Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New recruit arrivals

Greetings -
Members arriving this evening will form at Mike 181 on Friday.

Please send letters of support to:

CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083

Mike 181 company commanders are: YN1 Durrant and MST1 Leathers.

Graduation is scheduled for June 5, 2009.



calliesmom said...

Go Mike 182, Callie make you Father and I proud. We love you and will always believe in you. They say the first two weeks are the roughest but i am positive you are up for the challenge! I will send my first letter tomorrow.
Love you

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181,team work is key. Learn each others strength."rechargeable 170" you know who you are."Pain is needed" Dig deep inside, that is where leaders hide. Sky,Dil,and TT miss you. You missed the trash today (Wed).I'm proud of you Son!!!!!

skylers mom said...

Mike 181 everyone is cheering you all on. "Rechargeable 170" we miss you and are so very proud of you. Everyone back home is sending their well wishes to you. Keep a clear mind, strong head and determined will and you will do just fine. We are all so proud of you son!!!!!!!Love the Gang

Owen said...

Mike 181 what an exciting and challenging adventure you are all on! If it was easy everyone would do it, and not everyone can be a Coastie! BMAN you have always made us proud, now it is time to make yourself proud, you can do this!
G says, "May your hammer be mighty!" Love your crazy family!

caseysaunt said...

Mike 181, be the best team ever. Casey we are all so proud of you. We know that you and your team are going to make phenomenal leaders some day. Stay positive and meet all your challenges head on.


Aunt S & Uncle R

Theresa said...

Go mike 181, everyone is proud of all of you. Joey we all miss you very much and know your going to do great. Keep strong we are all so proud of you!!

M..... said...

Tuke....We are very proud of you. Stay strong! We love you! Go Mike 181!


Mom, Dad, and Lil Sis

Unknown said...

Buchel,Hi it's mom i am so proud of you. I know it's going to be tough but, hang in there your not missing anything here.We all love you and miss you good luck to you and Mike 181.I'll send a letter soon. Love,Mom

CherylBuchel said...

Brandon. We miss you so much here and I cannot wait to see you graduate! you are going to do wonderful along with the Mike 181. I love you more than anything in the world and I cant wait to see your beautiful face on June 5th. and I will be sending a million letters! I love you! Cheryl

joedit said...

Go Mike 181 Hey joey miss you and we are all proud,keep your feet on the deck and your head in the game serve your country with pride

joedit said...

Go mike 181 Hi joey hope your having fun at boot camp ha ha everybody here is fine no worrys miss you you looking forward to graduation day this time I get to see you walk love mom

Anonymous said...

Nic you should be so proud of yourself because we sure are. If you feel weak dig down and find that strength we both know you have. Remember it's just 8 weeks. Be strong and be proud and be positive. It's all about the climb.
We love you
Mom & George

mymello said...

Come to the edge,' he said.
They said, 'We are afraid.'
'Come to the edge,' he said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew.

Good Luck B! We are so proud of you!

Dad and H

OS2 Dutton said...

This is the first step in one incredible adventure and I couldnt be more proud of you for making the leap. I can promise you times will challenge you both mentally and physically but you will dig deep and find the strength to move forward. When times seem almost impossible remember that we are all right here cheering you on. We are very proud of you and will write to you soon.
Phil and Sara

Unknown said...

Hey Brandon its your little sister ANsley. I miss you and its reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different here without you. I cant wait till you come home. Go MIke 181 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you,Ansley

caseysaunt said...


We're so proud of you.

Maddie & Lacy

Proud of you son, get er done!


Melissa said...

Mike 181, good luck to all! alwarys remember team work is the key and you will all get through this together. bry, we love and miss you!
~ MJ, mom and dad, CD

Red Light said...

Good luck to everyone in Mike 181. Rechargeable 170 I love you. There are lots of letters on their way. I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished and are going to accomplish. Stay strong, I can't wait to to hear from you. Always and forever...

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181, By now you Roller Coaster ride is out of control.Stay strong that's the coastie way. Quitting is never an option. Work it out as a company. 'Rechargeable 170"- Sky says " don't tap out til you pass out. Dil says The mat is open. Bring it on. Dad says " ARE YOU SERIOUS AND DON'T FORGET THE GARBAGE (SAT). The support from family and friends is great, keep them coming!!!!!Rock -On Mike 181 Semper Paratus

DC3 Forestry said...

Rechargeable 170 Mom says Red Punch -stang convertible 2 tone. she owes you 4 punches and she loves you. PS don't forget the garbage on Sat!!!!!If you do forget, incentive training will be needed!!!!

amysmom said...

Hope all is going well for you, Amy. We miss you; stay strong!
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Miguel, I am so proud of you. I know you will do an excellent job. Keep your faith and I will be sending you tons of letters of support. Know that I love you very much and I June 5th will come sooner than you think.
I love you,
Tu nena

Anonymous said...


Chel ask me to post you a note. Chel tried 3 times and I lost it 3 times. She wants you to know that she is home cheering you on and that she loves and misses you.

Your lil sis

amysmom said...

One week almost over!! We love you and miss you!

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181, you guys are coming up on 1 week down. By now you should be coming together as a unit. Fine tune your mission.You are the leaders of the USCG. Keep your heads up and remember team work."rechargeable 170" hang in there,you'll do fine. Should feel like home by now. Think about our house we built together and the fights we had."Red light" painted your room Pink and so stuff that smell like flowers.Push through the pain Dude!!!Love DAD

amyshusband said...

Chin up, cheer up, one week almost done. Lilly and I can't wait to see Amy..love you so much!

Michelle said...

Mike 181 Sarah one down and seven to go hang in there we are proud of you and behind you 100% Give them hell

Mom, Dad, Alex, Lynn

amyshusband said...

Amy stay focused and keep your eye on the ball...love you.

M..... said...

Tuke...Only 7 more to go!! You can do it! We are right here routing you on! So are the puppies! Stay strong..keep your head in the game and focus on team work! Letters on the way. Know we love and miss you so very much!

Your Gonna Be....
Mom, Dad and Lil Sis

EmiDaShogun said...

Alex, this is your bro Emi and Amy, Artie and Mom, all of us here love you very much, dude. We are so proud of you and we are so proud of all of Mike 181! All of you can do it! Just be strong. Remember, Alex, tu tienes sangre Asturiano! You have the blood of an Asturian in you! You can do it! I will be checking back to see if I can see you here! Take care bro! Semper Paratus!

amysmom said...

