Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quebec 181 address

Greetings -
If your loved one arrived on May 5, 2009, he or she formed with Quebec 181 on May 8, 2009.

Please send your letters of support to:

CAPE MAY NJ 08204-5083

Graduation is scheduled for June 26, 2009.



CoastieMomGermany said...

Welcome aboard, Q-181! We are all pulling for you!

CoastieMomGermany said...

SMAC - Hi SB! We are eager to hear from you and have some cards and letters coming your way from across the pond. Study hard, help eachother, and stay focused on the prize. See you on 26 June!
Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

SR Haniman - we are so proud of you!! Hang in there. I'm sending you some mail today. See you on the 26th.

Anonymous said...

SR richard herceg,
hi baby!!!!! i am so proud of you! i love you so much. keep up the hard work and always be a leader for your team. cant wait to see you in 7 weeks. we all send our best wishes
- katrina

Anonymous said...



Miriyah velez said...

SR Savage- Hey Baby! I miss you so much! I hope ur doing well! I just figured out the address to write you and ur dad barely gave it to me today too! i love you so much! stay strong! this weeks almost over and then only 6 more weeks to go! cant wait to hear from you! i will send a letter tomorrow on express so you can get it faster! love you!


SR Brian Marshall - Glad to hear from you today (Wed) 5-13-09) Weather's warm - all mosquitoes must have landed at Cape May this year--none here---YET! Loved hearing from you. Will send letters. Jon's 16 on Monday. Guess we'll give him a car. NOT! We're fine here. We know you'll weather any storm at Cape May--the training will make you even stronger than you were when you left (if that's possible). Granddad misses your taxi service. We miss your place at the table, but Randy is trying to eat your portion while you're gone. Basic training should be a "snap compared to cancer", would you not agree? Bill said, he can keep up with you. He survived chemotherapy and radiation for 5 weeks--now that's BASIC TRAINING. Hang tough pal. You know we all love you. Hope the Coast Guard food isn't better than my Pumpkin pie, chicken, barbecue, steak, cheeseburgers and homemade rolls. If they aren't feeding you all that you were used to eating at home, let us know. I'll call up the "chef". After all, my tax dollars pay for your meal! Ha - Well go for now. Bill has to pick up Jon.

Love Grandma & Granddad

STORMIE said...



Anonymous said...



gmlogsdon said...

SR Gramm -

We are all missing you so much, but have so much faith in you and are so proud of you. Remember - Phil 4:13 - Love you!!! Mom

Anonymous said...

SR Von Wieding I received your letter today was so happy to hear from you it made me more comfortable knowing you have the right attitude to make it through, and 8 weeks is a short time in your life for a life time of wonderful things, Matthew is sitting hear with me reading your letter he is happy that you wrote and yeah jessie of course read it and said touch screen phone ... I better be getting one too ... LOL anyway we miss you so much. Matt says when you come home that you and him will be hanging out. Football and soccer he says. Please give katie our best I did write her and you let us know how she is doing. I Will check in with stormie from time to time, Batya misses you and I met her mom she says hi and i have a wonderful daughter well she did not tell me something I had already known Lots of love honey see you in June.

xoxoxoxo Mom

beachwalker said...

SR Herceg
We are so proud that you are becoming a guardian. This is one of the hardest but best things you'll do in your whole life. Use your skills and knowledge to help others so Q181 can be the best. You are in my prayers. We all miss you at home.
Love, your other "Mom"

Unknown said...

hi richie...its allysha if dont remember me its cool...lol...hope your doing well...i heard your getting your wisdom teeth out soon that not going to be fun i hope it doesnt hurt too bad...ps kat dyed her hair black like mine i hope you like it when you see it...lol

Anonymous said...

SR Morseman,

Hi, Mike! We all miss you very much, and are so proud of you! Can't wait to hear from you, and see how you're doing. I, Barry, Tony, your dad, and probably Kristin have already sent you mail. Send some back to us! Can't wait to see you on June 26!


Anonymous said...

Hi SR Von Wieding
Hi my sammy just wanted you to know me matt and jessica are thinking about you and hope you are staying strong we love you and count the days until we can see you at graduation

Love Mom

Anonymous said...

SR Minor,
hey katie me matt and jess are thinking about you. I hope you and sammy are hanging tough and support each other through. I sent you a letter drop us a line and let me know how you are doing I know its been tough for you but your a lot stonger than you know and you have the knowledge to get you far in your career
Love you much

Terry, jessica and matt

Captain Zoom said...

"Hey, Sean, it's your birthday...."
Captain Zoom sends his 19th birthday wishes to you! We got your letter yesterday - hope you received some from us by now, too!
We are all very proud of you and everyone in NM and DE loves you very much and wishes you a happy birthday!
Love, Mom, Dad, and Nick

PatchPanther said...

hi sean,
happy 19th birthday!
Miss you, Nick

Lindsay said...

SMAC-Happy Birthday!!! I love you little bro. Mom said she got a letter from you. Me, Mon, Ethan and Spencer miss you soooo much!! Hang in there and keep up the hard work it will all pay off. I am soooo proud of you. Take care.

Cathy said...

Florida Mom says I miss you Justin; hope things are good for you; you are always on my mind; may GOD be in your heart and head always.

katrina herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg,
I am so proud of you!!! I recieved your first letter last thursday. it was wonderful. Keep up the hard work, always encourage your team and just keep swimming. Almost done with week 2. Only 6 to go. I love you very much.
-your wife katrina

Anonymous said...




Sandy said...

SR Schatzel,
I am so proud of you. I know you said you were doing good, so keep up the good work. Stay focused and don't forget to study. So glad to hear your graduation will be on June 26th.

Mom Herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg
Miss you, Love you, Stay Strong, Praying for you, Hope to hear from you soon. We are all very PROUD of you. Stay strong. You have "surpise mail" coming. Hope your teeth are out.

Love you and miss you
xoxoxox Mom

funkydluxx said...

Samantha VonWieding. Hey deedles!!! i miss you sooo much its so quiet home now lol.. but i know your doing awesome i cant wait to see you and ill tell dutchess you said hello ;)
love aunt becca xoxoxo

Deb O said...

SR Odell,
Hi Joe,
Yeah! I just found this USCG Blog spot! You should be receiving letters soon, I started sending them out on Thursday, May 14, after I got your 1st letter! We miss you & are proud of you!!
Love you, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

SR Jeff Garcie-

I just fiqured out this blog I have been checking it daily I must have overlooked this link or I would have posted something sooner I hope you got my letter I did not put your first name. I got your letter :) 6 more weeks I cannot wait to see you Everything here on the Farm is going good Looks like Foxy will foal tonight*** I love you so much I know you are working hard Miss you and Happy 4th Anniversary * *Your loving Wife-Becca*


Brian Marshall - We've had enough rain to float a boat! Now it's 54 and cold. But "Google" tells me that it's 49 where you, but it will be sunny tomorrow. That's better than marching in the snow. Jon was 16 today. We took him out to eat. He said he wanted a car for his birthday. I said, "With your grades, what kind of a card do you think we should buy for you"? He said, "A SMART CAR"! We played "ROOK" tonight, Jon beat, Bill came in 2nd and I was in the hole by only 160 points. Everyone is proud of you and we all love and pray for you often in the day. We pray for all that are in the military. Love from the whole family!

Judi D said...

Jeff: Just found this site, thanks to B. She is doing well, just lonesome. I am so proud of you. Hang in there. I bet it is not everything you expected. Jordan graduated Fri. we had a big fish fry this week end and he and Jo have already gone home. Wish you were here to have fresh stuff from the garden. I know you are getting excellent food. Willkeep up with you often. Write when you can. Hope you got our letters. R and I are fine. We love ya.

katandtom said...

SR Farrell, we are so proud of you. I know you have the heart and mentality to complete this course. Mom and Dad, Matt, Allyson, Mimi and Pa, Rose and Wally and Auntie Gini will be at the graduation on the 26th
Mom and Dad

CoastieMomGermany said...

SR McIntyre - We are so proud of you!! Keep up the hard work, we know you can do this!! I hope you have gotten some of the mail we've sent, it should be there soon! We can't wait to see you on 26 June! Miss you and we'll see you soon honey!! You and all of Q-181 are in our prayers.
Love you, Mom

Q-181 Family & Friends - Check out website USCG.org where there is alot of great info. Click on Family Forum....

Cathy said...

Hey Justin, hope you are getting my blogs; sent you a card yesterday so hopefully you will get by Wed. or Thurs. this week; write back, MISS YOU BUNCHES! I love you!

Anonymous said...


Hi Sammy !! Miss Ya so much and Love you very much.. Its been raining and raining and Hot as usual Hope the weather there is alot better than here. Matt and jessie miss you so does bear and sky and percy and francis say hi and tell katie they said hello. I hope you are hanging tough cause I know as you go along it gets harder but I know one thing about my girl is your strong and have a good head on your shoulders. Hope you have been getting my mail. I Know nanny and aunt joanne have sent letters to. See you June 26


Unknown said...

SR Haniman - Hi Brooke, we can't wait to get another note from you. Chester, Rosie, and Missy say "Hello". They all miss you as well as we do. June 26 will be here before you know it. You just went through 2 weeks and are in week 3. Hang in there. You can do it. I have another letter coming to you today! See you soon. Love Mom, Dad, & Blake

KimmyD said...

SR Matty P, hope you are having a great time so far, only 6 weeks to go. Everybody misses you in TX, thanks for the letter! Hope to hear from you soon! Love K

Anonymous said...


Thinking of you in California.... I hope the weather there is better than here, we have been having awful wind storms the roof blew off the wood shed and the house was rockin. I cannot wait to hear from you in the fifth week to find out where we move to :) Stay strong I know you are giving it your all....... Love you Becca***** We should plan a dive trip after you get home :}

beachwalker said...

SR Herceg
Start of week three...you are very strong, keep focused on your completion goals. We know you are a natural leader. Hope your company works well together as a team. Kat, "the boys" and and I miss you at home. We are planning our Cape May trip. Can't wait to see you in your uniform for graduation.
Love MomM

Judi D said...

SR Garcie: One more day gone. I know you are hanging in there and doing everything with enthusisiam even tho you might wonder why!!! It is just a test of your determination and I know you are strong and want this training a lot. The pictures of the guys with the pugli sticks looked like fun. Not much new here. I painted the east side of the barn today and R. is putting tin up on the side extension. We are going to get hay tomorrow. Wish you were here to help us load the bales. we could use the muscles...bring about 4 of your best friends and come help! Have you rec'd any mail yet? I'll keep writing to you here as much as I can. Love ya.... Mom


Hey Brian Marshall-

WHOEVER SAID "NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS' HAD A POINT! You know I’m an avid C-Span viewer. Well--Tuesday Pres. Obama issued a Nationwide mandate for cars to get such a high mileage per gallon that we’ve decided to go for a horse and buggy instead of a smaller car with less horsepower. Guess that means the HUMMER we had waiting for you upon graduation has been reduced to a WHISTLE. Sorry about that—what a difference a “mandate” makes.

The new rules would bring new cars and trucks sold in the United States to an average of 35.5 miles per gallon, about 10 mpg more than today's standards. Passenger cars will be required to get 39 mpg, light trucks 30 mpg. GUESS THAT MEANS GRANDMA WILL HAVE TO GIVE UP DRAG RACING!

Here are SOME headlines from news - Tues.-5-19-09 just in case you haven't heard. ----Pres. Obama's new rules will transform US auto fleet----Pres. to set standards of car emissions----Consumers face higher car prices----26 NYC schools now closed due to H1N1 Virus----Blue collar males lose more ground; unemployment rate surges past nat'l. avg----housing construction at record low----Sensitive data missing from National Archives----CAUGHT ON TAPE: School bus driver busted after texting while driving---- Aspiring school teachers fail in math; Only 27% Pass----Airline mechanics who can't read English: Hundreds of workers in Texas repair shops----Moderate earthquake felt in downtown Los Angeles---- & the last piece of "news that's fit to print" astounds me. One is tempted to believe it based on mankind’s behavior in today’s world. I choose to believe the Genesis account of Creation.---"Scientists have unveiled a 47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey hailed as the missing link in human evolution.”---- Funny, I hear people calling each other "Turkey". Hope this gives you some laughter! Love you. Well, that’s enough for you to chew on for one night. I think I’ll have a banana!

Love you know who & the rest of the family! (Keep those letters coming.)

Mom Herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg
I know you are doing a great job and proving you are a team leader. YOU ARE SEMPER PARATUS. Can't wait to hear from you and see you.
I am so missing my "hugs" and "shoulder massages". Wishing you the best day today.
I love you, Mom

jnicholson said...

SR Nicholson Q181...Just wanted to tell you once again how proud everyone is of you and what you have accomplished...I know it's tough sometimes but you'll be so happy you did this and never look back..I sent you some letters and blog us back if you can and if not we'll keep the letters coming...We see you on June 26th!

BigSisNM said...

Hey Sean! I just wanted to tell you to stay strong and work hard. Use teamwork and work together. You will be half way done by next week! Remember we are all pulling for you and can't wait too see you!!

Big Sis,

BigSisNM said...

Sean, By the way, I love you and I miss you roomie!


Jan said...

SR Schultz: Not sure when/if you'll ever get the chance to read this but if you do please know how proud we are of you and how much we love you. Tripp was here yesterday looking at your picture and saying "Daddy". He is sooo like you. I know it isn't easy, but what a great future you are making for your family. Stay strong! We miss you.
Mom & Dad

Mark said...

Sr Stibrany Justin
Hope you see this message. Be strong,stand tall. You are becoming one of the largest companys that will be protecting us all. Proud of you Son. Love Mom Dad


SR Brian Marshall -

Your letter came today. We have been sending letters everyday since you gave us an address. There have to be at least 7 or 8 letters somewhere. Don't know why you haven't received any of ours. Your letter was mailed on Monday the 18th & arrived today Thurs. (21st) Hope there isn't a "dead letter file" somewhere. Granddad is out on the "North 40" mowing the acreage. I know he misses your helping hand. "Crawford" came over to complain about "golf balls hitting his house". Did anyone of you ever hit the ball that far? If so, maybe you should consider turning "PRO". No rain today and 66 degrees. Jon's busy at school setting up stage for the play tomorrow night. Graduation is near--June 12th. Hope Amber isn't expecting a car! Can't believe we have another one graduating. We saw a group picture of your unit. I think I picked you out. Just think of basic training as a "shake down". I'm sure the switch from civilian to military takes some adjustment time. Discipline builds leaders. The USCG doesn't have a history of graduating "wimps", so you and the others will feel good about yourselves when you recover from the "initial shock". Remember the 2 hills Granddad climbed when he was in training. One was named "MISERY"--the other one was "AGONY". Climbing those hills without complaining is a big accomplishment. You're not complaining--we're proud of you. "Survival of the fittest" is what its all about! Hang tough. Everyone asks about you. I'll share your letter with the others. Hope your mail arrives "before graduation".
Hope we see some more pictures of your unit on the web.
Love "Everybody"

Anonymous said...

