Monday, February 9, 2009


If your loved one reported to Training Center Cape May on 2/3/2009 they are scheduled to graduate on 3/27/2009.

You may send letters to this address:
SR (First and Last Name)
CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083



Unknown said...

Wishing C181 a successful recruit experience. We support your progress and wish you well.

Sabrina Ferris - Proud CG Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gramma13 said...

So happy to get my post card. Now I know for sure she will do great.So very proud of my granddaughter. You go Bravo 181. I know everyone of you will do fine.

robertskg3bs said...

So good to see Brandon R. even if it was from the back. I would know him anywhere. Sounds like they are really making strides together. I pray for Bravo 181 each night. Dad & I are proud of you Brandon Keep up the good work! Love MOM

Coastie Mom said...

Hoping to hear news of how things are going for Charlie 181 soon. Wishing you all well.

Anonymous said...

Hello C181 Company Command!

If possible, please post a picture of our "kids"! It would be greatly appreciated!

Many blessings and success to you all! Thank you each for your service to this great Nation! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a picture of C181! This mom is glowing with pride! If anyone is having difficulty locating it, please go to:

Thanks again... and again! :)

Littlebrit said...

Proud of you kevan Keep your chin up You will get through.
Love grandma Judy

Sally said...

Hang in there Ben!!! Saw your picture in the formation

Littlebrit said...

Happy Valentine's day Kevan and all 1c181
Grandma Judy

Kim Landry said...

Good luck and God Bless Bryan and all of Company Charlie 181! Love, Mom

Hallie said...

Thinking about you and loving you so much Ben!! Hope you and all of C-181 are doing okay :)


Becky C. said...

The best of luck to all of C181!! Keep up the hard work, it will be so worth it in the end. Thumbs-up to Ben C. Love, Mom

Unknown said...

GREAT JOB CHARLIE upon completing your second week! We're proud of you all. A special hello and best wishes to SR J Clay. Go JO!

Anonymous said...

GO CHARLIE! You're in our daily thoughts and prayers. Keep focused, stay on task, and hang in there. Proud of our new Guardian recruits!

Unknown said...

We wish you the best Kevan. We know you are doing excellent. Hope to see you soon. Love Kyle, Amy and Rory

Anonymous said...

Hello Again Company Command of C181!

Wishing you all well as CHARLIE company begins its 3rd week! How time flies when you're having fun!!! :p

If you would be so kind, can you please post to the recruits journal so the families can get an update on what our sons and daughters have been doing? Mucho Gracais!

Happy President's Day!

surfcoastmom said...

Looking good C181! You are always in our thoughts and prayers! Keep up the good work! Hang in there and know that we love you Kevan! Mom and Danny

surfcoastmom said...
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uscgairdale said...

Hello to the friends and families of C-181. I was selected to mentor the company and on Valentine's Day I got my first opportunity to met with them. It was the end of week two so there were a few tired faces in the crowd, but they certainly are still excited about getting started with their careers in the Coast Guard. We talked for almost two hours about what Coast Guard is like after boot camp and before I knew it, our time was up and I had to go.

The company is just starting to uderstand that it's not about individual achievement, but rather how committed they are to the success of their shipmates. I also was able to meet 2 of the company commanders and they sure are two impressive Coasties who are doing a great job. The next time you meet your loved one/friend you will be amazed at how much they have changed in just two months (for the better!).

LT David Aldous

Kim Landry said...

Thanks so much on the update on Charlie 181! It is very much appreciated as this mom is constantly wondering how they are doing. Love ya Bryan and good luck to you and all of Charlie 181!

Anonymous said...

Thanks LT Dave! Good to know they have a mentor who is keeping thier spirits up! God bless you and our recruits! :)

surfcoastmom said...

Thanks Lt. Aldous for the update! C181 it was really good seeing the picture of your unit. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Chris's Mom said...

I was so happy to received your post card Chris. It made me feel more at ease. My prays are with you and C181 every night. Keep your chin up. You are all doing a very good thing. Love Mom

Unknown said...

Charlie, thanks for the detailed and informative journal entries. It gives us an idea of how tough the training is and it also shows that you are making progress in coming together as a team. We'll keep those letters coming to show our support. We KNOW you can do this and we are so proud of your initiative and persistence to complete your goal. GO CHARLIE, get those colors back!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Charlie 181!