Grandpa says "Hi". Kevin is amazed at the website; no such thing when he went through!
Stay strong; we love you and miss you!

Red Light said...

Rechargable 170, daddy so lied your room is purple not pink. We miss you at home. I'm hoping you started getting lettters on Saturday. One week down today. I hope everything is going well for you, just remember that I love you. Mike 181 "It's just 8 weeks" Always and forever...

joedit said...

Mike 181 go joey hope your good miss you love mom and dad

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181,Can't wait to see Pic's of your company.Still haven't received the letter from Cape May. I'm proud of all you new COASTIES.Americas finest Men and Woman of the USCG."Rechargeable 170" All your hard work and training will pay off at Boot Camp. Use the Russian,throw the half, choke them out. Coach Lugo said Follow your heart that is where you find strenth. Ps the cookies are coming state champ!!!!!Just Kiding

calliesmom said...

Ok I just noticed I made a few typos on my first post! Correction: GO MIKE 181!!! Callie your Father and I are already so proud of you. 1 week down 7 more to go, stay strond, stay tough. Graduation Day we be here before you know it!! We cant wait to be there! We miss you and love you very much! XXOOXX MOM

Theresa said...

Hey joey its been 1 wk today 7 more to go. I know your doing great! Love and miss you so much! Dutchess says the same! best of luck Mike 181

Melissa said...

bry, one week is over! i got the package in the mail today from the center and also mailed your first letter. i know that you are staying strong!! i miss and love you, MJ

EmiDaShogun said...

Hi Alex, it is me mom, I did not know I could write you on the computer, but your brother showed me, there is a letter on its way, I hope you receive it soon, I am very, very, very proud of you, remember you can do it and you will enjoy the ocean and the weather, I hope it is not that cold over there it is 80's here and beautiful, Arturito just woke up and he is very cranky right now, does not want anything to do with anybody except mom, he is american,spanish, cuban, german af afterall, but he is still my grandson, anyway hope you are doing good, and taking good care of yourself....Love...Mom

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181,you guys rock. Keep each other STRONG. You can and will do this. Your are the Guardians of the Best Maritime organization.
"Rechargeable 170" Momma loves you.Dil got his butt kicked by Coach John today.Practice was great for him.Skye lost a tooth and got 20.00 for it. I'm so proud of you and cant wait to stand next to you and defend this great country. I love you son. Rock-On and bring home the gold ( my coin).

Unknown said...

Brandon,hi it's mom and Cheryl. Cheryl got a letter today from the coast guard. The address is a little bit different from the one we got from this website. So we hope you get our letters! Remember stay strong and we love you very much! and everyone back at home is thinking about you. Good luck to you and Mike 181. This is me cheryl: one week of no smoking!! all for you! I cant wait to see you graduate!!

christopher's Mom said...

Chris...your family and friends are so proud of you for what you are doing. I know its going to be a tough journey but I know you can do it!!! I can't wait to see you on graduation day.

Mom & Dad

Unknown said...

Go Mike 182 you can do it!!! Callie - I think of you every day. Im so proud of you. I run by our Coast Guard station every day and want to let ALL of them know my niece is one of them. Be strong and stay focused. Breath.. ;-) We will see you in 8 weeks. Love Love Love You!!

Unknown said...

I mean Go Mike 181!!!! Sorry Guys. ;-)

Red Light said...

Rechargable 170, 20 dollars for a tooth? That's so not fair. I remember getting like 1.50. Mike 181 Stay strong, only 7 weeks left. I love you babe. I hope you're getting my letters. If not let me know. Always and Forever...

calliesmom said...

A bit of Dislexia going on with your family Callie! we cant keep our 181/182 strait! :) You all hang tough Mike 181, Hell week will be over before you know it. Work together as a team and you will all get through this much easier. I hope you all can see all the posts from family and friends and know that we are all behind you! $20 for 1 tooth? WOW!! :) Callie we all love you and miss you, more letters are on the way I am glad you recieved my first letter. We are all so proud of you. Oma and Poppie love and miss you, when oma figures out how to leave a post she will. In the meantime everyone is sending you letters. Dont be discouraged, the opportunity that awaits you is awesome! We Love love love you.

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony - and all Mike 181. One week gone the next seven will go quickly. We are so proud of you finally getting to do what you wanted so much. I know you are doing a great job and will be a asset to your unit.
Love you
Gram and Gramps Longo

Longo Family said...

Go Mike 181! Anth we are proud of you son. The weeks will fly by and you will be on your way in no time! We know with your focus and strength you will achieve your goals! Good luck to your team, can't wait to see you.

Mom, Dad, and Nick

M..... said...

Tuke...November is on board now. Only 6 and a wake up to go! Stay strong keep your head high. Gina says HI! Lil Sis says..still haven't pawned your stuff! Mom says.. we miss you like crazy but are so very proud of you! Your awesome!Sophia says..Heyo its Rico!?
Roger out, Dad

Unknown said...

Hey Alex:
How are you? I know you're doing great; you're a tough guy. Hang in there and you'll have the best life ever. Angel and Lela send you their love. Cachito & Rocky miss you taking them out.
Love, Tita.

22Vanburen said...

Best wishes Mike-181. Stay strong.
Love you, miss you and are very proud of you. Letters on the way.

Tina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chelsea said...

Hello Keegan this is Chelsea. I absolutely can not wait for you to graduate its going to be very exciting! I hope you got my letters. I know you are going to keep pushing through no matter how difficult it gets up there. I cant wait to see/hear from you again. I miss you and will be here when you get back. Love chels :)

DC3 Forestry said...

Hey Mike 181 Hope you are all doing great. "Rechargable 170" we got your Post Cards, we were so excited to finally hear from you. We all miss and love you very much. Your Skye says hurry home, and remember don't Tap out until you Black out!!!!!

Longo Family said...

Hey Anth,

We got your post card. Hope the weather is as nice as it looks on the card. Mom's got new letters coming your way soon, a few friends too. Miss you all the time and so proud of you it hurts. Stay strong son and charge forward like you always do.