SR Arthur Colomo
hi arthur joe. i miss you so much.
i hope your doing good. cant wait to see you again. stay strong. i wrote you a letter hope you got it.


Trash Mouth said...

Keep up the hard work and pull together as a team. You can do it and be the strongest there is. Can't wait to see you. I'm so proud of you. Hang in there. You can do it. We're all pulling for you.

Trash Mouth said...

SR Fraser
Just learning how to do this blog thing. Hope you get to read these. Sounds from reading the other blogs you have a strong group. Hang in there together and be strong. We're pulling for you.



In our last posting earlier today, we mistakenly thought we saw a picture of Quebec-181. OOOPS--it was another group. So hope I didn't get too many family members looking for a Quebec-181 picture. No wonder we couldn't really pick you out. Got another letter off to you today. Caught the mailman just as he was pulling off at 5:10 P.M.

Read the Unit's blog about doing disciplinary pushups in the mud.

Reminds me of my friend in Air Force Basic Training. He was standing at attention, but with a smile on his face--not too smart. He was told "Wipe that smile off your face". Then he was handed a shovel and said, "Now bury it". He had to dig a big hole and bury his smile. That would have wiped the smile off my face. That didn't deter him. He made a career with the Air Force and loved it.

The Coast Guard is an elite group. All of ya'll who make the grade have something to "smile" about, but save it for the barracks.

Hope your group gets it all together quickly, so you can all have LIBERTY!

Strive to stay "UNITED". If the letter "I" gets out of place, it can become "UNTIED".

We all believe in--pray for--are proud of--and love you.

"All the Family"

Anonymous said...

CLEVELAND(AP)—Superman did some major damage.

Orlando center Dwight Howard(notes) knocked down the 24-second shot clock above the basket with a ferocious dunk the first time he touched the ball in Wednesday night’s Eastern Conference final against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

After grabbing a rebound, Howard went up underneath and slammed the ball through with both hands and pulled on the rim for Orlando’s first basket. The 24-second stanchion, a 5-foot-tall appendage that has cameras mounted to its top, then fell slowly backward.

A maintenance crew came out with ladders but couldn’t fix the clock. The shot clock at the opposite end was turned off and two portable units were placed on both baselines. A tape measure was then brought out to check if Howard had pulled the rim lower than its required 10 feet.

Play was stopped for eight minutes.

Anonymous said...


NEW YORK (AP)—Nick Swisher(notes), Robinson Cano(notes) and Melky Cabrera(notes) hit consecutive home runs for the New York Yankees on Wednesday night against Baltimore.

All three solo shots to right field came in the second inning off Orioles starter Jeremy Guthrie(notes)—with two strikes. They gave New York a 4-0 lead and increased the staggering total to 68 homers in the first 19 games at the new Yankee Stadium, 37 hit by New York and 44 to right field.

It was the 11th time the Yankees have hit three straight homers. Gary Sheffield(notes), Alex Rodriguez(notes) and Hideki Matsui(notes) were the last to accomplish the feat on June 21, 2005, against Tampa Bay.

Swisher’s line-drive shot on a full-count pitch didn’t clear the short porch by much. He broke into a small grin and shook his head slightly as he trotted toward home plate.

With a 1-2 count, Cano lofted a high fly that landed in one of the first few rows beyond the fence in straightaway right. Cabrera connected on a 2-2 delivery, a legitimate no-doubter that sailed deep into the second deck.

Anonymous said...


NFL Draft 2009
Pk Team Player Pos
1 Detroit Matthew Stafford QB
2 St. Louis Jason Smith T
3 Kansas City Tyson Jackson DE
4 Seattle Aaron Curry LB
5 NY Jets Mark Sanchez QB
6 Cincinnati Andre Smith OL
7 Oakland Darrius Heyward-Bey WR
8 Jacksonville Eugene Monroe T
9 Green Bay B.J. Raji DT
10 San Francisco Michael Crabtree WR
11 Buffalo Aaron Maybin DE
12 Denver Knowshon Moreno TB
13 Washington Brian Orakpo DE
14 New Orleans Malcolm Jenkins DB
15 Houston Brian Cushing LB
16 San Diego Larry English DE
17 Tampa Bay Josh Freeman QB
18 Denver Robert Ayers DE
19 Philadelphia Jeremy Maclin WR
20 Detroit Brandon Pettigrew TE
21 Cleveland Alex Mack C
22 Minnesota Percy Harvin WR
23 Baltimore Michael Oher OT
24 Atlanta Peria Jerry DT
25 Miami Vontae Davis DB
26 Green Bay Clay Matthews DE
27 Indianapolis Donald Brown RB
28 Buffalo Eric Wood C
29 NY Giants Hakeem Nicks WR
30 Tennessee Kenny Britt WR
31 Arizona Chris Wells RB
32 Pittsburgh Ziggy Hood DT
Complete round-by-round draft picks

Anonymous said...


NFL Draft 2009
Pk Team Player Pos
1 Detroit Louis Delmas S
2 New England Patrick Chung DB
3 St. Louis James Laurinaitis LB
4 Cleveland Brian Robiskie WR
5 Denver Alphonso Smith CB
6 Cincinnati Rey Maualuga LB
7 Jacksonville Eben Britton T
8 New England Ron Brace DT
9 New England Darius Butler CB
10 Buffalo Jairus Byrd CB
11 Carolina Everette Brown DE
12 Miami Pat White QB
13 NY Giants Clint Sintim LB
14 Houston Connor Barwin DE
15 Oakland Michael Mitchell S
16 Denver Darcel McBath S
17 Seattle Max Unger T
18 Cleveland Mohamed Massaquoi WR
19 Buffalo Andy Levitre OL
20 Cleveland David Veikune DL
21 Philadelphia LeSean McCoy RB
22 Minnesota Phil Loadholt OL
23 Atlanta William Moore S
24 Indianapolis Fili Moala DT
25 Baltimore Paul Kruger DE
26 New England Sebastian Vollmer OL
27 Carolina Sherrod Martin DB
28 NY Giants Will Beatty T
29 Miami Sean Smith DB
30 Tennessee Sen'Derrick Marks DE
31 Arizona Cody Brown DE
32 Denver Richard Quinn SE


Cathy said...

Hey Buddy, Mom here again, just thinking of you all the time and wishing you the very best, and
I pray you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear;
I pray you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more;
I pray you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting;
I pray you enough gain to satisfy your wanting;
I pray you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
I love you SR Nicholson Q181

Unknown said...

Justin should have come surfin today because i got some SICK! barrels at that palm beach spot and Shannon got destroyed!!!! HAHAHA. Love Ya Bro

Judi D said...

SR Garcie
We are sending rain your way... like you need it. The temp looked cool up there. We are doing well and enjoying a few cool days. We got the bales hauled today after much running around. Went down to get them and the baler wasn't working so came home and then they called and said come down again ... finished up about 8 pm. We left them on the trailer and put it under R's new addition to the barn. Came in handy already. We are going to hattiesburg tomorrow and mccomb on Friday. Just cant stay off the road. I've been staying with the elderly lady down the road that had a stroke, she is home now and doing a little better each day.
I rode Reba today. She didn't do well this time. Got some of her cues mixed up. Piper is growing fast.
Stay focused, study hard, and work tough. More letters on the way. Enjoy those carbohydrates. Bet you have to eat fast and get back on the march to class or someplace. I suppose you have had the swimming tests by now. Probably loved it, didn't you? You've always been a fish. Will write more later.

Mom Herceg said...

Quebec 181

What a team. You make us very proud. Together Everyone Achieves More. From reading the journal entry, your Incentive Award for messing up sends a strong message- DON'T:) Remember your Goal, and your end result will be the BEST TEAM. We are praying for stength, encouragement, perservance,& good health to get you through the hardest moments.


SR Herceg- I Love You, Mom

SunnyAZ said...

JSB - see if you get this from Sunny AZ. Love and lots of cheers! Mom, Dad, and Cinn. :)

jnicholson said...

SR Nicholson - Hi son we really miss your laughter and hanging out with you...no worries, we'll be bugging you soon..ha..anyway, really hope you're doing well and have a great time and learning a lot I'm sure...Everyone says hi and I know Jeremy misses his surfing buddy...When you get time write us a letter and lets us know what's going on...hard to believe that you've already been there for 3 weeks...you'll be home soon and then off to NC for the serious training...
Love you son and Louise and Max say hello also...
Hope you're making some good friends there and maybe some of them might go to A school with you...
Ok, well I guess I'll sign off now and we'll stay in touch...
I Love You and Miss You...make us proud!

Anonymous said...

SR Jeff-

I am looking forward to another letter from you. I keep looking for pictures of your company I hope they post some next week. How did you do on the swim test I am sure you aced it! *My Husband the Fish:)* Do you still feel like superman? Did training at such a high altitude help with any of the challenges? How are you doing with the change in weather I am sure you are enjoying the humidity and rain :) Stay strong and am anxious for news. Still no foal she is twice the size she was when you left I am considering calling the Vet. I have been riding your horse Sundance he misses you he is such an airhead I took him for a 3 hour trail ride up the canyon he is so full of energy I am going to keep at him b/c I know my Mom and Sister will want to ride and I don't want them to have a bad experience. He was excellent on the way there but of course on the way home he just wanted to bolt. He is still spooking at cows even though he has worked them like a dozen times I hope he calms down and acts his age soon. He likes the way you ride him we are not on the same page yet. The little bantam hen is setting on 11 eggs they are due to hatch June 1st it will be neat to watch them hatch. I am getting more eggs and have been selling them again. I sure do miss fresh Goat milk :( Store bought milk does not compare. Hope they are feeding you good * No Worries everything is under control here on the Farm*:) Much Love your Wife Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Hi SR Von Wieding,
I had gotten your letter today it made my day, it makes me feel good to know your head is in the right direction your a strong girl samantha and Im proud of the young girl you are, and the woman you are becoming. Just think its only 8 weeks and the worst is behind you. Matt, jessica and percy and francis and bear and sky are missing you and Im missing you the most. I love you lots and we are sending lots of letters hope you are getting them the next letter I will have aunt jo jo's address. I know she has sent you a letter to. Lots of Hugs and kisses to you stay strong and be you
Love you always.

Mollie Jeanne said...

SR Jeff Garcie--Wow I can't believe your actually fulfilling your dream Jeff, that is really honorable! I wish I had to guts and enthusiam to go out and pursue such a great career. I'm sure right now your still adjusting to the lifestyle and training over there but I know your strong minded and courageous and will make it through the worst and best times at camp. Becca misses you so much but Flo and I are gonna try and keep her company for a while...good luck and hopefully we'll see you soon! --Mollie

Anonymous said...

SR: Minor
Hi Katie So have you kicked sam in the butt yet for getting you into this yet ?? Well I know you are a smart and strong girl. Just think its 8 weeks of hell and then the toughest part is over its not easy going from a civilian to the military state of mind but I have strong faith you and sam will go on and do great things. We are all thinking about you and samantha Matt and jessie send there best I know jessica sent you a letter also so be on the look out percy and francis send there love. Keep the faith be strong
Love sammy's mom

Cathy said...

SR Justin Nicholson - Proud as punch, you know I am Son. It's Friday, May 22; it's been raining all week long, and it looks like it might just turn out to be a sunny weekend. Hope you have had decent weather there to perform in. Can't wait to hear what you've been doing; the Journal tells me that it may be tough, but it sounds totally worth it. I hope you got my card. I love you to pieces Son, but you know that. Serving God, Family and your Country, well you are covering all three at the TOP! Can't wait to see you and hear all about this great adventure you are on; that you are blessed to be a part of. I miss you! Can't say that enough. Love MOM

SunnyAZ said...

SR Bastanchury
Received your letter! Raining!!! after 14 days of triple digits.
Michael here, w/a '67 VW Bug, Amanda coming tonight. We are so very, very proud of you. Joe H. called to hear how you were doing. Love, Mom, Dad, and Cinn

Anonymous said...




skipperzipper said...

Hey Kase
Just wanted to say that we are very Proud of you and love you stay tough and keep up the good work it will be well worth it in the long run we will write you very soon again can't wait to see you at graduation. Love you very much Pop-Pop and Nana

Chris Watkins said...

Aunt Chris is so proud of you, I am glad you chose this route in life. I can't wait to hear of all of your experiences.
Love you
Aunt Chris

Sandy said...

Just thinking of you and wanted to say Hello! Hope all is going well. Sure is quiet around the house.
Mom :)

CoastieMomGermany said...

SR Sean McIntyre-
We are so proud of you! Dad, Nick and I think about you and Q181 all the time!! It was a nice Day in Germany today - drove up to Ramstein today to get the AFN decoder fixed, we have t.v. again, whoppeeee! Grandma Jean, Grandma Julie, Grandpa Dave, Monica, Lin and the boys send their love!! We've all sent many cards, hope you've received some. It was very exciting to read the 1st journal posting for your company, can't wait to read the next one! Keep up the good work everyone! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! We miss you Sean and can't wait to see you on 26 June.
Love you - Dad, MOM and Nick

DBURNS said...

SR Pullen - Enjoyed your letter, just confirmed everything I already knew about you....that you're awesome. Keep your chin up and enjoy the ride. We love & miss you and can't wait to see you...already have our reservations. Stay strong! Mom

Aunt Annie said...

SR Luke Guizlo

Hey, Luke! You needed a "Hi" and an "ataboy" posted on this blog spot...! We're all so proud of you, are thinking about you and praying for you lots. Can't wait to hear all about it! How's the food? Does is make you want to get in the kitchen and show them how it's really done? "o) Grandma Mimi is proudly displaying her Coastie flag in her room and shows it off for visitors. GO Q181!!!!
Love you, Aunt Annie

Anonymous said...

