY different than what I was allowed to do, I want to say way to go in getting this far with your graduation date so close.

I know Wendy is excited to see you walk down and seal this accomplishment.

Be well and I hope you are having fun man!

- Jeremy

Andy said...

just remember you can perform this! NO issue what not only a 2nd goes by me along using the boys do not skip you!

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