Love Dad

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Hi Anthony: We got your postcard. What excitement to hear from you! Almost two weeks gone already - We know you are doing a fantistic job and we are so proud of you!
Grams and Gramps Longo

Longo Family said...

Hey Ant,
Just wanted to drop by and tell you I miss you back here and I hope your having fun in Cape May. We got your post card today. Can't wait to see you man, your in our prayers, and we miss ya.

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181, Keep your spirits high, you all can do this..Push on!!!you all have a great support team out there-- 56 comments. Cant wait to read the journal from Mike 181 company. Hope camp crud isn't going around. Just remember" Don't let your GUARD down. If you do,you will pay heavy TAXES..."Rechargeable 170" Can't wait to see you". I will be there June 5 for my Coin..Ps You should get the chocolate cookies and big package soon,The camp trip tree pictures also...R U Serious.Love DAD!!!!

Owen said...

Mike 181 sending positive thoughts and California sunshine your way!
Noticed there is a L-181 now so you guys arent the rookies anymore! BMAN love the postcard got your message LOUD and CLEAR and numerous times, no magazines and NO CARE packages... I do think everyone would love my cookies though..but I will refrain.
We miss you and couldnt be prouder,think team work and WE CAN DO IT!! G shouts ~ May your hammer be mighty!!

22Vanburen said...

All are thinking about you and send
their love and support. You can
accomplish all you set out to do.
Stay strong. We love you and are
very proud of you.

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Hi Anthony
Looking at the weather channel looks like you are going to get some warm weather! Good thing you are used to our warm weather here in Northern California. You will probably enjoy it. Keep up the good work eithics that we are sure you are doing. Don't forget those book studies.
Love you

Grams and Gramps Longo

Bones said...

Mike 181 Sarah loved getting your post card makes us feel alot better. You are getting ready to start your 3rd week hang in there and work hard cant wait to see you June 5th

The NO. CAL grandparents Mello said...

Hey Brandon: Glad to see you made it to NJ! The Coast Guard will be happy to have YOU on deck! We're proud of you.

Gma and Gpa in Placerville

Unknown said...

Buchel,Hi it's mom i got your postcard today.I was so happy to hear from you.Remember stay strong only five weeks left.Cheryl is still waiting for the mail to come.I hope you got all of our letters if not you will probally get them all Monday.More letters are also on the way.We all love and miss you very much. Love,mom GOOD LUCK MIKE 181

EmiDaShogun said...

Hi Alex:
Go mijo, it is almost 2 weeks, keep strong and due your best, I am very proud of you and I am happy that you are doing what we know you can do and love to do, being near the water and helping people, just like me, that was the main reason I became a nurse because I love to help people, I received your post card, by now you should have received my letter, another one is on the way, Lela and Tita also wrote a comment, we all love you very much and will see you soon..Love

Anonymous said...

Go Mike 181-Alex! We can't wait to see pics of you in training. Keep your head above the waves and go strong. We are proud of you primo! Jo-Ann, Victoria and Skye xo

jasondbay said...

Anthony Longo...it's Jason Bay, your cool Asian friend. Hope you're having a good time on the East Coast! I'll talk to you in a few months!

calliesmom said...

go Mike 181-Stay strong stay tough. Callie remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! I will talk to you soon. Love MOM

calliesmom said...

PS.....waiting patiently for photos and your first blog! Still no letter or post card. :( maybe tomorrow!

Maureen/mom said...

Hi Kevin- Hope all is going well. Your first few week are just about behind you. Fiday is May 1st and hopefully only 29 days until you graduate. Hang in there we are all so proud of you. Go Lima 181 Love and miss you

Maureen/mom said...

Hi Kev-
How are things going? We are all fine @ home. Dad says to say "Hi" and Matt says "Hi" as well! Did not proof read last message sorry!!!!
We are all thinking about you and miss you. We are looking forward to May 29th. Love and hugs! xoxoxoxo

22Vanburen said...

Hope you've gotten some letters.
More are on the way...aunt g and
grand ma, us, etc. Think of you all the time and all are asking about you.
Looking forward to seeing Mike-181
journal posted this coming week.
Stay strong and focused. We love

Unknown said...

Hey Anthony... Its LT,
Just wanted to say good luck, and stay strong man. I'll talk to you when you get back.
God Bless

Red Light said...

Mike 181, 2 weeeks down 6 to go. Stay strong, everything will go great and everyone is cheering for you. Rechargeable 170, I hope you're getting my letters. I'm excited to see the journal poasts at the end of the week to see what you've been doing. I'm sure you're at the head of the class babe. I love you and can't wait to hear from you again. With all my heart...Always and Forever.


22Vanburen said...

Thinking and praying about you.
2 weeks gone by already. Stay strong and focused.

BLTS Family said...

Anthony, We are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. Acts 27:22 says:(Now I urge you to keep up your courage.) So stay strong and keep your eyes forward because your goal is just around the corner.

calliesmom said...

Hang in there Mike 181! I am sure its tough and seems like 8 weeks is an eternity, but it will all start coming together & comes to an end. Use each others strengths to make up for any weaknesses!Callie I finally got your letter and a postcard! Glad there are several girls there with you! Support one another and you will all do Great. Love you very much Praying for you daily! See you on June 5th!

Longo Family said...

Looks like great weather over there. The kind you like.
Stay strong, we are all pulling for you. You are in our prayers daily. (Remember-You can do anything in Him.) Can't wait to see you. All say HI.

Love and God bless,
Mom, Dad, and Nick

Theresa said...

hey joey, I'm sure its been tough but before you know it ur graduation day will be here! Stay strong cant wait to see you, 6 more wks!! Every1 is doing good...love and miss you <3 Dutchess says hi and that she loves you tooo!!

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony and Mike 181 - Two weeks done and 6 to go. We are sure you are all doing a great job. Stay with it Ant - We are sending our prayers to you every day. Hope you are getting those silly letters I've been sending. Can't wait until we can hear from you. Keep up the good job. Love you so much. Gram and Gram L.

pawpawO said...

Hi mike 181 Sarah can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Grandmaw said hi also and she be seeing you june,5 bye and we love you.

pawpawO said...

Hi mike 181 Sarah can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Grandmaw said hi also andshe be seeing you june,5 bye and we love you.

oma @ poppy said...

Callie, we think of you every day.
we love you and can't wait to see you on June 5th.
love oma&poppy

Unknown said...