A question for the parents:

Do you think our recruits will ever see this page? I don't know if they get any computer time at Cape May. Does anyone know? Of course, if nothing else, they can read it when they come home on leave.

Just wondered.

Beth :~)

Deb O said...

Beth I was wondering the same thing... I'd hoped that it was printed off and given to our Quebec 181. I must say though, I have enjoyed the posts from all the family & friends, I get teary eyed everytime I read a post, we are all proud of our kids/spouses and we love and miss them, and I feel comforted knowing there are others out there, that are cheering on our Quebec 181! Hope to see you all at the graduation! Joe Odell's mom - Deb

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,

I agree, it's awesome to have a place for us to come together in wishing our kids awesome success!

Here is another great place:
Click on "Coast Guard Family Forum", then you will see at least 2 threads with "Quebec 181" or "Q181" in them.

Beth :~)

Leigh said...

SR Schatzel- Matt, I am so proud of you!! Keep up the great work. Only a few more weeks, you can do it!!
I love you
Aunt Leigh

Judi D said...

SR Garcie:
We rec'd your letter yesterday and Jordan got one today. Thanks for taking the time to write. We appreciate it as we know you a probably a little more than swamped with things there...so thanks again. Rode Reba a little yesterday, she is doing well. Jack has a stone bruise so he is off limits for awhile. We sent more mail today and have some for tomorrow too,.
Talked with Becca today. She is lonesome too. It is going to be great to be back together. I am hoping things are getting more routine now for all of you.
We went to the Fri night auction tonight and bought a few things. I'll catch you up on all that in a letter. Hope you are doing well and meeting a lot of good people. Some may turn out to be life long friends. Love ya bunches.

Anonymous said...

SR Arthur Colomo
good morning arthur joe. i miss you. hope your doing good. so im already done with school. i miss arguing with you. come home already. nd im still hoping for san diego. ha.

love you,

jnicholson said...

SR Justin Nicholson- HI son, hope you're doing well and I know you are loving all the training I'm sure...How are things and please write when you have some down time..which isn't much I'm sure...anyway, we're all looking forward to seeing you in June at the graduation and then a little time at home before you A school in NC...that should really be exciting for sure...All the parents hope that you guys are actually getting to ready these emails but if not we'll be writing anyway...we love you and miss you and Jeremy, Lauren and Louise say hello and be safe that we all look forward to seeing you soon.

Have a good holiday weekend, I hope and we look forward to your next letter...

Love you and see you in June..


Cathy said...

Happy Saturday SR Justin Nicholson; hope the days are getting better and I know you are getting stronger; well the rain has been continuous all week long here, just this afternoon it looks like it might clear; I really want to hear from you if you have the time to write, cause you know how much I'm missing you. Certainly miss you on Sundays at Church, but I know you are attending there. God's Blessing is truly on you Son. The next month should fly by, and then you're on your way to A school. I really enjoyed the last journal and can't wait to see the next one, and hopefully some pics. of your group. Stay strong and keep focused on truth, love and honor. I love you! MOM

STORMIE said...


I'm typing this for the second time because I'm new at the blogging thing, let's hope it works this time. I received your letter and all I can say is I feel you've made the right decision joining the CG. I think you need to follow through with your original plan. I know it is hard and you miss home, family and friends, but you have to think about the building blocks for your future career and what is best for you not what will make others happy. Hang in there, stay strong I know you have it in you. It has been raining all week. No threat of brush fires, now problems with flooding in certain areas. I saw this black mustang with pink pin-striping the other day and I called Goose to see if she got her car re-painted, she said no, but she know the girl with that car, she goes to Harmony. She is thinking about painting it black with green pin-striping now. Ethan just came and got me to show me this huge possum in the back yard, funny huh? Ethan misses you, he gets board without you and your friends always over, Jason likes the quiet, me, I get lonley and miss having you to talk to. Will see you soon at graduation, it's right around the corner and we need to figure out our travel arrangement, will get with Terri to see what they are doing. Tell Sam Hi! Stay strong, work together as a team, stay focused. Oh ya, guess who won American Idol? It came down to Adam and Chris and American voters picked Chris, how sad, I was routing for Adam.

Deb O said...

SR Odell
Hi Joe!!
I realized that with the Memorial Holiday weekend our mail will be delayed a day. So I'm writing here hoping you get to see these posts. Everyone at West Valley H.S. says "Hi"! I shared parts of your letter with them and they all said that USCG is a prefect fit for you! We all miss the fun the surrounds you when your home, so as you can see things are very quiet here without you...But we all know that you made the right choice and we are very proud of you!! Hope your cold is better!
Love Mom & Dad

Judi D said...

SR Garcie:
Just a quick hello tonight. I've been working on quilting and R is watching war movies as this is Memorial Day wk-end and he's enjoying all the old productions that are on TV.
Congrats are in order at your house. Becca called this am. Baby was born at 5:30 am and she was so excited. We talked about 5-6 times today. roxie was doing well and no complications. Foal was kinda ugly. Funny color. Kinda like mocha and a bald face. you should be seeing pictures soon. She was excited anyhow and glad it was over.

Hope you had a good day and are finding time to get everything done. We got more mail off to you today. Jo rec'd your letter. Way to be a good brother! Get some rest and hang in there. Miss ya.

Anonymous said...

SR Jeff Garcie-

Sis woke me up bright and early and surprise surprise Foxy was in labor I got to see the whole birth :) Now we have a little Colt Sundance is very Jealous..... I am sending you pics of the little guy well actually he's quite big for a foal he's all legs great conformation and he is not the prettiest thing but he is cute looks like Foxy and he is already changing color looks like he will have four white socks and his momma's white face and blue eyes. I have been going back and forth on names. Thought you would enjoy hearing this Miss you Love Becca

Anonymous said...

SR Von Wieding ,

Hi Sammy hope today finds you guys well and staying strong not much happening at home except a whole lot of rain dreary. We are all missing you even jessica says she misses you. Well its not to far off to graduation day stay strong and keep your head up and stay focused. I love you much


SR Brian Marshall

Graduation is June 12th. Haven’t seen her lately. She’s moving in w/Beth. ---Bill & I went 2 a wedding 2Day @ Leonard’s home on the waterfront. Alex, Leonard’s granddaughter, married a fella named Ben. There were relatives all the way from Spain just 2see the wedding. It was classy--a huge tent set-up along side Leonard’s house-filled w/tables for all 2B seated& eat afterwards. Should’ve taken Jon. A girl sang in Spanish.

It’s Memorial Day - We always fly our flag, I wish more people would do the same. We want to be protected, but we want to run them out of Oceana because the jets make 2 much noise. The people who live around the base knew the jets were there when they moved in. I want the jets here. Luv 2 watch ‘em fly. Not 2 much noise 4 me. Thank God they’re up there. What if they weren’t? Too many Americans take our freedom for granted. It was paid for by the blood of brave people who loved their country enough to give their lives if need be to protect it.

“News - Nuthin’ new here-- “Sat May 23 2009 10:32:18 ET - In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: "We are out of money.” …

May 23 Saudi Arabian oil minister Ali al- Naimi said the price of oil will climb to $75 a barrel when demand picks up-The World Health Organization is poised to declare a full pandemic of the virus, which has infected more than 11,000 people in 42 countries & killed 86. U.S. health officials released $1 billion for companies to get started on a vaccine in case it is needed. -A man was so desperate to avoid a parking ticket that he ran over an NYPD traffic cop before she could write it, breaking her legs and causing a head injury.=BEIJING (AP) - Chen Fuchao, a man heavily in debt, had been contemplating suicide on a bridge in southern China for hours when a passer-by came up, shook his hand - & pushed him off the ledge. Chen fell 26 feet (8 meters) onto a partially inflated emergency air cushion laid out by authorities & survived, suffering spine & elbow injuries, the official Xinhua News Agency said Sat.
We’re downsizing cows! - The half-sized cows barely reached Kenny's waist. The ranch's border collie stared eye-to-eye with wandering calves. ---Well Brian – here we go again. Remember the “global warming crowd” says that cows are passing too much wind & they’re polluting the planet! We’re already developing a feed that will help reduce “bovine flatulence”. now it looks like not only companies but cows are scheduled to be “downsized”. I’m glad we have a Congress to take care of pressing problems as “cow flatulence”. Someone could put a meter over the Capitol & measure the hot air coming out of there--they’d have 2B downsized!
Didn’t send any $$$ in your letter--last batch I made wasn’t dry enough. I had 2 mark each bill w/orange marking pen that cashiers use 2 see if $ bill is legit! I should get a job in Washington, they’re printing money.
Hang tough. Basic training makes “men out of boys”. Hey,we should’ve saved some posters advertising the Marines. They use 2B “LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN”. (That’s probably not around now)
Should’ve been asleep already. At least I don’t have to be awakened during the nite 2 stand guard . I copied the blogs thru May 20th in my last letter to you. Time may B going slowly there, it’s flying here!
Praying 4U

Miriyah velez said...

SR TOMMY SAVAGE - Hey hun! omg 2day was such a busy day! right when i woke up i had to get dressed and work at the salon from 11 to 5:30, and then, right after, i worked at in-n-out from 6 to 12... so ya, unfortunately this means that i couldnt send you a letter today. :( sorry! and then... because this weekend is memorial day weekend and also u already know there's no mail on sundays... that means there will probably be a day or 2 next week that u dont recieve a letter from me... eeeeekk! but anyways, i want you to kno that i'm thinkin about u and i love you and miss you and im very proud of you babe! keep your head up and have faith ok? i will send a letter as soon as possible (after memorial day)... ur my everything... i love you!
<3 always.... ur lady


SR Brian Marshall

Heads up Brian - It's Sunday morning. Hope you're in church -- God is and He loves you and me.

It's still Memorial Day Weekend and our members of the Armed Forces are the reason we're still safe today.

You are representative of those men and women who appreciate the freedoms they have inherited -- paid for by the blood of our countrymen who have gone before us.

Don't be discourgaged when the top man tries to break you down. He's just trying to "weed out wimps" ! !

Hang tough - stand tall - we love you and know "you have the right stuff!

(Words of wisdom from G-MA!"

Jan said...

SR Schultz - Hi Daddy. I wanted to tell you I got a new kitten. Her name is Sofie. I sure do miss you. I look at your picture every day. I love you and will be glad when you come home. Love, Shelby


SR Brian Marshall

Hello again Brian.

Well, you know how I have to keep up with the news, so here's all the "news that's fit to print"
May 24th - KUWAIT CITY (AP) - Eighteen U.S. soldiers infected with swine flu have recovered after treatment on an American base in Kuwait and left the country, a Kuwaiti health official said Sunday.

"They were treated and they have fully recovered," said Youssef Mandakar, deputy head of Kuwait's public health department. He said the soldiers had shown "mild symptoms" of the disease upon their arrival at an Air Force base.


Seems no place is safe - Church fight erupts over a sermon!

VIENNA (AP) - Groups of rival worshippers at a Sikh temple in the Austrian capital pulled knives and at least one handgun in a mass fight Sunday, police and ambulance staff said. At least 11 people were wounded.

Witnesses said the fight erupted after a dispute over the sermon, given by a man identified by the Austria Press Agency as Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha. Police said at least six men, one wielding a gun and the others knives, attacked the preacher. Others rushed to his aid, resulting in the melee.

Just over half of Israelis back an immediate attack on the nuclear facilities of arch-foe Iran but the rest want to wait and see the results of US diplomacy, according to a poll released on Sunday.
Fifty-one percent support an immediate Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites, while 49 percent believe the Jewish state should await the outcome of efforts by the US administration to engage with the Islamic republic, said the survey published by Tel Aviv University.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's top military adviser says Iran's objective is to obtain nuclear weapons - and that threatens the region.

Adm. Mike Mullen says he's worried about Iran and what U.S. intelligence agencies don't know about the Tehran government. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff says the United States and its allies must work to engage Iran's leaders.

Mullen says there's a narrow window in which to work to block Iran from achieving nuclear capabilities.
MESA, Ariz. (AP) -- Two people were killed and six others - two of them children - were wounded in a shooting at a high school graduation party, police said Sunday.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (AP) -- A 6-year-old boy grabbed the wheel of his family's pickup truck when his father passed out from low blood sugar, keeping the vehicle from crashing until an officer could bring it to a halt, police said

Well, it's the wee hour of Monday morning. Randy just came home from a fishing trip. Caught 7, so we'll have fish tomorrow. I made a different recipe today. He liked it so well, he almost made himself sick. We'll surely have fish when you get home.

Keep the faith. Love Ya! G-MA


SR Brian Marshall

Hey there Brian, After reading this journal, I can see that things were rough that first week. As I began to read about your unit having to do push-ups face down in the mud--I said to myself----Hmmm wonder if the Company Commanders names happen to be "MISERY" and "AGONY". I bet you remembered Granddad's story about the two hills they had to climb in boot camp. Remember- they were called "MISERY and AGONY" ! !

Well, I do hope that whatever type of offense caused the extra pushups has been remedied. I know you were fine with the swimming pool bit.

Hope you were able to make it to Chapel on Sunday. It sounds like a "grueling" workout you guys are having. Here's a snippet of the journal that prompted me to name the wonder just how many "disciplinary" measures your unit has had to undergo. I'm getting an idea of what you're into by looking at pictures from other units. Hope to see your picture somewhere.

"On Friday May 8th individuals from across the country joined together to form Quebec-181. Our forming process was over and that moment began indoctrination weekend. This was the most physically grueling and stressful weekend that most of us have yet encountered. The Coast Guard's core values of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty were drilled into us. We soon learned price for violating these value in the form of incentive training. As we laid face down in the mud struggling to do more pushups, some of us doubted why we left the comforts of our home and stepped on the bus that led us to this place. Yet, when asked if we wanted to leave you could hear a pin drop.

By Monday, the stress of indoctrination weekend was taking its toll, and our focus was slipping. To our surprise, our Company Commanders brought us to meet our "big sister company" Oscar-181. For the first time since we arrived, the tension was relieved, if only for a few moments. We me the Company one week ahead of us who will help guide and support us on our way to graduation.

Tuesday was the moment of truth for some, our swim assessment test. It involved jumping off of a 6ft platform, swimming 100 meters and treading water for 5 minutes. As we stood with our feet on the edge of the platform, that 6 foot seemed a lot higher than it did from the bench, and as we plunged into the water, it felt a lot deeper. It was more difficult than we thought, but most of us made it to the end. Those that did not will receive extra instruction and will be faster than all of us by the end.