OK team, you are half way through! Time to kick it hard then float to the finish line! We'll be waiting for you there!

Get those colors back and remember CHARLIE 181 rocks!

See you soon! With Love & Prayers! Mama Dukes!:)

Anonymous said...

What doesn't kill us, makes us strong! Hang in there Charlie. Looking forward to seeing the "team" at graduation. Thoughts and prayers...

Sally said...

Hey C181 - Positive attitudes are most important right now and most likely the hardest hardest to come up with! No matter what they are telling you, dig in and give it your all. I know you must feel like you are the first to be treated like this - NOT! Remember every recruit before you and every recruit after you will go through the same thing. Your family will be proud when you finish, but not as proud as you will be of yourself!

Sally & Danny

Kim Landry said...

Well, another week is coming to an end! Keep your heads up and focus on the prize. We love you all! Love you so much Bryan and it will be over soon. Remember there is no I in team, so come together Charlie 181 and kick butt!

Sally said...

I forgot - more pictures please!

Highland Blueberry Farm said...

Charlie 181 - Respect, responsibility and caring. Respect the uniform, and those you work for and with. Responsibility comes with a price, one you will not regret paying. Caring is a great motivator. Care about what you are doing and do it well. Your CC's are there to teach, this is your time to learn. SR Tyler Emms, I am so proud of you. Encourage one another. Praying for you all.

Unknown said...

C181 - "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Dr. King

C181 - for most of you, this is greatest challenge you have faced in your life. Just know that you are not going through this alone. You should all feel comfort in knowing that when you combine your efforts and work together as a unit you are a mighty force that will not be defeated or broken in times of peril.

C181 – Know that you represent our “Best and Brightest” and make us all very proud. Keep your faith in one and other and thank you for your service to your country.

SR Santos – love and miss you dad

dreamchaser said...

Thanks LT David for the update on C181! It's great to read the journal and learn what our recruits are doing. I'm sure the group will learn how to work together as a team and they will do great! It's great to see a picture of them too-hope to see more soon! We're love you and are so proud of you. Hang in there Mike and all C181 shipmates-and get those colors back! can't wait to see the TEAM at graduation! Prayers for all...

exciting time said...

Its so great to read the posts as well as see the pics of our recruits!!!We are so proud of our son, brother,and uncle and fellow American!!...and now well on his way to serve in this the best country in the world...we love you Mark and are praying everyday for strength and courage as you come together as a team!!!

Sabrina Ferris - Proud CG Mom said...

My daughter just joined C181 - she was reverted 7 days from B181yesterday....A tear-filled phone call came last night. As good as it was to hear her voice, it was one of the toughest things I've ever been through.
I'm so proud of her for getting this far - now she has once more week to "get it right".

Kim Landry said...

Thanks so much for the update on Charlie 181 and the pictures! It is so great to see that they are coming together! We love you Bryan! Good luck and well wishes to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hello CHARLIE 181!

You're nearing the finish line now, just three weeks and two days to go! Yippee!!!! We can't wait to watch you all graduate!!!!

Work hard, stay well and remain always ready! Semper Paratus dear sons and daughters! We are very proud of you!

With love and great respect! :)

Anonymous said...


Please, please update the journal and a few more pictures would be nice too!!!

Thanks! :)

harriet Langfeldt said...

We are so proud of our granddaughter Amelia's drive, tenacity and focus. For all of you Recruits - you are learning lessons that will stay with you for a life time. The work is incredibly hard but the goal is invaluable! The tenor of the journal posted today for C181 indicates amazing insights! Hang in there! March 27th is not that far away! Love, Grandma Harriet

Anonymous said...

Thank you to SR? for the daily journal entries. News of Charlie's progress is precious to those of us "in the bleachers". Great to hear the team is coming together. Almost over the hump Charlie! Stay focused! Praying for your health and strength.

Unknown said...

Hello Charlie 181. I was overwhelmed with pride to hear that you got your colors back. Congratulations! Remember all your family members and friends are cheering you on. You’re almost half way there. Keep your heads up. Think of it as a soccer game. Each goal is easier to achieve. We know you can do it. You are all so much stronger (physically & mentally) than you will ever believe! Lots of Luck & Love to each and every one of you! You are in my prayers & thoughts daily.

GinaC said...