Brandon..I finally got your letters yesterday! Im so glad your making it through. We all miss you here very much and I hope your getting my letters. Stay strong Mike 181!! June 5th is not that far away. I love you!

Tamara said...

Go Mike 181 Good Luck to all of you!!!Erika miss you and supporting you 100%. Stay strong and focused. You can do it!!Love you more than that. Mom and Amanda

Unknown said...

Mike 181
Hi Antman, I am so excited for you. Hang in there. My prayers are with you. The goal is worth the journey but REMEMBER TO ENJOY THE JOURNEY you only go that way once. Love you much.
Gram Clancy

Longo Family said...

Mike-181, it is great to see your journal. Stay strong and focused. A little over 5 to go. Every day brings you that much closer. Very proud of you Anthony and all of the men and women in your company for serving your country.

God bless
Mom, Dad, and Nick

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Good Morning Anthony and Mike 181 Another day closer to your goal. Stay strong and you will be there before you know it. Can't wait to see you in that uniform! Prayers every day and Love you so much
Gram and Gramp Longo

Red Light said...

Mike 181, It's nice to finally hear about what you all are going through. It sounds like a lot of hard work but I'm so glad to hear that you are coming together as a team and family. There's nothing more important than having a strong support system. I wish you alll much luck on your up-coming fitness test and I know you all will do great. Rechargeable 170, Good luck baby. You're going to do great. I'm so proud of you and can't wait to start seeing some pictures up here. You mean the world to me and I can't wait to hear from you. I love you. Always and Forever...

Miss Kris said...

Frank and I are very proud of you. We know you will do great things as you begin this new chapter of your life.
looking foward to seeing you in June.
Miss Kris and Mr Frank

Go Mike 181

22Vanburen said...

Stay strong and focused, Mike-181.
Good luck on the upcoming fitness
testing etc. Work as a team and
support each other.
We were glad to read the journal
Miss you, love you and are very, very proud of you. Always in my

DC3 Forestry said...


Jordan's mom said...

Go Mike 181!!! You are all going to make us proud!!! Jordan I know that you are going to do great!!! Dad and I are looking forward to seeing you in June. Stay strong and keep up the hard work! I am very proud of you! LOVE MOM

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181,Life is great in the Guard, it may sound sick but you will look back and say "you miss the Tax paying and training". Push on and Move with the "sence of urgency" You can do it!!!Rechargeable 170-I'm in blue today and proud of you. Chin up Coastie and Rock on. Love Dad!!!!!PS Skye should be losing #2 tooth soon and wants a cell phone with her $$$ to call her BIG Bro.You also miss trash pick-up " More Training is needed" Sis Yes Sir!!!!

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony - Read your units journal last night - I guess I know now that they really keep you busy. That's good - time goes by faster and before you know it you will be finished and on your way. Stay strong. honest and help your unit - We know you are a great asset to everyone.

Love you always

Gram and gramps Longo

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Hi Anthony
I know I already posted a comment to you today - but I had to tell you we got your letter today and we were so excited to get it. I sent a letter today and will keep them coming (even if I can't think of much new to say) You'll just have to hear everything twice. I do that anyway don't I? We think of you every day (all day) also. And rest assured Gramps is VERY proud of you - now and always. We know you miss everyone, but hang in there - you will be done before you know it.

Love You

Grams and Gramps Longo

Suzie QZ said...

Dear Mike 181 families..
Just wanted you guys to know about the Family Forun blogsite at USCG.org
It's filled w/tons of valuable info and tons of support from families and friends of companies ahead of Mike. It's been such a great lifeline to the families.
Proud Mom of SR Quinlan India 181
Graduation May 8th

Red Light said...

Mike 181, So much to do so little time. Keep it up, keep your spirits up, and keep up all the hard work you guys are putting in. Everything will work out and just remember marching past the graduating companies on Fridays and remember that will be you in a month. Rechargeable 170, I love you and miss you so much but it was so nice to hear from you. I wish things weren't so hard and i wish that it was June 5th just as bad as you do. Soon enough baby and I can't wait to be walking up to that field to see you. Keep up all your hard work and remember that I'm always rooting for you here at home. Always and Forever...

ashleysmom said...



Longo Family said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
22Vanburen said...

Thinking of you all the time and
sending our support - 100%. When I
flipped that calendar today, I thought how fast 3 weeks has gone by. Almost to the half way point and. Stay strong and focused. Keep
that team work up. Love you. Proud of you. Cant't wait to see Mike 181.

Longo Family said...

Anth and Mike 181. Three weeks down and five to go. I’m sure it seems slow moving but the end is in sight and bright futures for all. Stay strong son, my heart is with you everyday. Many people have asked about you and I fill with pride so much it’s hard to speak. Continue to be a leader and push hard through the tough times. I can’t wait to see you graduation day.
Love Dad

Unknown said...

Morning Antman and Mike 181
Read your journal, lots going on. Hope the swimming went well. Keep up the good work all of you. The whole company will be in church prayers this weekend. Love you, Use His strength. G and G Clancy

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Happy Saturday Anthony and Mike 181. Hope this day goes well for all of you. Grandpa sent you a letter. You know how proud he and I are of you. Think of you every day - all day! He wanted to know why I was crying when your letter came - because I was so happy!! You and all of Mike 181 are on our Church prayer list You are all awsome young people. Keep up the good work - won't be long now. Gram and Gramp Longo

PBlondie38 said...

Way to go MIKE 181 past the hardest part. Will I'm so proud I love you and miss you looking forward to graduation. You have many many letters coming your way.
love you

22Vanburen said...

Hope all are doing well. May is here and it will fly by. Keep up the good work and continue team
work. Love you. Always in my thoughts and prayers.

Longo Family said...

More letters on the way, Anth.
Keep it up Mike-181! Be a support to each other and let yourselves be supported. So many of us are proud of the commitment you are giving to our country. The Greatest Country in the world.

Lots of love, support, and prayers,
Mom, Dad, and Nick

Theresa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theresa said...

3 wks down! Stay strong MIKE 181 and continue to work as a team. June 5th is on the way!! Joey we miss and love you. Cant wait to hear from you again. <3

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony and all Mike 181. Today starts your 4th week ! Almost half way there! Stay the course and keep your eyes on the finish. We are so proud of you for choosing to serve your country. Gramps is bragging about you all the time! and so do I. Remember that we love you and are so proud of you.
Grams and Gramps Longo

christopher's Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
christopher's Mom said...