By midweek we received our pieces (rifles). We accepted these pieces with great care for they were once used to defend our country on the beaches of Normandy and many other far away places. This was a source of great pride for the company, because we began to feel and look like a military company. Even our marching that was so out of step earlier in the week was starting to become more cohesive."...

So Brian - By now the lesson in "cohesiveness" has been mastered I hope. One good thing, the weather's fine for boot camp training. It's a tough world in 2009. This training will prove to be invaluable. When you graduate, you will have earned it!

Keep on gitten' up! Love ya! G-Ma

Captain Zoom said...

SR McIntyre,

Hi Sean! It is Memorial Day - I'm sure for you and your Q-181 buddies it's just another day at work. We drove down to Lake Como on Saturday and got home very, very late Sunday (2:30 AM) thanks to the St. Gotthard tunnel in Switzerland. It took us 2.5 hours to get through it (you remember we did that a few years ago when we were driving back from Vicenza?). Lake Como was very nice, sunny, and hot (about 90 degrees). We took a boat from Como to Bellagio - about 2 hours each way with many stops along the way. (Nick said this was probably about as fun as visiting the Vatican Gardens!)
Hope you and Q-181 are hanging tough! You are halfway there!

Love, Dad

Trash Mouth said...

It's Memorial Day and am thinking of you more today -- than in the past. Now that I have a Coastie serving our country -- I'm so proud. I know you are getting stronger and have a great team there. Keep you eyes on the end result. You are finally doing what you want with your life. I know its tough, but you can do it. You're a winner. Just know we are thinking of you every day. Love always,

Anonymous said...

Howard’s 24 lead Magic past Cavs for 2-1 lead
By TOM WITHERS, AP Sports Writer
11 hours, 3 minutes ago
Buzz up! 41 votes

Cleveland Cavaliers guard Mo W…
AP - May 24, 11:01 pm EDT
1 of 27NBA Gallery
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)—LeBron James(notes) had no shot.

Dwight Howard(notes) scored 24 points—14 on free throws—and Rafer Alston(notes) added 18 as the Orlando Magic, sick of seeing replays of James’ dramatic Game 2 buzzer-beater, downed the Cleveland Cavaliers 99-89 on Sunday night to take a 2-1 lead in an Eastern Conference finals getting nastier by the minute.

James scored 41 on just 11-of-26 shooting and missed five free throws in the fourth quarter. But once again, Cleveland’s superstar didn’t get enough help from his teammates. Mo Williams(notes), who needed four stitches to close two gashes around his left eye after being elbowed in the first half, Delonte West(notes) and Zydrunas Ilgauskas(notes) shot a combined 13-of-37

Game 4 is Tuesday night.

Anonymous said...


How Allen ascended from meek audition to 'Idol'
By DERRIK J. LANG, AP Entertainment Writer
Thu May 21, 4:18 AM PDT
Not much has changed about Kris Allen since his mostly forgettable "American Idol" audition. Well, except for the winning-it-all part.
When the 23-year-old college student from Conway, Ark., first auditioned with Leon Russell's "A Song for You" in Louisville, Ky., he seemed nothing more than a boy-next-door "Idol" hopeful, lacking the instant juggernaut feel of showy 27-year-old runner-up Adam Lambert or even plucky 17-year-old spark plug Allison Iraheta.
A newsboy cap pulled down around his eyes, Allen was asked back then by the judges if he was the best singer.
"You know, there's probably people who are better than me," was his response, a humility that Simon Cowell said he found off-putting.
"Idol" producers must have agreed. Back in February, viewers had seen less of Allen out of all the crooners that moved forward in the competition. During Hollywood Week, neither of Allen's solos were aired, just his "I Want You Back" group performance. In fact, more footage from his original audition was aired during Wednesday's eighth season finale than in any previous episodes.
Once selected as a finalist, Allen got off to a rocky start after his first performance. The judges were decidedly mixed over his rendition of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror," yet his charming nice-guy demeanor quickly emerged when it was revealed that the longtime Jackson fan had been helping the other singers -- his competitors of all people! -- tackle their takes on the King of Pop.
Allen himself seemed the most surprised about his shocking win by a margin of votes that, unlike last season's landslide victory by David Cook over David Archuleta, was not publicly declared by host Ryan Seacrest.
"I'm exhausted, and I'm shocked," Allen said backstage after winning the title. "I'm really shocked."

Unknown said...

SR Joe Odell, Lilah just graduated and your neice just got her first tooth, its like a tiny razorblade. Yesterday I brewed a batch of imperial IPA that should be ready by the time you get done. I'll make sure to save a couple for ya. Looks like we'll miss you in New Jersey if you graduate in june because were not going to be there until July.We hear you are the Bard( hired minstrel) of your company and please let us know if you run out of material as we have had many unsung arguments since you have been gone hehe. Hope you are enjoying blasting your pecks to extreme measurements as I (Lilah) plan to make a Joe Odell calendar for my own financial purposes when you are done haha. We love you so much lil'bro and are extremely proud, keep yo head up!

Cathy said...

SR Nicholson; My thoughts are with you today (Memorial Day) Son as all of you honor our men and women who served this country well. You are in an atmosphere where the importance of this day is celebrated, for what it is, for what it is meant to be. I love you Son. Still waiting to hear from you; may GOD BLESS and Keep you always! Mom

Dee Dee said...

SR Guizlo,
I saw the pictures from the Memorial Day event and the Sunset Parade and thought, O! maybe there will be a pic of the band, maybe a trumpet? But didn't see one. So we'll have to wait a while longer. All our love and all the best to you and Q181!


SR Brian Marshall

Today was the “official Memorial Day. We watched via C-Span the laying of the wreath at Arlington Cemetery as we always do. My Uncle Howard was killed by a sniper in World War II. He was a “courier” who carried messages back & forth on a light motorcycle. Many have forgotten that their freedom was “bought” by others willing to “pay” for that freedom by laying down their lives, if need be. Retired Admiral Clark spoke yesterday at 1st Bpt. & said--pray @ 3 PM 2day & ring church bells & blow auto horns in appreciation of our military. We rang our big antique dinner bells outback.

We didn’t do fireworks. You nor Jon were here. He went to see Star Trek. We visited my mom today. She always asks about you and hope you got her letter. So when you finally get the many letters we have mailed, please be sure to send her a letter. I know you only have a short time on Sunday to write, but just a short note will please her.

I was making up another album of wedding pictures today of Leonard’s wedding gig for his granddaughter Alex. I ran across lots of recent videos of you. I just forgot my main project and started watching clips of Brian and the rest of you grandkids. You’re such a joy. I now the commanders are “ragging all ya’ll out”. They may be withholding your mail, till you can all stand attention at the same time! Somebody displeased the commander, I’m guessing, since you had to do pushups in the mud! That’s all part of the training—learning to be subordinate! Hope ya’ll get liberty when it’s due. You’re not a whiner. I know you’ll do well. If anybody gets a “shout out” for being the best unit, hope it’s Quebec-181.

As usual, a little news to keep you aware of what’s going on in the outside world! This is not good news, but a menacing, disturbing action on the part of North Korea. They remind me of Iran. Both leaders are maniacal. North Koreans are starving by the millions while their leaders develop massive weapon systems. Both N. Korea & Iran are to be taken SERIOUSLY!

NEWS ALERTS: North Korea today risked further international isolation after it claimed to have successfully tested a nuclear weapon as powerful as the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.North Korea is preparing to test-fire short-range missiles in the Yellow Sea, one day after it staged a nuclear test, South Korea's Yonhap news agency said.
Just some interesting news: I don’t drink Red Bull. I don’t need any more energy, just more hours in the day!
May 25, ’09 Germany considering a nationwide ban on the high-energy drink RED BULL Cola after traces of cocaine were found in it. Authorities in the states of Hesse & North-Rhine Westphalia have ordered retailers to stop selling the beverage - which is available in the UK. The institute examined Red Bull Cola in an elaborate chemical process & found traces of cocaine,' said Bernhard Kuehnle, head of the food safety department at the federal ministry for consumer protection. Authorities said the cocaine levels do not pose a health threat but are not permitted in foodstuffs. The investigation found the drink to contain a de-cocainized extract of coca leaf in the drink.

Will go for now. If I think of anything else, will write again. Everyone says “HI BRIAN”, WE MISS YOU AND ARE PROUD YOU’RE IN THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD. PERFECT PLACE FOR A “BEACH BOY” TO BE.
Always in our hearts and prays, -- All the family!


SR Brian Marshall
Ooops I forgot to say one more thing. You know my favorite fairy tale story “Chicken Little”. Well—here’s another “sky is fallin’ in and I must run and tell the President!” story!
AL GORE is over in Copenhagen urging business men to act quickly before the seas rise & drown us all & the global warming burns up all of us who weren’t lucky enough to be good swimmers. I’M NOT WORRIED ABOUT THE ATLANTIC OCEAN RISING 20 FT. & WIPING OUT VIRGINIA BEACH!

Guess what! THIS “Inconvenient Truth” JUST IN!

Interesting article. “ Study Halves Prediction of Rising Seas

By ANDREW C. REVKIN - Published: May 14, 2009

A new analysis halves longstanding projections of how much sea levels could rise if Antarctica’s massive western ice sheets fully disintegrated as a result of global warming. The flow of ice into the sea would PROBABLY RAISE SEA LEVELS ABOUT 10 FEET RATHER THAN 20 FEET, ACCORDING TO THE ANALYSIS, PUBLISHED IN THE MAY 15 ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL SCIENCE…”

Al hasn’t read Genesis 1:21,22 “And the LORD was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice & said to Himself, “I will NEVER again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will NEVER again destroy all living things. 22 As long as the earth remains, there will be planting & harvest, cold & heat, summer & winter, day & night.”

Genesis 9:13-17 “I have set My rainbow in the clouds, & it will be the sign of the covenant between Me & the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth & the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me & you & all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it & remember the everlasting covenant between God & all living creatures of every kind on the earth." 17 So God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me & all life on the earth.”
I think of that promise each time I see a rainbow.

Stay focused & be strong Brian! The beach will still be here when you get home!

That old refrain—“Summertime and the livin’ is easy---fish are jumpin’…” will still be true!

And another thing – you know we’ll always love you.

Stay “cool” – Love ya – G-Ma.

Miriyah velez said...


Mom Herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg
Mom and Dad are sending love and hugs. We are so proud of you, and all that you are accomplishing. Stay strong. We are praying for you, and your whole team Q-181. Our hearts are full of pride and joy knowing you have made these choices in life. We stand behind you all the way. Can't wait to get that 2nd letter. This is starting week 4. Just think another week and you will know where you will be based. How exciting for you and Katrina. We are having lunch today, so your ears will be burning I'm sure. We will be talking aobut you :):):):) We miss and love you very much. Stay focused. Ending in love and prayers, MOM xoxox0

Judi D said...

Happy Tuesday to you. It has rained so much here we were thinking of getting the boat on the patio in case we needed it. 6-8 inches were reported all around us. Our gauge only had 3.5 but that was more than enough. Garden is WET! We have been trying to put a fence up and can't even walk where we need to be. Guess it will dry up later in the week. I see where a lot of people are sending the world news so i won't repeat. I was wondering if that was your company in the Memorial Day celebratiion as it looked like you but hard to tell....you all have a similiar appearance. Becca is all excited about her colt and he is pretty active. You will have your hands full when you get home to help with him.
We have been inside for a couple of days now and getting cabin fever.
R. says 'Hello" and best of luck. I bet your ceremony was memorable yesterday! I wish we could have seen it.
Another week gone by and things should be improving daily. Glad you are there and getting this step completed. Hope you are getting mail by now. We are sending it almost daily.
Work hard and keep smiling.... the world will wonder what you are up too.
love ya
mom and richard

Anonymous said...

Hey sammy was nice to read this weeks journal sounds like you are all working hard. Spoke to Jason and Stormie we are making our arrangements for traveling can't wait until graduation. We will all be driving up. I cant wait to see you. Joyce jessica's friend jayden says hi and wishes you well.. Tonight is game 4. Magic just might pull it off. You know jessica has been building that co2 car at school all this year well today was the day all the kids had gotten to race them. she e beat out 45 kids in her class took first place in racing the cars. I was glad cause I had gone to see it she was so excited. 2 Weeks ago the kids had built rockets, the science teacher took all of the class out in the field they had gotten to set off the rockets they had built and yep you guessed it jessica's came in first it had gone the highest. Her teacher had to go off in the field past the school to get it. That's jessica the rocket scientist or should I say the mad scientist. We all miss you guys and can't wait for graduation. Stay strong and focused this is your future, you can do it your halfway there. We have been sending lots of letters to you and katie hope your getting them. I dont think Jessica will be going to st. cloud middle. She may actually be going to denn john they have a better program international school of study she will be in all advanced classes waiting to see if she is excepted. Love you Much


Anonymous said...

Hey baby, I miss you soo much hunny!! We are soo proud of you!! keep up the good work and stay focused!! Cant wait to see you on the 26th of June!! Sent you letters yesterday and today!! I absolutely loved all your letters!! Cant wait for your next letter! I love you baby!! One more year!! Stay strong my love! We all supporting you!!
Your fiance Nikki and the family

Anonymous said...

SR Richard herceg,
congrats your halfway done, almost. im so proud of you! keep up the good work, and dont quit being a strong leader for your team. Glad to hear your getting my cards and letters. i ut something in the mail every single day for you. Keep up the good work, it will all pay off soon. i love you very much and your in my prayers. we all love you and miss you so much here at home.

Cathy said...

SR Nicholson, I just read your journal posted this week. Sounds like your group has had a tough week of physical training (which I know you love). It must have been exciting to march in Kilo's graduation ceremony. I feel for you and the others and the stress to focus all the time. The stories you hear and the heartfelt rescues must be so enlightening. God Bless You Justin, Mom Loves you

STORMIE said...

SR MINOR- Thought I'd drop a line to let you know I'm thinking about you. I read the recent Quebec 181 journal telling about what you've been doing, I hope things went well for you. Everything here the same old, same old, work, cook, clean, sleep, get up and do it again, sound familiar, ha ha. I'm counting down the days until graduation, study hard, stay focused, it will all be worth it. I'm proud of you Kate! Time to hit the rack & watch the news until I get sleepy. Write you later.
Love, Mom

Diane said...