So happy to have found the C-181 Journal and photos. Austin , we think we see you in the middle of the
2nd row in the learning center! Wishing all of you strength and a great attitude when you start your day and pride in your accomplishments when the day ends. We love you and are praying for you every day Austin!

Anonymous said...

Today is my daughters 19th birthday. This is the first one she has ever spent alone without family or friends to fuss over her. We miss you sweet girl. We know you feel us with you.

Happy Birthday Devin.

exciting time said...

After reading all the posts I am amazed at the great company "Charlie 181" we are keeping! As we watch from the bleachers we can almost "see" you as you run the race! Each day we "Mark" another day off the calendar as you head for the finish line! We are praying for Gods' strength and yes, a bit of mercy and forgiveness too..which comes at a price to get the prize!!!Sooo proud to be your parents!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Devin!

Unknown said...

Thanks C-181 for your great journal entries. They are so much fun to read every week; your author(s) have a real talent to present both the highs and the lows of training while sharing the positive spirit and accomplishmentd of your company. Thankyou so much. This means so much to us at home. You're on the downhill side now Charlie. We'll be waiting for you at the finish line with open arms and pride in our hearts. Love to you all! A Charlie mom

mama dukes said...

to sabrina's mom, my daughter will hopefully be joining your daughter. Mine is on hold for bad sprained ankle. Got the tearful call yesterday and she said she may be moved to Charlie. she is still on lite duty and in a holding barricks until the ankle heals. Hope to meet you on the 27th

Sabrina Ferris - Proud CG Mom said...

Hey Mama Dukes...I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's ankle. At least if she moves to Charlie, she'll see a couple of familiar faces! I'll send healing wishes her way. I know an extra week seems like a LONG time to me, I can only imagine what it seems like to them.....Hang in there and keep the faith that everything happens for a reason.

Kim Landry said...

Thanks again for the update and pictures. It helps so much to see pictures and read about how they are doing! We love you Bryan and keep up the hard work to all of C181!

GinaC said...

C181 SR Coulter- you are making us so proud. Stay strong to the finish. See you soon! Love you-Mom,Dad & Joel

Proud Dad and former Coastie said...

Charlie 181 and SR Emms - It was 27 years ago this month I finished USCG Basic Training and became a proud Guardian. However, I was at Alameda, CA. and we didn't have to experience the frigid weather you have in Cape May.

Reading your weekly journals brings back a lot of memories, some good and some not so good. Believe me, you will look back on this time and cherish it the rest of your life.

Tyler, we are all very proud of you. Your life has come "full circle" since you were born while your mother was stationed at the USCG Marine Inspection Office New York and I at USCG Captain of the Port New York.

Good luck to all of Charlie 181 & I can't wait to see you 27MAR09.

SR Emms - Love and miss you, Dad

Anonymous said...

C-181. 3 plus weeks to go. We are so excited for all of you. Keep plugging alone for the end is so near and then you will have a brand new beginning. See you soon daughter. Hugs.
Mom and Dad

SRHamilton's_BigSis said...

Congratulations Charlie 181! Graduation is approaching quickly!! Keep on pushing! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I'm very proud of my little brother! Cant wait to come to NJ to share his as well as the rest of your accomplishments!!

yahyarm23 said...

Omar, what up bro. Just wanted to wish you the strength for what the future holds because basic training aint nothing for you, LOL. What's the weight looking like (lbs.)?

Proud Dad and former Coastie said...

SR Emms - Charlie 181 looking good in the Cape May snow. Here in Texas, it has been in the 80's for the last couple of weeks and we expect more of the same next week.

So, you know where I've been...on the golf course, of course.

Your little sister had 2 friends over yesterday after school and they went swimming.

Stay warm and see you soon,

Unknown said...

Week 5 - Friday 7:30pm psy
Anyone getting phone calls from their recruit yet? We have not.

Anonymous said...

C 181. Got my short but oh so sweet phone call yesterday. It was so great to hear your voice. Only 3 weeks to go. Let them be fast, I can't wait to see you at graduation. We are so proud of you.
Mom and Dad.

mama dukes said...

Got the call on Friday. My daughter just joined Charlie. She said there were a few others from Bravo. Keep your heads up old Bravo, show them what you are made of. I think its a good compant to be transfered too. Welcome to the Charlie family.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Charlie Company 181. Looks like you've made it. See you Friday. You will know us, we will have our pride on. We are honored to have you as our daughter Devin.