Hi Chris...I received your letter the other day, it was good to hear from you. You sounded so positive and upbeat. Everybody is asking about you even Greg stopped by the house to see if we heard anything. I can't wait for them to post some pictures of M-181. Keep up the teamwork and positive attitude. We all miss you very much.

Mom, Dad & Amanda

papacudgie said...

Hey Recharable 170, love you miss you. Garm & poppa cudgie. Hope to see you soon. Monday night got a date with your mom and your sister. We will eat some burgers and fries for you. Love you know who (macgiver)

Melissa said...

stay strong m181 almost at the halfway point! i wish that you could see all the support that your friends and family have for you!!!1

on another note, to anyone finding it hard to cope, i joined a website called coastiechicks.net... it has been very supportive and has virtually every answer to all of my questions!!!! anyone with questions on boot camp and "how to,s" you should definitely sign up!!!!!

DC3 Forestry said...

Mike 181, Hope you all are getting these bloggs. Push on, you can do this. Looking foward to see the company on June 5th. "Rechargeable 170" Thanks for the letter you sent us. Keep your head up, you know who you are. Coasties Rock!!!!I'm proud of you and Mike 181. By the way, you guys have 114 Comments posted. Alot of support out there!!!!! Keep it strong....,.

M..... said...

Tuke..Week 4!! You got this in the bag! Stay strong! I loved your letter. Thank you for the Birthday wishes..you still owe me a dinner!
Pictures on the way as well as more letters. Sending lots of hugs and tons of love! Mom

Unknown said...

Hi Antman and Mike 181! Hope this week brings more of everything you need. I learned that a pearl is the result of an irritation. Your company is going to be an awesome string of pearls,knit tight and fitting comfortably together and beautiful to behold. We are proud of you all and you willingness to serve your country. Love Gram C

Unknown said...

Hey, big guy! How are you? By now things should be getting easier but we knew you could do it. Never a doubt.
Just hang in there, just a few more weeks. You're tough!
Papo, we are sooooooooooooooo proud of you! Keep going.
Tita, Angel, Lela, Rocky & Cachito

Theresa said...

Go MIKE 181 your half way there!! Continue to work as a team, stay strong and keep up the good work! It was great to hear from you again Joey! Always thinking about you, cant wait to see you. Love and miss you <3

Dutchess & Theresa xoxo

Jordan's mom said...

Jordan. Hey its mom!!! How's it going buddy? I read the weekly jornal for your company and it sounds like you guys are doing great. Keep up the hard work. I am so proud of you! I cant wait to see you in June!!! Love Mom

Go MIKE 181!!!

kharalyn1023 said...

Hey Mike-181! You have less then a month to go and from reading your blog you guys seem to be right on track. Pay attention in your classes because you will be using that information as soon as you go to your first duty stations. Hang in there the best is yet to come! I am so proud of you SR Tardio! I love you and give them 100%!
-SN Tardio

joedit said...

Go mike 181 Joey hope your felling how special it is to be part of a brotherhood and how inportant team work is

22Vanburen said...

Stay strong Mike-181. Read your
journal entry and wish you all
good luck on your mid-term.
Continue to support eack other and work as a team. Can't wait to see all of you in June.
Love and prayers.

Longo Family said...

It was great to see your journal this week. Tell your journalist "great job" keeping us informed. Keep staying strong. Your company seems to be getting the hang of things. The good thing is everyday starts new.
Inspirational Thought:
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. Henry Ford

Many thoughts of strength coming your way MIKE-181.

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony - Mike 181 = saw your journal today. Whoever is responsible for putting it up - Thank You. It is great learning what you are doing every day. It keeps you closer to us. You are all coming together as a working unit and will make the rest of the time fly by. Good work all of you. Gramps says it will be gone before you know it. You are all a great source of pride for all of us. LOVE YOU
Gramps and Grams Longo

Anonymous said...

yoooo morc, whats going on? i forgot to ask you in the letter, but what time is your graduation. just put the time in the next letter. little HJ's b-day is the next morning. you should come. good luck man. talk to you soon


Owen said...

MIKE 181 we are all soo PROUD! Thanks for the journals,we look forward to them. BMAN read this quote and thought of you and your fellow recruits,"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed with by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."- Mark Twain

Gman gives a "May your hammer be Mighty!" Stay Tough Mike 181!!
Love your crazy family!

Anonymous said...

Go Mike 181!
"Frin-cin and din-cin" Love from Idaho Brosive. Keep our shores Safe!


Unknown said...

Hi Antman and Mike 181,
Hang in there you are progressing and you are almost halfway there. You all are great. Read the journal very interesting, thank you to your historian and all of you for doing what you are doing. Just found out you will be called Guardians, that is a cool name. You don't have to write us. Love you Gram C

Anonymous said...

Will, I'm very proud of you for getting squad leader. I know you are homesick but we all miss you just as much! Stay positive, I can't wait to see you! I miss you very very much!!

Red Light said...

Mike-181, I love reading the journals to see what yall are up to and against. I can't imagine how hard and frustrating it must be to not be fast enough but it'll all work itself out. I know you guys will do great this week on your physical test and you exam. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers and we can't wait to see yall at graduation. Keep up all your hard work and remember you're half way there. Good luck on the days to come!

Rechargeable 170, WOW! It feels like it's been forever. Thank goodness week 4 is almost over. You're half way there. I can't wait to see you again. Good Luck on the exam today and I'm sure you did great yesterday on your physical test. I miss you so much and I love you more than you can imagine. Always and forever baby...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay-
We are so proud of you!!! We miss you very much!!! We are all thinking of you and Mike 181!!! Keep up the good work everyone and "Let nothing stand in your way"!!! Continue being there for each other and stand by one another. You are half way there... graduation will be here before you know it!!! We can't wait to see you all out on the graduation field in uniform. You are strong, tough, and determined, you will get through this!! Jay we love you so much and can't wait to see you!! We love reading the posts to know what each day brings. Remember "Every second counts 'cause there's no second try". Keep it up Mike 181!!!!
We love you Jay!!!
D & Mommy xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Will,
I hope you are doing good. I wrote on here last night, but I am in school now and JByrd is sitting with me. We wanted to tell you that we love you and miss you and she said that she saw a picture of you and wes on the computer and she almost cried haha. and whinney (her dog) misses you too. haha. well class is over.. i'll talk to you soon will. I love you!!!