SR- Art Colomo
Hi Babe - we miss you so much! I know you're working hard and staying strong! We all love you!
Lakers Won- game five.

Mom, Mark, Kiana & Sashy


SR Brian Marshall -

Hey Brian - Missed your letter this week. Will write tomorrow Thursday the 28th. We've made reservations for graduation. Jon is coming. Don't know about Amber. We'll be bringing you home. When you make arrangements for your flight to who knows where--make sure the departure is from Norfolk, VA to wherever, of course. Looking forward to seeing you. Everything's fine here. I have been working overtime answering letters on the American Cancer Society. Several people have gone to Dr. Luketich to have their operations based on Bill's story. It's gratifying to know that. Lots of people are treating their heartburn with TUMS when they really have Esophageal Cancer and don't know it. So if and when you run into buddies who have difficulty swallowing or excessive heartburn, encourage them to have an Endoscopy. They may be surprised but not in a good way! Hope your years are many and healthy. Granddad has been out riding his bike today. I got to bed so late last nite, I slept till almost noon. You know that's not like me.

We had fish for supper. Randy went fishing again tonight and brought home 4 of the biggest fish he has ever caught. I will take a picture. Still haven't heard from Brandon, Jr. since he was here to wish you goodbye.

By now you're halfway there. Hope everyone is looking the same way, on the same foot at the same time and ship shape so it will be liberty for everybody.

Are you going to let us know when you get liberty? How long will it be?

Everyone wishes you the best. And it goes without saying, we're all proud of you.

Randy says security is really heightened where he works. North Korea has a crazy man at the helm you know, much like Iran's crazy! We have a lot to worry about. Of course, those that aren't worried SHOULD BE!

Love you always - GMa

P.S. Looks like General Motors is going to file bankruptcy on Monday coming up. That is really a sad situation. Don't know how long Ford can last. Don't know what will happen to your Uncle Mark's job with FORD in Detroit. FORD is whittling down their employees and benefits all the time.

Anonymous said...



The Magic lead the Cavaliers 3-1 in the best-of-seven series. Game 5 is Thursday night in Cleveland.



Anonymous said...

SR Jeff Garcie-

Thinking of you and counting down the days. Stay focused, strong and work hard it will be over before you know it:) Love you Becca



Thursday afternoon – May 28, 2009

Got another letter from you today. If you're as happy to get a letter from us as we are to get one from you, you're smiling! It cheers us up.

By the way, I should have made you practice making your bed before you left home. "Pulling up the covers will no longer be acceptable". You always had a knack for making the bed up and leaving it looking like you were still in it!

You'll have to show me how you've learned to make it up so a dime will bounce on it. And about those shoes, "shiny" is the order of the day. "Mud and dust" is no longer acceptable-huh? Well-DUH!

I'll be glad to let you prepare the menu. Make your list, we'll cook it all when you get home. Of course, your uniform must fit when you take off from home for your next duty station.

Granddad and I will send you some more letters. Have been so busy we haven't sent one in the last two days. Sorry. But we'll get one off today.

I will print out the blogs for you. I thought maybe they would be posted somewhere. We parents, friends, grandparents want you to know how proud we are of you, but you need to be able to see them posted somewhere. Can you ask the chaplain where they can be seen? I know this blog saves 44cents, but that's not the purpose. We wanted to "touch base" with you as if always possible in the outside world!

Same things going on in the world.
A guy in San Francisco has been voted the Homecoming "QUEEN". Speaking of QUEEN, Queen Elizabeth has been left out of the D-Day ceremonies next week. She actually served as a volunteer in WWII. Can you imagine that?

I guess our illustrious President Barack Obama wasn't pleased when

the gifts he gave the Queen and Prime Minister Brown. Didn't matter that they weren't formatted to play in Britain. Moreover, an IPOD probably isn't the thing she wanted most. Moreover, he returned a bust of Winston Churchill that was properly placed in the White House before his becoming President.

I do wish we could make a more thoughtful gift when we present gifts to foreign heads of state and dignitaries.---------

Britain wasn't happy to have "Churchill" returned - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/22/obama-returns-churchill-b_n_168919.html - Obama Returns Churchill Bust To England: British Press Sees Snub------

Well will go for now. Got to hang out some clothes. And you know in order to be "green", we old folks are going to have to make several trips to the grocery store on our bikes or invest in a bigger bike with a bigger basket! Hope the red meat we're not supposed to eat doesn't spoil before we get home. Worse yet, we'll have to watch out for dogs on the loose--they love red meat too you know!

Your politically-correct Grandma

Will write more later with "all the news that's fit to Print". Bet you miss not seeing me in the kitchen listening & watching C-Span while I cook your favorite food. We miss you. If we can still afford the electricity bill when you return, you can pick up where you left off--knowing all that is going on in the world whether you want to know it or not. The food is served only in the kitchen and C-Span is usually the only TV station playing in the kitchen!

Love you - love you - love you.
Your 70-year old Grandma who knows what's going on in this world--thanks to modern technology.


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian - Ask someone in authority where these blogs may be seen. They must be posted somewhere--otherwise we are taking the time to write here when we could just as well be putting it in a letter.

Surely there is a bulletin board and you've just not found out where it is. That's the command from home.


My advice has always been: IF YOU DON'T KNOW--ASK--! Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Don't appear to understand if you don't! Then you will really be dumb when you could have known the answer!
That goes for all the guys and gals in your unit!




Your "ever luvin" GrandMa

Dee Dee said...

SR Guizlo,
Just received your latest letter. Your company is really learning to look out for each other. So proud of you! You are nearly halfway done! Can hardly wait for 26 June.

SisteR KeeK said...

SR Arthur Colomo- HI brother!!! We miss you soooooooooo much!! things are just never right when you don't got the weirdo in your family around!! hahahaha j/k So I got your letter today and so did mom that was the 2nd one! I've sent you three but i dont know how many you have got??? Anyway stay strong you're halfway to your destiny! We knew you can do it! So now wen u get home you can fold alllll of our clothes!!! We love you and miss u jaydee and lance said hi!!


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian - Up late again. Didn't sit down at the computer till midnite. Got to read the news you know. Will update you later today.

We got your letter today. I will share it with everyone. You should be getting a couple or 3 on Monday. We got behind and mailed them all today. I printed out this blog from 20th to 28th. America is still here, but is on "life support". One in 7 homeowners are behind in their payments---unemployment rising---no jobs---Pres. Obama's nominee says she thinks a Latino lady brings more to the table in the way of judgment than a white man who hasn't lived her life.

She also believes that there is no constitutional right for citizens to own a gun. And of course she is for abortion. So, she doesn't have my vote.

Everyone is well here. The weather is beautiful. Just wanted you to know how very happy we were to hear from you. As we figured, things are settling down for you.

We'll be excited to see you in your uniform with "shiny belt buckle and shoes" no doubt! Looking forward to hearing from you when you tell us where you will be stationed. Sure hope I don't miss that call.

Love you as always. G-Ma

Anonymous said...


Yankees Team Report May 29, 2009

Optimism about the Yankees was in short supply following a 5-1 loss to the Blue Jays on May 12. Their seventh loss in nine games dropped the Yankees to 13-15 and a season-high 6 1/2 games out of first place.

Jorge Posada was on the disabled list, as was his backup, Jose Molina. Mark Teixeira was hitting .191. Alex Rodriguez had one homer and three hits in 14 at-bats. Phil Hughes had an 8.49 ERA and appeared headed back to Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre as soon as Chien-Ming Wang could return from the disabled list.

Yet out of the chaos emerged a contender. The Yankees won for the 12th time in 15 games Wednesday by beating the Rangers 9-2 to move into a tie for the division lead with the Red Sox. ...More


Thanks to LeBron James' marvelous performance, the Cleveland Cavaliers staved off elimination at the hands of the Orlando Magic, taking Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals, 112-102. James tallied a triple-double with 37 points, 14 rebounds, and 12 assists. More importantly, he scored or assisted on every crucial Cavalier bucket in the fourth period--which the Cavaliers entered trailing--helping them outscore the Magic, 34-23, and thus take the win. Hedo Turkoglu scored 29 points on 10-of-18 shooting to lead Orlando, while Dwight Howard scored 24 points and grabbed 10 rebounds before fouling out late in the game. The scene shifts to Orlando for Game 6 this Saturday.



tomrbill said...

SR Justin Stibrany, Hello Son! We are very very proud of you. Must have a big party when you get home. Plus your birthday is soon after you get home. Can't wait to see you. Love Mom & Dad & Family

AmberGoose said...

SR Minor.

Hey Katie, I got your letter :) I'm glad you wrote me. I wrote you back right away and sent it express lol. I will keep writing you. I miss you so much. I'm sure your doing great! I talked to your mom yesterday, we are keeping in touch and I'm pretty sure I am going to your Graduation so you better pass everything lol I know you will. Oh man, I looked at the 2010 Mustang uhh it is amazingggg lol. Your mom thought I painted my car lol but I have been talking to my dad about getting it done. Keep sending me letters! You made me laugh and cryyy in the last one. I know I'm a cry baby haha. Well, I hope to hear from you soon. Stay Strong and keep up the good work. Oh yeah, and I'm practicing so when we play golf when you get home I WILL WIN haha. Miss you!

Love you,
Amber Goose.

SisteR KeeK said...

SR Arthur Colomo,
HI PAPAS! Lol Hope you're doing well and tell your fellow coastie's not to make fun of my son's gap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol I'm glad you got the pics mom sent you, can't wait to see you at your graduation although I am NOT looking forward to that flight :/ Stay strong , we love you! Sister, Lance and BAbY JaY <3


SR Brian Marshall

Hey there Brian - It's been a busy time here. Hope the time is passing faster for you now. Dad came over today and brought little Haydon. Haydon chased Rascal all over the place, but could never catch him. Then Granddad went up into the attic and got down a couple of old tricycles for Haydon to ride. He has grown, but not talking as much as he should.

When Randy cleaned those fish, I didn't know it until today. He put the fish heads back in the woods. He said there were some big vultures back there having a feast. Too bad, was hoping the smell of rotting fish would waft over in the yard of the ones who use our woods for a dump, but the vultures must eat too. That's why they call them vultures. They rip into anything with a vengeance until it is devoured.

Interesting tidbit about turkey vultures that I got off an internet link:

The Vulture's Bald Head:

There is an important purpose to the vulture's bald head. When the vulture is eating carrion, it must often stick its head inside the carcass to reach the meat.

A feathery head would capture unwanted pieces of the vulture's meal, along with all the bacteria it hosts.

After mealtime, the turkey vulture perches in the heat of the sun.

Here, whatever has managed to cling to the few bits of fuzz on their head will be baked off once and for all.

Turkey Vultures can often be seen along roadsides, cleaning up roadkill, or near rivers, feasting on washed-up fish, another of their favorite foods.

So I see "fish" is one of their favorite foods.

Their Size is 25 to 32 inches long, with a wingspan around 6 feet.

Healthy adult Turkey Vultures weigh approximately 6 pounds.The turkey vulture is one of the only birds in North America with a sense of smell. This vulture relies both on its keen eyesight and powerful nose to search out food.

Well enough about turkey vultures. Randy's out fishing again tonight. He doesn't have to work tomorrow for a change. Suppose that means more food for the vultures!

We haven't seen the owl here in the last couple of years. The Bluejays were constantly bombarding the owl, guess he went somewhere that he felt "welcome".

It got up to 91 degrees here today. Jon & Daniel went to the beach. Now he's spending the night over there. Gas is back up to $2.29 at Sam's Wholesale Club but is $2.39 elsewhere. Of course, I remember watching C-Span when Harry Reid, leader of the Democrat Senators, object to amendments Mitch McConnel wanted to offer. Mitch started out with, "I'd like to attach a trigger amendment to this bill that if gasoline gets up to $5 a gallon, we will authorize drilling for oil. Objection says Dick Durbin, Senate Democrat Whip. The Republican Minority Leader said, Well may I offer an amendment that says we will drill for oil on our own land when gasoline gets to $6 a gallon. Sen. McConnel went all the way up to $10 a gallon. Objection said Dick Durban, Sen. Majority Whip from Illinois. So even if gasoline gets up to $10 a gallon, they won't authorize drilling for oil on our own soil. We also have enough coal to last us 200 years!

But not to worry--we're coming to Cape May, N.J. for your graduation Lord willing. I've been reading the journals for the other units. When someone doesn't shape up, they call it "Incentive Training". I read about a couple of guys getting "reverted" in another group. My, oh my, hope everyone in your unit graduates at the same time.

Well, I've been up too long today to write more now, but am planning a long letter tomorrow.

We love you. I've read your letter to several in the family. They all say they know you'll be able to handle all the training. We appreciate you Brian. Keep on getting up. You can do anything you put your mind to.

Be sure to go to chapel in the morning. Things will go better the rest of the day. Lots of family are praying for you.
Love G-Ma

Captain Zoom said...

SR McIntyre - Hope you and all Q181 had a great week. Nick's school year is winding down and we are looking forward to our trip back to the "good ole USA." We are excited to hear about your 1st duty station next week, can't wait to hear your voice. Today is exactly the 1/2 way point for Q181. Good luck on the PT test and Mid-term exam (I think it's this week) Keep pushing hard, good luck and God Bless - We love you....
Dad, Mom and Nick

beachwalker said...

SR Herceg,
Week four down, you sure have been working hard. It makes us proud to be your family. Best of luck to you and all of Q181 on your midterms. We look forward to hearing from you with your duty station info so we can arrange your housing. See you June 26.

Unknown said...

This was accidentally posted on S181 post and I want to make sure that you got it and saw it.
A S181 mom

Sean i am so proud of you and believe in you in all you are doing its the 4th week and its so amazing that you are going to serve your country as a wife i will always wish you the best in the training and keep up the spirit dear,am looking forward to attend you graduation on the 26th of June 09.love you Lisa Pennekamp


SR Brian Marshall

Give us a hint as to when you'll be calling. We don't want to miss it. You know my answering service kicks in after the 4th ring. Today has been a busy day. Baked a couple of cakes and visited Mom in Portsmouth. She wasn't doing well, and we arrived just in time to help put Lucy to bed.