Longo Family said...

Anth and Mike 181,
Four weeks down and four more to go! Half way is always a great time to reflect on how far you have really come! The journals are great and thanks to all who take the time to write and post them. Anth keep your head up and keep working. Your a strong and very capable man and we are so proud of you. I'm counting the days to graduation. Love you with all my heart son.


Longo Family said...

Anth & MIKE-181

We just got your letter. You sound great. Sounds like all that life stuff we've been promoting is making sense some now. We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. We were hoping all of MIKE-181 would get to hear all the great blogs and family support.
New Quote:
"They can because they think they can." Virgil


22Vanburen said...

Good morning, Mike-181. Wishing you
much success today. Four weeks have
gone by already. We're proud of you
and can't wait to see you in four weeks. It will be here before you know it. Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay and Mike 181-
Hope you are all having a good day!!! Thinking of you Jay and wanted to tell you that I am so proud of you!!! You are always on my mind... I am missing you!!! Be strong and keep it up!!! We are all so excited for you and can't wait to see you!!! We all send our love and know how strong you are and that you can do this!!!
I love you!!!
* I had carvel last night *

Anonymous said...

MIKE 181 RULES! Marc Morgan, you, my friend, are, the, MAN! Keep up the great work buddy. G.M.C!


22Vanburen said...

All here are thinking of you and
so proud of you. Everyone sends
their love and misses you...but
we know that time is passing quickly and it won't be long before we see you. Keep up the good work and continue to support
one another.
Stay strong Mike-181.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike 181 and Jay-
We are thinking of you!!! Keep your spirits up everyone!!! You are almost there!!! Hope your day was good and that you worked as hard as you could!!! Hope you got the pics I sent Jay and enjoyed them. Graduation is almost here Mike 181!!!!! Just 4 more weeks... you can do it!!!!!
Thinking of you Jay :)
D, Chris, and Colin xxxooo

Longo Family said...

Got your letter on Thursday and it really choked me up. I was so proud to hear you speak about our relationship and how much it means to you. You mean the world to me son and I can’t wait to tell you so again in person. Your turning into the man I knew you always were with every passing day and it fills me with overwhelming pride. Your Mom, Nick and I think about you all the time and are counting the days to graduation. Keep up the hard work and you and the rest of “Mike 181” will be rewarded with more than just a job in the end.
Stay Strong

Anonymous said...

Mike 181, you guys are almost there! Keep it up, everyone is supporting you all. Will, we only have 27 days left before we're together again. I miss you so much but I'm FINALLY adjusting to elkin without you. It's still hard, I don't do much except play soccer and volunteer and go to school. We won conference darling! The number we pulled from the hat was 2nd. So we're second seed. I hope that you're doing ok in cape may, and I hope that things are getting easier on you. I miss you so much Will and I love you with all of my heart and more! I can't wait until June 5th! I'm so proud of you and I can't wait until you can hug me again! :) Go Will and Mike 181!!!

22Vanburen said...

Thinking about you today with lots
of love and pride. Can't wait to
see you and give you a big hug.
We continue to pray for Mike-181.
Love you.

Unknown said...

Antman and Mike 181 - You guys are flying! Half way through and I know you are all strong and growing young men and women on your way to a facinating new future. Love you all,
PROGRESS is the word of the day. Embrace it. You'r all terrific.
Mail coming.
Gram and Grampa Clancy

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony and Mike 181 - WOW starting week five already. We think of you always and are so proud of all of you and the uniform you wear. Stay strong and always do your best - You are always in our prayers - Your Dad and Gramps are so proud I think they will explode!!
Love you always and looking forward to seeing you after June 5th.
Grams and Gramps Longo

Thelma and Joe Longo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mike 181. I admire you all for being able to do what it takes to chase your dreams. Never forget your long term goals! You all have family and loved ones at home who are all beaming with pride when we think or talk about you. Many of us are anxiously awaiting the June 5th graduation! Will, I love you and I miss you and I'm thinking about you in everything I do. There are only 26 more days until we're together again. Think of when it started out and we had 54. You've come a long way sweetie. I'm so proud of you for it. You've got a letter or two a day to look forward to. Stay strong Will and Mike 181. It's not long now!

Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181:
"Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dreams closer." Stay committed to your goals and each other MIKE-181. You can do this with the help of those around you, and those at home supporting you.
Anth-My 8th graders are praying for your strength.
WE miss you so much and can't wait to see you.

Unknown said...

Hey Jay and Mike 181-
Keep it up... you're going into your 5th week... YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Stay strong and keep supporting each other. You are all in our thoughts and prayers Mike 181!!! Jay we think about you all the time and can't wait to hear all about your experience. We are looking forward to graduation and to seeing you on that field!!! We love reading the posts from Abby... we like that we know what's going on each day and what the day consists of. Don't give up... keep striving Mike 181... it is going to pay off in the end. Jason we are so proud of you... we can't tell you that enough!!!!
We love you very much!!!
Chris, D, Colin, Mommy, Dan, & G

Anonymous said...

ur very much missed here bro. make millville proud. peace

bree daw bree

EmiDaShogun said...

Hey Alex! It's me, Emi. Dude, we got both of your letters, never thought I'd see the day, my Brother, the writer LOL. I loved to see them bro, keep writing and we'll keep sending. So yeah anywho, we're all doing great here, Amy and Artie are fine and we are trying to get him to say "Tio" so he can say it when you get here, but uh...you know how hard headed he is! Oh yeah, if your Company Commander wants something to translate, tell them this: "Yo soy muy orgulloso de que mi hermano es un miembro de la Guardia de la Baia". I think that's a fair alliteration of "Coast" at any rate. We saw you in some of the pics online, so you best get in more! LOL Hey, keep strong, bro. We love you like crazy and Amy is up for a good scrap whenever you get back. She's been jogging. It's on, buddy. IT IS SO ON. LOLOLOL Laterz and you better Pwn some Noobz Ubr L33T. Glory to the Horde! LOL


Longo Family said...

Anthony and MIKE-181
Start of week 05. Good luck this week. You are obtaining goals you never even thought of before. Stay strong, you are over half way there. We are very proud of you and the job you do, and the effort you give to get there.
Quote"You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one."
You are doing a lot of hammering and forging, only good will come of it.

Anonymous said...

hey will :) Mary Gwyn and I are talking about the Army and the Coast Guard. She's looking at pictures from where Scotts at in Afghanistan right now. I hope you get to wear your ODU's to my graduation. You look very good in them!! I can tell from the pictures! There are only 24 days left Will and I'm counting them down!! I miss you and I love you and I hope you are doing good in Cape May. I can't wait to see you, baby. I love you!!!

Theresa said...

Hey joey! I hope your weeks are going by faster. I cant wait to see you in ur uniform at Graduation. Thinking about you all the time. MIKE 181 keep working as a team. Everyones so proud. Miss and love you babe!! Dutchess sends some kisses :)

Unknown said...

Hey Ant, Its Nick, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am to know that my big bro is becoming a Coastie, I miss you alot back here and it breaks my heart when I think that it wont be long until we go our seperate ways and not see each other as much. Despite all of our fights and disagreements we had, I always looked at you as a role model and will continue to do that. This is a passage that I picked up today, "Be without fear in the face of your enemies, be brave and upright that God may love thee,speak the truth, even if it leads to your death,and safe guard the helpless". I know I will live up to it and I hope you do as well.
Your Loving Brother,
p.s. Sorry I had to use your comp. to write this, lol.

mymello said...

Brandon and MIKE181 - Week five is here. You are that much closer to making your dreams reality. Keep up the great work! Don't forget that "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." Creare Diem!

We love you B!

Dad and H

kharalyn1023 said...

Hey there SR Tardio and Mike-181 you only have 23 days and a wake up! I miss you sissy and am so proud of you. Dad, mom, Travis, Bob, Patsy and me will all be there to cheer you on. The end is quickly approaching, it might sound funny but enjoy it while you can, soon enough you will be back to reality. Hang in there guys!
SN Tardio

Unknown said...

Hi Antman and Mike 181
You have passed the half way mark. Stay steady and move forward. As a team you are becoming tight, support one another. We love you and you are all in our prayers and thoughts all the time. Blessings G and G Clancy

22Vanburen said...

Good morning. Wishing you a good
day ahead. Keep perservering and
think about the great future that
lies ahead for you. Always in our
thoughts and prayers. Love you.
Company Mike-181 continue to work
as the great team you are. We look
forward to seeing you soon.

Saraurb said...

Hey Morc! You better get your crick stompin shoes ready for graduation! Big things are happening!!! Good luck and stay tough!

Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181
Journals show you are doing well. Keep it up. Stay focused on that goal. You are so close.
Quote"Go confidently in the directions of your dreams; Live the life you have imagined."

I bet it was an awesome sight to see all of the training center on a run together. Cape May is a lucky place to be able to see that.

Our prayers are with you,
Love, MOM

22Vanburen said...

Mike-181 journal and letters sound
great. Can't wait to hear where you
will be stationed. Cell is on.
Keep up the good teamwork. With
love and pride, Mom

Ken said...

LQQKING for SR Tardioooooo Mike-181. I bet Dad yelling at you seems pretty tame right about now. Dad and everyone is very proud of you. Enjoy the time you have left in Boot Camp because you will never pass this way again. Can't wait for graduation. Wouldn't surprise me if there was a future SN Tardio plying the waters on a shiny US Coast Guard Cutter!!!!

EmiDaShogun said...

Hi Alex:
Go Mike 181, I hope you did well on the exams as well as everyone, we are all praying for you guys and cheering you on all the way. There is a letter on the way and another one coming too, keep up the good work and push for the finish line, YOU CAN DO IT, YES YOU CAN.., see you at graduation, wow that day gets closer and closer....Love....Mom

Longo Family said...

Anth and Mile 181-
Sounds like everything is coming together for you and the company. Just another example of what hard work and dedication can do for you. I know you have heard me say that before but now you and the rest of Mike 181 are living it. I’m writing this on Friday the 11th of May. This only makes it 22 more days to graduation. As I'm sure you are, I'm counting the days. Lower your shoulders and finish the run just as you always have,(you know what I’m referring to) and you will be done before you know it. I miss you a lot son and can’t wait to see you.
Love Dad

Anonymous said...

I just got my phone call! Will, your voice was so relieving to hear. my mind went blank and i didn't know what to do or say. I'm going to be around you every second that is possible when you're home and i'm going to go with you when you go to new york to move in. new york is really far away from north carolina! I miss you so much and i love you SO MUCH! I can't wait until next week when you call so we can talk for a while. I love you Will!!

22Vanburen said...

It was so good to hear your voice!
The assignment sounds great too.
We are so proud of you and can't wait to talk to you again. Love you
very much.

Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181
We just got your phone message! We are so so sorry we were not home. It was great to hear your voice. Great job assignment! Hey, West Coast! We got your letter yesterday also. You sound so good. Good job on all your testing! We miss you so much and cannot wait to hear from you next Sat. We will be home. Our prayers are with you to get feeling better.

MOM, Dad, & NIck

Thelma and Joe Longo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
22Vanburen said...

The start of another week and only
3 to go! Keep strong and focused
as you have been. All are happy
for you and very proud. Love you.

OWEN said...

Go Mike 181 you are almost there!! Brandon it was so great hearing your voice! We are excited for you that you got such a great assignment! G gives a " May your hammer be mighty.." you know you were his hero before joining the Coast Guard, now it is just RIDCULOUS! with love and respect your family!

Unknown said...

Keep it up Mike 181!!! You are almost there!!!
Hi Jay... we were so excited to talk to you!! You sounded great... we were so happy that we were all there together to say hello. We are proud of you for passing you tests last week and want you to keep up the good work. Be strong Jay and continue working hard because it will pay off. Remember that "Nothing that's worth it comes easy". You can do it Jay!!! We miss you so much and love you!!!
We are thinking of you Mike 181 and we are so proud of each and every one of you!!! You are the guardians of the sea!!!
Chris, D, Colin, Mommy, Dan, & G

Unknown said...