Jon spent the night with Daniel. Didn't you think Jon did well on his tests. He must take after his brother Brian!

Well, the President will be on TV again early Monday morning telling us why "we" now own General Motors, from now on known as "Government Motors". We'll all be forced to buy a lawnmower with 2 seats on it and a cart in the back for baggage. He will love it when Gasoline gets to $10 a gallon, so we'll be forced to park our cars and buy one of those "economy models". The American dream has turned into a nightmare. Hope Ford can hold out. They belong to the Union too, though. All benefits are being cut. There'll be no more deals like the one they gave out in Norfolk at that Plant closing. Although they should never have closed it because it was one time voted by J.D. Power the No. 1 Automotive Plant in the WORLD.

Then they decided that they should combine operations and produce different models, depending on which one was most in demand. Mark is still hanging in there in Detroit. I know all the workers are as sad as we were when our plant closed. It is devastating as you know, because all kinds of operations supportive of the plant had to shut down too.

I'm voting for the Republican in Virginia because he is the ONLY one advocating using nuclear power and drilling for oil on our own shores. Cuba is drilling in waters 90 miles from us. We have enough fuel to be self-sufficient if "environmentalists" were not fighting us at every turn.

Anyhow, hope there'll be some nice kind of car for you to choose when you buy one.

Randy went fishing again last night and caught more fish. He wants to take Jon when he gets out of school.

Everyone is doing fine here. Granddad is taking Jon over to the school and letting him practice driving. They made it home safely. Actually, Bill says Jon is a good driver, but we pretend he isn't.

We looked at more pictures and videos today of you. It's just like you're here when we see them. I'm glad we have them on hand. We hope you're getting the hang of this training by now. It's designed to be tough so you can "separate the men from the boys". That was always the thing to say until women were joining the armed forces. Anyhow, you know what I mean. And I'm from the old school--God made men "stronger" than women for a reason. In case of fire, I want a "strong man" to carry me down the ladder!

Well, as you can see, it's late and I am still up. I didn't sit down here till midnight. I've been compiling pictures to send to different people over the Internet and checking my mail and time just slips away.

Hope you had time to write us again. We sure love hearing from you. Your handwriting is improved--I'm impressed!

Love G-Ma.


SR Schatzel
Week 5 youve made it this far Congtats!! Im proud of you and Love You!! Hope you got the card I sent.. cant wait to see you June 26 if all goes well..Be strong.. we are pulling for you!!


Mom Herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg:
We are all very proud of you Son!
We are wishing you and all of Q-181the best on your midterms. You have learned alot in these past weeks that you will carry forever. Stay strong, & stay focused, study hard, help each other, and remember the prize at the end. SEMPER PARATUS.
Dad has been reading and re-reading your letters. Keep them coming please, they are our life-line to you. Only 25 more days Son and you will be graduating. We love you and can't wait to see you. We are praying for you. All our love and best wishes, Mom & Dad xoxoxo
PS: Anxious to hear where you will be stationed. ROAD TRIP:):)
PSS: Kathy, Ziggy, Pat, Gloria, Bill, Uncle Jack/Ellen, & Uncle Stan all said to tell you hi and said MAKE US PROUD!

AmberGoose said...

SR Minor.

Heyyyy Katie. I hope you got my letter? I hope everything is going well. I heard you were doing classes? I bet your doing just great in them smarty pants. Expecially if it has anything to do with Math. Well, I went golfing the other day. Eh, I kind of sucked. I defiantly need to step up my game. I can't wait to take a ride in your car when you get home either, and I know you can't. My system is too loud and yours is just right. Im getting really tan whitey :) I miss you. Stay focused. and don't eat too much haha.

Love you,
Amber Goose

Anonymous said...



ORLANDO, Fla. – Head down and shoulders slumped, LeBron James(notes) headed off the court as the Orlando Magic streamers shot off above him.

Dwight Howard(notes) was hugging Hedo Turkoglu(notes), dreams of Beating L.A. dancing in their heads. James wasn’t bothering to stick around to shake hands, offer congratulations or pretend there was a bright side to the Magic ousting his Cleveland Cavaliers from the East finals with a 103-90 victory in Game 6.

James was off the floor before the confetti could hit his shoulders.

He later dressed in silence in a corner of the locker room then put on some gold, oversized headphones and headed for the door. Normally one of the last to leave, he was now one of the first. With anger and frustration evident in each step, he charged through the back halls of Amway Arena without greeting anyone, got on the team bus and soon was off to the airport.

There was no looking for his mother, Gloria. There was no talking with Nike executives. And forget addressing fans and media – Mo Williams(notes) was left to answer for the defeat.

LeBron was gone. The King was silent.



Anonymous said...

SR Talbot,

Guess what??!!! We are getting married at Cascades!! I really hope you are happy!! Mom(Julie) and I picked it!! I know its not a church but i really want us to have our dream wedding!! Its easier for the guests to come because its just one address to give out. I reallllyy hope you are happy!! Lisa is mad at me.. ughh seriously.. i dont care. she shouldnt talk bad about mom.
I love you and hope you get to read this!! Cant wait until June 26th and July 17th 2010!!!
xoxo your loving Fiance Nikki<3



June 1, 2009

Only 25 more days to go. You’re over the hump Brian. Hope you get my letter. I let Haydon sign it. He punched holes in the letter before he learned that it would make lines. After I let him sign it, I went to the Post Office to mail it. When I came back, Brandon had picked him up. However, he insisted on taking the pen home with him. If I had known he didn’t want to turn it loose, I would have given him a cheap one. He was more at home here today. Granddad said Brandon said he still worked at the Steak House.

Well, I see that the prisoners at Guantanamo are getting top treatment. They get to order fast food takeout and now Pres. Obama is ordering that 20 of them get LAPTOPS.

For what? Good Behavior!

That is my tax money. Well, will go for now. Not all the news that’s fit to print may be seen below, but this is a start.

By the way the weather is going to be in the 90’s here for the next 2 days. I see that the weather in Cape May, NJ is wet! I see that there will be thunderstorms on Tuesday and then wet the rest of the week. It will be mostly cloudy on Saturday and then more thunderstorms on Sunday. Hope it doesn’t rain on your parade June 26th. Well continue to “obey the rules” and you’ll get out on time

Love from everyone – G-Ma!!

Well, what happened this day in history. June 1, 1980 CNN launched the first 24-hour Cable Talk Show. In 1926 Andy Griffith Mount Airy NC, actor (Andy Griffith Show, Matlock and Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot) were born.

The most momentous day was made today. History will write about the fall of the great General Motors Company. It’s a sad day. The Government isn’t supposed to be taking over private business and telling them how much money they should make. You can guess how unhappy we are to see how many jobs are going to be lost.

An Air France jet disappeared after hitting stormy weather over the Atlantic Ocean on Monday and all 228 people on board were feared dead. The plane was carrying 216 passengers of 32 nationalities, including seven children and one baby, Air France said. Sixty-one were French citizens, 58 Brazilian and 26 German. Twelve crew members were also on board.

Chicago had seven shooting deaths in 24 hours this weekend, and police say they have no suspects in custody. All seven victims were men in their 20s or 30s, and all were shot to death.

I sure wouldn't want to live in Chicago, so glad you're not there!Will write more today.

Love always G-Ma

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

SR Richard Herceg,
we're not sure where to post our blogs so were sending them from every angle!! Cant believe your on the 5 week already. I am so happy for you. youve come such a long way. I am so proud. I cannot wait to hear from you. i miss your voice. im very excited to see where were headed off to. :) we all pray for you every night. even at line dancing. Stay strong and dont forget to be a leader. I love you very very much
George, Cheeto and Kat

Anonymous said...

SR Mike Morseman,

Oh goodness, I thought about printing out this blog for you, but it's already 53 pages long.. and you're only halfway through! I'll have to just send you the link instead. LOL

We are all so proud of you! And we miss the heck out of you! Hope you're doing great and staying out of trouble. Can't wait to hear from you at the end of the week. We have our airline tickets already. Coming to graduation: me, Barry, Tony, and possibly TeeTee, Trina, Hanna and Connor!

Hug yourself for us!

Mom :~)


SR Brian Marshall

June 3, 09

Hey there Brian – 23 more days and you’ll be on your way!

Finally got a letter off to you today. You’ll be getting a letter signed by Haydon. He wouldn’t let go of the pen and had to take it home, but I think I told you that.

As always we’re proud of you. As far as all the news that’s “fit to print”, Pres. Obama is going to speak to the Muslim world on Thursday. Yes, I’ll be up at 6 in the morning to see what apology will be forthcoming. America is the best country in the world and owes no one an apology. Our people have fought and died for citizens of other countries. Our people gave their all for the sake of freedom. I don’t see anyone “dying to get out”, but I sure as heck see a lot coming in illegally.

I see today that China has purchased the HUMMER from GM (hereafter known as Government Motors). Thousands of dealers have been told to “eat it”. They are stuck with cars that they cannot return and more people are going to lose their jobs. We sure know the horror of an auto plant shutdown. We never dreamed that the Ford Assembly Plant in Norfolk would close. This country is devastated about what is taking place. I dare say this is the change Americans had in mind.

Well, will try to end on a lighter note. I see that we now have to add a new problem to the field of medicine – Shall we call it “Cell phone elbow?”

"Cell phone elbow" caused by a nerve damage from keeping elbow bent for excessive periods of time.

Also holding phone to ear for long time can choke blood supply to nerves.

If fingers feel numb while on phone, change hands, get a headset or hang up. Now really, Brian, do we have to be "told" to change hands! Give me a break.

I should think loss of hearing would be the main complaint. I dare not get started on the many ways the Government will think of to solve the “Cell Phone Elbow”.

Oh I know, we’ll just raise the tax. That’ll do it for certain. NOT!

And, of course, sue the manufacturer who made the phone because he didn't warn me about talking too long at one time.

That makes as much sense as the lady who sued McDonalds because, if I remember, she spilled her coffee and it was much too hot! Personally, when I see the beverage in my cup is steaming, I immediately know it's too hot and allow it to cool.

Common sense is in short supply these days!

Well, we’ll just have to muddle through till the Lord returns. It’s a good thing that our military is not run the same way politicians are running Washington. A strong military is our best defense!

So at least you’re part of the solution, not part of the problem. We need smart young people to serve our country.

Today, I received an e-mail from a classmate who graduated with me in 1957. It seems the class is planning a reunion of sorts on June 26th. Needless to say, I had to write back and decline. He sent me a reply that was most interesting. This is what he wrote:

“ In May 1959, I graduated from Coast Guard Basic Training at Cape May, and departed the Coast Guard Reserve twenty-eight years later as a Commander. The Coast Guard was good to me. It was a lucky choice for me, and one of the best I ever made. I hope that your grandson gets as much from the Coast Guard as I did.”

This fellow was a real smart guy. I can see why he was a commander.

Well, will go for now Brian. Love you and pray for you and know that this is the best opportunity you could ask for. A chance to serve your country and see the world and be a better man for it.

Will write more later. Everyone sends their love.

Love, G-Ma!

Mom Herceg said...

SR Richard Herceg
23 days left God Willing! I love reading these journals and blogs. It gives me such comfort knowing you are in the best place you can be. The United States Coast Guard. How proud does that make me? VERY!!
Continue working as a team, be the best you can be, stay focused, and enjoy each day. Make it your best day. I appreciate the person(s) writing the weekly journals. It gives us a birds eye of what is going on there. OH TO BE A FLY ON THE WALL!! I just put a letter in the mail to you with a special request. I'll give you hint, it's YELLOW and it waves:):)
I love you Richard. Take care, and Be Strong..Can't wait to hear from you again. Love, MOM xoxoxo


SR Brian -

3 PM in the afternoon - Wednesday- June3rd

Hey Brian -

We got such a laugh out of your latest letter which just arrived in the mail. You know I say I could never dwell in the "BIG TENT PARTY" TOO MANY U-KNOW-WHATS IN THERE FOR ME!

That's an inside joke. Anyhow, I'm sorry to know of your bouts of sickness. Close quarters will do it every time. You know how I carry around the Purell with me. We also use it after we handle those door knobs, shopping carts and gas pump handles. Studies showed long ago that the WalMart shopping cart handles had the most bacteria of anything tested. Keep wiping off the tops of those Coke cans or any other kind that "strangers" have handled a hundred times before it reaches your mouth! After all, that is the only remedy the gov't. has presently for the H1N1 Virus now spread to all 50 states.

Well, will go now. You know how to put a smile on our face. A letter from Brian--hooray! Hope you enjoy our tid-bits of info as much as we love hearing from you.

Well, here's the latest news "fit to print". Seems we are telling all to all about sensitive subjects. Our tax dollars at work.

Here's the article published today.

Gov't posts sensitive list of US nuclear sites

Jun 3, 7:59 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - The government accidentally posted on the Internet a list of all civilian nuclear sites and their activities in the United States.

The 266-page document was published on May 6 as a transmission from President Barack Obama to the U.S. Congress. According to the document, the list was required by law and will be provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Some of the pages are marked "highly confidential safeguards sensitive."

While there is security at the facilities, the list could presumably be useful for terrorists or anyone else who would like to harm the United States.

The publication of the list was first reported in an online secrecy newsletter Monday.

The document details the location of the nuclear sites and what is being done there.

For instance, there are nuclear reactors at the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, Pa. This facility is currently working on research into what happens when there are accidents with the nuclear reactors. The project started in 2006 and is expected to end in 2012, according to the document.

The document was posted on the Government Printing Office Web site, and has since been removed.

Love forever & always,

P.S. President Obama says the US could be considered a "Muslim" nation as well. That's news to me. We honor the God of the Old Testament and His son, Jesus Christ. The last time I checked, we were the "Great Satan" so designated by Iran! Christianity and Muslim are opposites! We were founded upon "Christian principles". Go figure!

1.5 billion Muslims live around the world. Fewer than 3 million live here! Not quite enough to constitute the making of a nation. Well, more news as it happens in future blogs.


Dee Dee said...

SR Luke Guizlo, Hey there! Hope you're getting the mail quickly. I wanted you to know that there's a band concert at school tonight and they're playing your song! Semper Paratus! and it's dedicated to you. We had weird weather today, cloudy, a little rain, some thunder and lightening and about 80 degrees. Sounds like back east! Can't wait to hear from you on Friday. All our love,
Mom and Dad and Ginger the Tug of War Queen


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian, Finally got me another cell phone. My antique one just refused to be revived. I went with Verizon again, although I didn't like the fact that they didn't want to reduce my minutes unless I signed a new contract.