Wow Antman

Got the west coast terrific. Prayers are for you to get better fast and stay up. There is a reason for everything. I'll bet everyone is excited. Stay strong, we love you, cheers for Mike 181. Letter coming from Gramps. Blessings, Gram C


Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181
Your time is getting so much shorter. Keep staying strong, the finish line is in sight. Cannot wait to see you, Anth, and meet your new friends(family). Have a good time on your 1st liberty together. We miss you and cannot wait to see you at grad. Foster and Chico say Hi!
Quote"For success, attitude is equally as important as ability."
"Tough times never last, but tough people do."

mymello said...

Brandon and MIKE181
You are getting close to the finish line. Keep your pace and remember we are all standing on the sidelines cheering you on! We are yelling-

Go Brandon!

No Bonking B! See it through!

We'll see you at the finish line!

Love Dad and H

22Vanburen said...

Mid way thru week 6, Mike-181.
Keep focused and working as a team.
We are very proud of you and can't
wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Will and Mike 181,
You guys are close to being done! 16 more days until graduation. Congratulations on sticking it out. Everyone is proud of you Will. I wish you could've wrote a letter but I cried when I read what you wrote on the P.S. on the formal letter we got. I love you, Will!! I miss you too! Stay strong Will and Mike 181! I love you Will


Anonymous said...

happy birthday my dude! sorry for the late shout out. you know how life is, but i didn't forget. missing you like brothers on a hotel bed in edison, new jersey. june 6th is coming up fast and i get ready for my summer skin as i remember what sarah said about the new year in the passenger seat of my grey subcompact.


22Vanburen said...

Thinking about you and counting down the days until graduation.
Not long now, Mike-181.
We're very excited about seeing
you soon and giving you a big hug.
Stay strong. Proud of you and love

Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181
Great to hear your voice! Good Luck MIKE-181 these next two weeks. You are so close. Stay strong, enjoy your liberty, and study for those final tests. Cannot wait to see you on graduation day.
Quote"Being willing makes you able"

Love, MOM, Dad, & Nick

Owen said...

MIKE 181 enjoy your much deserved on base liberty! Brandon thank you soo much for taking the time to call... it meant the world to me! OUCH on the wisdom teeth!!! We cant wait to see you and your brother is thrilled you will be able to make his graduation!! We are so very proud of you and your entire company cant wait to cheer you all on at graduation!!
Garrett sends love and "May your HAMMER BE MIGHTY!!"

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony and Mike 181 - Tomorrow starts week seven. Anthony you have done so well this far We know you will finish strong. Hope you enjoyed your well deserved on-base leave and will equally enjoy your off base leave. Hope you got that chocolate bar! We are so looking forward to seeing you next month. Keep up the good work and finish strong.
Gram and Gramps Longo

Longo Family said...

Anthony & MIKE-181,
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! We commend you on your new and expanded dedication to your country. You make many people proud to be Americans! Thank you in advance for your service to our country. You will make many friends, family, and strangers proud.
Quote-"We sleep peacefully at night, cradled by the strong hands of America." Thank you for making our country stronger. A special prayer to you, Anthony, and all of your company.

22Vanburen said...

Happy Memorial Day, Mike-181.
We're proud of you and all your
hard work. Stay strong and focused.

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Happy Memorial Day Anthony and Mike 181 - you are part of the reason we can enjoy such freedom - The charge passes to all of your capable hands. We are proud of the ones who went before and of you for upholding all they did. God speed to all of you.
Grams and Gramps Longo

Theresa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theresa said...

Hey Joey, it was soo great to hear from you on saturday! U sounded great, cant wait to see you on your off base liberty this wkend. Just 1 more wk then u graduate. So proud of you!!! Love you so much <3

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony and Mike 181 - just finished reading your journal for last week. We really enjoy these journals and our thanks for the Historian who takes the time to write them for us. Some of your shipmates asked if anyone really really reads these you bet we do. Keep going guys and girls you are almost there, by the time you see this you will only have one and half week left - have fun on your off base liberty - but remember your goal.
Love you

Grams and Gramps Longo

Unknown said...

Antman and Mike 181
Just read your journal for week 6, yes we WAIT for Tues afternoon. We are rooting and praying for all of you alll the time. This is an exciting time of your life and ours. Ant just got back from Granny Naud's, she says Hi. Can't wait to see you. Saying: Courage is not a lack of fear but the ability to act while facing fear. Go Mike 181!

G and G Clancy

22Vanburen said...

Sorry to have missed your phone
call, but glad you talked to Dad.
Hope all stay positive and focused
this week. Very proud of you and
all that you are accomplishing.
Good luck and many prayers go out
to Mike-181 for finals and making
it to graduation. Work together.
Love you.

Longo Family said...

We LOVED hearing from you Sat. You sound great and ready to go onto your new career. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see you on Friday.

Quote"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
Good Job MIKE-181. You did not let anything get in your way, you have overcome many obstacles. You make this country proud.

Thelma and Joe Longo said...

Anthony Mike 181 It was really great talking to you Saturday and you sounded so relaxed and full of candy! Gramps L. ,You and your Dad are so much the same. Happy tears! Can't wait to see you Saturday. Happy graduation to all of Mike 181 Hope you are all happy in your Coast Guard careers.
Grams and Gramps Longo

22Vanburen said...

Not long now, Mike-181. We hope
these next few days go by quickly
and smoothly for you. Can't wait to
see you at graduation.

Unknown said...

Thanks for calling Sat. It was great to hear your voice. Sounds as though you have aged and I bet you and all of Mike 181 are all 2 inches taller. Good job all of you we are so happy for you and just know you have bright futures before you starting with the Coast Guard.
Saying: Know your challenge as an opportunity to improve and grow.

Can't wait to see you in uniform and sorry we can't be there, but Mom, Dad and Nick will hug you enough for all us Grands.

Love you Gram and Gramps Clancy

Unknown said...

Hi Anthony and Mike 181

Congratulations you are almost there. You are all wonderful. Thank you for taking this road. We are proud to have you as our Guardians. This willl be the last blog Anthony. Look forward to seeing you this weekend. Blessings Mike 181!!!!

Love Gram Clancy

22Vanburen said...

We're getting ready and will be on
our way. Can't wait to see you and
all of Mike-181. Congratulations
to all.

Miss Kris said...

Well today is the day. Congratulations, you did it !! Frank and I are very proud of you. Looking forward to seeing you.
Go Mike 181,

Love, Mr frank and Miss Kris