They've since changed that. I got a cell phone for Jon, with camera, "qwerty" keyboard. Anytime anywhere 1400 minutes with unlimited texting.

I wanted to get it by Jon's birthday, but you know our work schedule.

Got you another letter off today. We are thrilled when we see a letter from Brian.

Am too tired to write all the news that's fit to print, because it's so late--or early depending on where you are this hour of the morning.

Tell me what time you get up in the morning and if you have to do things before breakfast.

Hope you're better from your sickness.

Just wanted to say, we loved your letter and your handwriting has greatly improved.

We have two Saturday picnics coming up, one this weekend, and another the next.

Bill's Sunday School class is having a picnic next Saturday. I told Bill, "Can't you take horse shoes or something to occupy the time. I don't want to sit around talking about who has a pain where!

We're happy to be alive.

All the family asks about you. I will have to call my mother and tell her you're doing fine.

Glad you liked the marksmanship outing.

Jon starts exams Friday and school is out on Wednesday. Then the graduation is on Friday the 12th.

Granddad is letting him drive the truck some. He let him drive it all the way to the shopping center to get some ice cream at Rita's. Shortly after they left, there was a loud series of sirenes. For a brief moment, I wondered if it were Jon. We sure miss your taxi service to school every day.

I'm thinking about baking a cake and taking it to the school teachers because they're so great.

Well, my eyes are glazing over, so I will go for now.

Just wanted to constantly remind you that while you're in Cape May, you're always near in our hearts.

Hope you do get stationed close to home. Anywhere on the East Coast will be okay, but "there's no place like home".

Love always,



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Brian:

We are trying to maneuver this website. It appears that some company commanders are posting the blogs that their particular family members have posted each week. However, we have been able to read a journal entry by your commander, but we have never seen any pictures. I have read other company commander’s journals for the week which are supposedly posted each Tuesday. I find some very informative. However, we have no idea of whether or not you are seeing these blogs we have faithfully sent you. I am certain other family members must be wondering the same thing.

I see that there are pictures posted with some of the company commanders’ weekly journal entries, together with a link at the bottom, that when accessed, takes us to the entire list of blogs which family and friends have posted for that entire week.

We have never seen any for Q-181. Sure do wish we could see a picture. Also we wonder if these blogs are posted somewhere on a bulletin board by your commander. We surely would like to KNOW ? ? ? ?

By the time we have figured out how to maneuver our way around Camp May via the Internet postings, you will have graduated we fear. AND WE ARE COMPUTER SAVVY ! ! !

We can surf the whole wide world, but have trouble finding our way around this “boot camp training” circuit! So much for our frustration, because we want you to know just how proud we are of you and that we have been writing, almost daily, since you left.

We love you. Meanwhile, we will put on our “wet suit” weighted down with “sweat” trying to get to Quebec-181.

We will sign off for now. We have run out of black ink and need to go to the store and buy some so we can mail you yet another greeting!

From the things we read on other journals, you are really in training. I see that for those that didn’t pass the physical fitness test, they get the added “incentive” of getting up each morning at 4:30 A.M. to “get it all together”. We’re glad you passed!

Love, love and more love,

Grandma & Granddad Marshall

P.S. I will print this out today and mail it along with our letter, so that you can read it via U.S. Mail, if you haven’t found it posted anywhere. There is a “disconnect” somewhere if these are not posted for all you guys to read, otherwise we’re just talking into “thin air”.


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian - We decided to drop the webmaster a letter. We want to know if you get to see these postings somewhere--anywhere?

If not, we're just talking to the wind!

Hope you get to see all the blogs we family members and friends are sending your way!

Love you always,


Anonymous said...






June 5, 09

Just when I said, I'll wait till tomorrow with a news report for Brian, I see that not only has Pres. Obama appointed a CAR CZAR, WHO HAS NO EXPERIENCE IN THE AUTOMOTIVE FIELD, he has now set to appoint a PAY CZAR.

I think he is up to about 16 CZARS now. Quite an inward circle. America has never had a CZAR.

"June 5th - WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master for Compensation" to ensure that companies receiving federal bailout funds are abiding by executive-pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter..."
___________________________________Well, I've had a long day--bet you have too, so I'll end with this story of "all the news that's fit to print". Get ready.


Also a "High school student who wouldn't stop using cell phone was Tasered"

"Thursday, June 04, 2009

By Eleanor Chute, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A loaded 9mm weapon was confiscated from a sixth-grader at Linton Middle School in Penn Hills today.

And in a second incident, a Penn Hills police officer used a stun gun on a high school student who refused to stop talking on a cell phone and pushed the officer.

At the middle school, a 9mm semi-automatic handgun was found in the swim bag of an 11-year-old girl at the metal detectors this morning.

Penn Hills police Chief Howard Burton said the gun was fully loaded but there was not a bullet in the chamber.

He said the girl had brought her swim bag still containing wet swim clothes from the previous day and said she did not know how the gun got into the bag. The gun turned out to have been reported to state police as stolen from Uniontown.

"At this point in the investigation, we don't believe she knew the gun was in there. She had the bag yesterday swimming, locked it in her locker after swim class, went home last night, threw it in her bedroom, grabbed the bag and went to school," Chief Burton said.

He said she has been removed from school.

At Penn Hills High School this morning, Chief Burton said, a student was walking up and down a hallway, using a cell phone. School policy permits students to have cell phones but not to use them during school except in emergencies, Chief Burton said.

A Penn Hills police officer told him to put the phone away and go to class.

"The kid refused to listen," Chief Burton said. "The officer took him by the arm and said, 'You have to go to the office.' The student resisted, pushed the officer. The officer, defending himself, took out his stun gun and did a drive stun."

Chief Burton said a drive stun involves pushing the Taser against a portion of the body and squeezing the trigger, thus immobilizing a portion of the body, such as the leg. He said this affects about a 2- or 3-inch area.

While on the floor, the student was still resisting and was placed in handcuffs, Chief Burton said. The student complained of a headache and dizziness and was taken to Forbes Regional Hospital.

Eleanor Chute can be reached at echute@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1955."

Read more: http://www.postgazette.com/pg/09155/975068-100.stm#ixzz0HWwrY0QU&C_______________________________

This is not "RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT". This is public school.

Well, I rushed off a letter to you this afternoon, but when I dropped it in the box, it sounded like it was the only thing in there. So you'll have to get it on Monday. We could never forget you.

Jon was up late cramming for exams. Hope you pass all your tests with flying colors.

Meanwhile, sometime later today, we want to hear your voice telling us where you are going to be stationed!

See ya soon.

Love G-Ma

Unknown said...

SR Kern- Hi sweetie i just heard from you today about where you will be stationed. We are so excited. The Polar Sea out of Seatle wow!! Everyone is so excited that you are going to be on an icebreaker. We know you wanted that. We are so proud of you. I know it's been hard. Alot of one step forward two steps back but you are doing it. Take it one day at a time, believe in yourself, don't get discouraged, don't be so hard on yourself and no matter how long it takes we don't care and will always be proud of what you have accomplished. I'm sending out email to everyone with the link to your cutter so thay can read all about it. We all love you-Love Mom

Anonymous said...

SR Mike Morseman:

Hey Mike,

Got your phone message! So sorry we didn't get to talk live, but I guess we will next time you call.

Neah Bay, huh? Looks like a beautiful area. And it's "only" a 6 hour drive from here, so if you want company, we can probably drive up to visit you this summer!

Wish I knew how long you'll be there, and what you'll be learning. Website did say they do 100 search and rescues a year out of there. Also I think I read a couple hundred safety boardings of civilian boats a year.

I hope you're excited about the location and your future. We are excited for you and BURSTING with pride!

Love and miss you,
Mom, Barry, Holly, Allen and Tony

aurelia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aurelia said...

Hey Alyse, I found this nifty little comment leaving center so im going to leave you one. I miss you soo uber much. Mom is hanging over my shoulder making sure I let you know how much she loves you and how pleased she is with what you are doing and is definetly looking forward to seeing you soon. We are so mad that we missed your call. I was looking forward to it when I got home, but I heard you called earlier. It's awesome that your going to be in Virginia, hey, aleast your not THAT far away from home right? Hope you like it. Moms glad that Ian will have someone out there with him. We all love you.
-The Corle Family =]



Hey Brian - Sorry I didn't get to hear your voice when you called this morning. Glad Granddad was here. One thing we're certain of, being on a boat in the summer time is the best time. You're not too far from home.

By the time you save enough $ to get a car--Government Motors will be given 'em away. NOT! Guess all the cars available for sale now will be the best ones that our money can buy. In the future, the lawnmowers with 2 seats will be available. Options will include a roof over your head, although you may not be able to afford that and an auto as well.

Unemployment is the highest it has been in 25 years. The liberal press has put their usual spin on it. 'THE INCREASE WAS NOT AS DRAMATIC AS WE EXPECTED".

No one need talk to me, I lived thru the Carter years with odd and even gas days--turn your thermostat down at home--wear a sweater in the house--don't burn Christmas lights--20 per cent interest rates and worst of all our embassy was under seige for over a year. A crowd of about 500 seized the embassy. Of the approximately 90 people inside the embassy, 52 remained in captivity until the end of the crisis. They were held captive for 440 days till Ronald Reagan became President.

And even now, Carter as well as our new President wants Israel to give up land that they won during a war in which they attacked. "All's fair in love I guess, but not war!"

If you get access to a computer anytime, I won't have to send you all the news that's fit to print. You can find it all on one page. The Drudge Report....


Some of the "news" for June 5, 09

I love this one:

"Prison blues: States slimming down inmate meals...

ATLANTA (AP) - The recession is hitting home for inmates, too: Some cash-strapped states are taking aim at prison menus.

Georgia prisoners already didn't get lunch on the weekends, and the Department of Corrections recently eliminated the midday meal on Fridays, too. Ohio may drop weekend breakfasts and offer brunch instead. Other states are cutting back on milk and fresh fruit.

In Georgia, inmates are still getting the same number of daily calories: 2,800 for men and 2,300 for women. The portions at breakfast and dinner are bigger on days only two meals are served..."
Unemployment rises to 9.4%...

Highest Since July 1983...
Obamas decline dinner with the Sarkozys? ...

...French Foreign Minister 'cannot discard' terrorism theory in AIR FRANCE vanish...

Debris found in Atlantic is NOT from jet say red-faced investigators...

DRESDEN, Germany — After mending fences with the Muslim world in Cairo on Thursday, President Obama might want to keep his diplomatic tools handy for his stopover here, to repair his increasingly strained relationship with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

A rift has quietly opened up between Germany and the United States, marked by official statements of harmony and private grumbling. It is not an outright crisis in relations, but there are underlying tensions and disagreements on matters ranging from the global economic crisis to the future of inmates held at Guantánamo Bay.

And last but not least, and it should be in Ripley's "Believe it or Not"...a funeral home has had to close because they cut off the legs of a deceased man, in order for him to fit in a casket. I kid you not! Well, on second thought, this piece is NOT fit to print, but this is the world we live in.

S Carolina funeral home closed after dismembering corpse to fit casket...

Will go for now. Randy has come home and he's hungry. Got to feed the fisherman you know! And remember, when you get home, the menu is "all Brian all the time".

Love you, love you, love you.

Your 'everluvin' G-Ma

CoastieMomGermany said...

SR McIntyre- Hi! We're excited to hear about your new assignment on the Gulf Coast - that should be pretty interesting. Wish we could have talked to you today, but understand you probably had minimal time to make the call (were they rushing you to Mike's graduation?) Glad to hear your doing well, and can't wait to see you in 3 weeks. We love you very much and miss you honey!
Mom, Dad and Nick


SR Schatzel Q-181

Hey Matt,
Hope all is well.. Wow week five over.. three more to go.. Been waiting to hear from you about where your gonna be posted.. Great news about you being selected for the Drill Team.. And passing all your PF tests.. Good job!!! I Love you ..keep up good work

Love Dad..

Its 7:45 P.M. still havent gotten a call from you about where your gonna be stationed..

aurelia said...

SR Corle - The full moon is rising in my yard make sure to look at yours. Your tour of duty in VA. was the answers to my prayers. I Love You so.


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian - We've been down in Moyock, North Carolina to a family reunion for the Allen family today. G-Dad's mom was an Allen. You would have loved the food. Too much to name. I made a Peach Crisp. Brenda brought a Mexican dip that was real tasty, but the meat was loads and loads of Barbecue.

Jon went to another Birthday party. It's getting awfully expensive handing out "dough", besides his regular allowance.

Jut wanted to say hello, so you'll know we're still here.

There's lot of "NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT", but it'll have to wait. If I don't get to bed, I'll never make it to the church on time.

But only this article gives me a big laugh. Al Gore hates to see this kind of thing because it blows yet another hole in his "Chicken Little" theory of Global warming!

Here's the story and with that I'll close for the night or should I say morning. Love you and look forward to hearing all good things.

Here's the NEWS:

Snow falls in western ND, in June first time in 60 years.

Bismarck, N.D. (AP) Snow has fallen in Dickinson in June, the first time in nearly 60 years the city has seen snow past May.

National Weather Service meteorologist Janine Vining in Bismarck says there were unofficial reports of a couple of inches of snow in Dickinson on Saturday.

Vining says snow in North Dakota in June is uncommon, though it's not unheard of. She says other parts of the state have seen June snow within the past 10 years.

Williston and Bismarck had received only rain as of mid-Saturday, but Vining said snow was possible in those cities later in the day.

Love you always - G-MA

P.S. Great Grandma needs to hear from you. She doesn't know where to send the $1,000 check. (NOT - just thought that would get your attention) She wants to know if you got her letter. Plese use the addressed envelope you took with you. It would make her day to get a letter from you.

CoastieMomGermany said...

Hi SR McIntyre-
I'm just sitting here writing you another letter and wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you! The beginning of the sixth week! Woo Hoo, way to go Q181. I'm sure things are getting routine now, remember to stay focused and continue to work hard as a team. On-Base Liberty this Saturday - we're hoping you are able to give us a call here in Germany. We are so proud of you!!
We love you, Mom and Dad and little Bro - oh yeah, Monica says hi and she loves you and misses her roomie!

Deb O said...

SR Odell
Hi Joe, it was great to hear your voice on Friday! We are all excited that you will be in California!!!

Q-181- Three weeks to go...keep your focus, finish strong! We are all pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

SR Mike Morseman,

Oh Mike, I'm so sorry I keep missing your phone calls! It was so nice of you to call on my birthday! I was off getting my hair cut. Glad you got to talk to Barry and Tony, though.

But I do have your phone message saved, telling us about Station Neah Bay, and I listen to it a couple times a day just to hear your voice. Yep, I'm a goon! :-) I did some reading about Neah Bay, and it does seem a bit isolated, but gorgeous, and I hear awesome halibut fishing! I hope you're excited about the new station and all you'll learn.

I hope you get time to call on June 13. I will stay home and close to the phone, I promise.

We're all SO proud of you, and miss you! Can't wait to see the man you've become on June 26!

Mom :~)


SR Brian Marshall

Hey when I went to school we learned to add and subtract. 2 + 2 always had to = 4 !

In new math it can be anything you want it to be, so "Junior won't be singled out in the class room for giving the wrong answer. He mustn't be made to feel bad in front of his peers--right?"

26 - 8 = 18! Think you can make it? Oh Yeah! ! !

Just wanted to say we love you. Don't have time to include "all the news that's fit to print. It's too late in the morning! Got to get to bed before the sun comes up.

It's exam week, but Jon was allowed to stay up and watch the basketball game and play some ROOK. Should have called "bedtime", before he beat me at ROOK. Will get a letter in the mail Monday.

Supposed to rain every day here.



Today -Monday - June 8th

78 ºF
64 ºF

81 ºF- Tuesday
66 ºF


77 ºF
66 ºF


69 ºF
60 ºF


79 ºF
63 ºF


78 ºF
66 ºF


78 ºF
62 ºF

So if you get liberty this weekend, you should just be "SINGING IN THE RAIN" !

Love you always
G-Ma, G-Dad & Jon

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

SR: Von Wieding just a little up date on some sports Magic have lost 2 games to Lakers -(much better team)

LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Lakers have taken a 2-0 in the NBA finals, beating the Orlando Magic 101-96 in overtime Sunday night.
Kobe Bryant scored 29 points, and Pau Gasol had a big overtime and finished with 24 points and 10 rebounds as the Lakers moved within two wins of their 15th championship.
Rashard Lewis had 34 points and 11 rebounds, and Hedo Turkoglu had 22 points. But rookie Courtney Lee missed a layup at the buzzer that would have won it in regulation for the Magic, who have still never won a finals game.
Game 3 is Tuesday in Orlando.




SR Brian Marshall

Hey again Brian - You know what Granddad always says..."that's the first stage of horse manu__!

Well, just found a letter I started to send to you on June 4th. If I've sent it, you can just read it again. I'm going to print out all the blogs from June 1, till today. What I do is copy and paste them on my Word document. Then I reduce the font, and take out a lot of blank spaces, and print it out on "back & front". Hope you've shared some of them with your friends. As best I can figure, you don't get to read them. I also sent the webmaster an e-mail asking "who sees the blogs" and I haven't received an answer. So, "There's more than one way to skin a cat". Whoever thought up that saying. As far as I know, here in America, where we have a bounty of food, WE DON'T SKIN CATS! And I hope I never see one skinned! Okay here's your last blog, before your letter gets off in the mail.

I see that there's big trouble in the GAZA strip today. Seems 4 suicide bombers got killed as they were approaching Israel's border. They also had horses (no riders) loaded with bombs also.

But right now, here's the letter I had started but never finished.

It reads June 4th:

SR Brian –

Sure hope I’m here today when you call. You know my one extravagance is having my hair done. Granddad would normally be out at a garage sale. He came home with a telephone that is valued at$149 or so for $2 and another for $2 that was worth about $179.

Now if I’ve told you this before and the numbers are the same. It is my fuzzy memory. I was listening to C-Span this morning. The Senate is now concerned about tobacco among youngsters. Of course Dick Durbin, Sen. From Illinois, has a graphic picture of a young boy that has had cancer of the tongue from chewing tobacco if I’m not mistaken. Anyhow the young man’s face was disfigured because part of it was missing. Well, Sen. Durbin (D) went on to say, that a thousand kids a day picked up a cigarette and started to smoke. So I quickly did the math and that would be 365,000 a year. Now the object of their legislation (ultimately to always take more of your money) was to make cigarettes so costly you wouldn’t smoke them.

Well, not to be outdone, Sen. Chris Dodd (D) took to the Senate Floor. He said that every day 3,500 to 4,000 kids took up a cigarette and were hooked. Okay, that revs up the number quite substantially.

Let’s see with Sen. Durbin’s calculation in one year that would be 365,000 a year. If those kids kept on smoking and each year another thousand a day began to smoke, in 30 years those kids would number 365,000,000. Contrast that to Sen. Dodd’s. If 4,000 started to smoke every day, that would mean 1,460,000 a year kids smoking. Well, if I carry out that figure 30 years we would have 1,460,000,000! In 30 years we would have one billion, four hundred sixty million smokers in America by the time they were 42 years of age. I believe I heard the age of 12 mentioned. I was in and out of the kitchen where the TV is. But I caught the gist of it.

If I “do the math”—let’s see the 2000 census says 281,000 in America. At the end of 30 years, we would have by Sen. Dodd’s calculations, 1,460,000,000. So somebody is “blowing smoke” and I think it’s Senator Dodd of Countrywide fame.

And the other reason for raising taxes on cigarettes, “if you raise the taxes, the kids will not buy them.” Then Senator Ted Kennedy, of Chappaquiddick fame, plans to pay for a good deal of the Public Health Care system, by the revenue raised by taxing cigarettes.
Waaaiiiitttt just a minute—I thought people wouldn’t buy them. So if they don’t buy them, where is all that revenue coming from?

Well, to be continued- my eyes are glazing over.

Anonymous said...

Sr Talbot,
I missed your call and im sooo bummed.. Mom told me that you called her and I cried soo hard cause i missed your call.. Im so glad that you passed all your tests!!! Im so proud of you!! I knew you could do it!! I love you babe and i cant wait to hear your voice!! Mom, papa,Ben,Anna, and Jojo sent me flowers for my bday!! They are white roses some are painted gold with a blue bow!! Ill send you pictures!! I love you soo much and I cant wait to get married to you on July 17, 2010!! Hope you hear from you soon.. never got a letter from you on thursday.. Bet you are busy!! See you on Graduation sweetie!!! Love you!! Always and forever your fiance Nikki!!

aurelia said...

Hey Alyse,
I've been missing having my big sister around here to have fun with anymore. =[ I'm still so upset I missed your call! I just wanted to hear your voice for atleast 10 seconds. I really hope you get to graduate with everyone else and not have to wait to get your wisdom teeth taken out! That would be a bummer. Anyways, everything is good here, your not missing a thing. Always missing you. Much LOVEEEE -Aurelia

Miriyah velez said...

<3 Miriyah



Hello again Brian - Looks like your letters always arrive on Wednesday. Dad called today to get a report. He's taking the day off on Friday so he can see Amber graduate. We have some tickets to get in early. I think I'll buy the DVD this year of the ceremony. It will cost $25 & 3 bucks to mail it, but I may not get close enough to get good pictures.

The hour is late once more but I wanted to touch base with you. Hope you pick a profession that will need to be here years from now & that pays well. Get ready for this lesson in Economics.

I told you when you reached 18, you would meet another member of the family you had not met before. His name is "UNCLE SAM".
He is a greedy guy who always thinks that you are not paying enough. So since your access to the news is limited, allow me to be the bearer of bad news. Bet you're not missing a steady diet of C-Span 1 & 2. But you know that's the price one has to pay to partake of all the home-cooked meals served at my kitchen table. I don't have time to "sit", but I listen while I work. I couldn't begin to tell you what all I've learned today from listening to the Senate that is designed to "empty my pockets".

You know in life, we must be prepared to deal with "the good, the bad, & the ugly"!

Here's the article- MoneyNews.com

"Tuesday, June 9, 2009 11:14 AM

By: Marc Davis

Congress is now unofficially looking at a value-added tax (VAT), basically, a federal sales tax, as a means of paying for all the new — and old — government programs that are facing huge future funding deficits.

But Daniel J. Mitchell, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute argues in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece against the consumption tax, pointing out its short comings, including the inevitable expansion of government which will follow in its wake.

A VAT, says Mitchell, "...is like a national sales tax collected at each stage of the production process, rather than at the final point of sale."

The VAT proposal that Congress is unofficially considering would not replace the existing income tax, and its proposed increase and the new rules limiting itemized deductions that the Obama administration has said it wants.

As evidence from the European Union shows, a VAT will only add to the already burdensome tax obligations of the U.S. taxpayer and further bloating of government, says Mitchell.

Frankly, nothing will help U.S. taxpayers or curtail the growth of government "unless Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are reformed," Mitchell writes.

The imposition of a U.S. VAT may therefore seem almost inevitable.

"The bottom line is that the income tax cannot support the level of spending that's projected, something other countries faced years ago," said Roberton Williams of the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, quoted on CNNMoney.com

VAT generates almost 50 percent of all government revenue in most of the developed world, he points out."

So much for your Economics lesson.

Well that's it for today. It rained "cats and dogs" here. The lightning was so intense we disconnected the cable to our computers.

Anyhow, we had as much as 3" of rain in some parts of the city. The farm areas in Pungo got a good soaking.

Speaking of crops, Randy and Granddad are having a race to see whose garden produces the first tomatoes & squash. Bill says we will have squash this weekend. I told Randy, if he wanted to pick some tomatoes, we could have "fried green tomatoes". That is a real Southern dish you know. Anyhow, I'm ready to cook whatever they grow.

Cannot wait for you to get home so I can fix all the things you love to eat--especially fish, barbecue, homemade rolls, pizza, & Quesadillas. And of course, I'll buy 2 extra gallons of milk.

Love from Everybody
"G-MA" !

Anonymous said...



CoastieMomGermany said...

SR McIntyre -
We are very proud of you! Everyone in the family says "hi" and they love you, and are excited to see you on your 5 days leave after graduation. Two more weeks, stay focused and continue to work hard.
We love you;caom, Dad and Nick
Ethan and Spence - Tell Uncle Sean we love him and miss him, so do the lizards!!

CoastieMomGermany said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
aurelia said...

Hey Alyse, How are you. It is Thursday night and our thoughts are with you. Finding out your tour destination was exciting. The adventures ahead for you and our family are all welcomed. You have given us so much to look forward to. We are excited about traveling to set you in Va. It is also nice to put Audubon behind us it served its purpose and gave you a nice advance on living on your own. Just imagine what is in store for you in Virginia. Remember Virginia is for Lovers. To be by the water, it just takes my breath away. Whenever we traveled to see Ian I just didn't want to go back over the bridge, Remember when you went on visits you felt the same way. It will be your home now. You did it little girl. All the other stuff I can fill you in later, but know that the job you gave me to do I am doing well. You will be in good shape when you leave for Va. Alright Aurelia has to talk to you know so I have to go. I will write again to you on Friday June 12th. I Love You.

Alyse, I miss you too much. It's killing me! You know how you and Ian are the strong ones? Well yeah, thats only you two. I am not, nor ever will be the stronger of us three. I can't wait to hug you and just bawl my eyes out just to see you. I love you so much.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

SR Morseman,

Hey Mike... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed this morning. You seem to always get to call home when I'm at work! Barry gets to talk to you, but never me.

... pout!! ... !!

I hope you get time to call home tomorrow. I will be around! I would love to hear your voice, other than in the saved voicemail I still have.

Proud of you. Miss you. Love you!

Mom :~)

Unknown said...

SR Fraser-

Only 346 hours and counting!

You are my heart and my life story.

SR Savage-
Your girl rocks! You are both hereby COMMANDED to visit us in Mississippi.

all my love,

Deb O said...

SR Odell -
What a great way to start the day with a 6:00am phone call from you!! It made my day!! We will see you at the airport on the night of the 26th! Can't hardly wait!!

Q-181 FINISH STRONG....your almost done at Cape May!!! WE ARE SO PROUD ALL OF YOU!!!!!

aurelia said...

Alyse, there must be about ten times a day I want to call you and just tell you little things, I think that must be the most difficult part of your training away. Nothing imporant however I miss your voice. Ok now you know what, I like your things here so much I think I will keep everyrhing including your sexy little car. Just wanted to say hi its Friday night and the Phillies game went into 13 innings. Look forward to seeing you soon.


SR Brian Marshall

Hey, it's late. We just got back in from celebrating Amber's graduation. We got there at 5:45, and the program started at 7. We got out at 9 and went to Cheesecake Factory. We all ate as much as we could hold and had to bring something home.

Brandon, Jr.,Jon, Erin, Alecia, Dad & Beth were in attendance. For some unknown reason, Carol & Mike didn't make it, although Amber took them advance tickets yesterday. She said she was coming. Brandon, Jr. took our truck down to get them, and "they weren't there.

I ate a cheesecake with Caramel, Peanut Butter, Reese's peanut butter cups, and peanut chips on a chocolate crust. Oops almost forgot the whipped cream. We ate pizza. Jon ate a chicken sandwich so big he couldn't get it in his mouth.

The grad ceremony was nice and I ordered a DVD. Bill took pictures. My eyes are glazed over now. Will process some pictures tomorrow.

Oops again, I forgot we have a Sunday School picnic at 1. Last week it was a family reunion in Moyock.

I think I'm gonna make a couple of peach Crisps. I sent a pound cake up to the school on the last day with a letter of appreciation. The principal sent a letter of thanks and wanted the recipe for his wife. Some lady unknown to me met me at the door of the auditorium and told me the cake was delicious and was devoured in 15 minutes.

Well, will go for now because I haven't had a lot of sleep. Didn't get a letter off to you today, but will get one off tomorrow, Lord willing.

Hope you got our letter with some pictures in it. If you called today, Friday, we missed it, so please leave a message when we're not here. Or call me on my cell phone or Granddad's.

Will tell you how busy it's been today. Haven't had time to look at CSpan.

We all love and miss you and are so proud that we have a "son" in the Coast Guard.

P.S. Now Jon can work on getting his learner's permit. He will have to wait till the Fall to sign up for driver's ed classes.

We love you, love you, love you.

G-Ma & G-Dad.

Anonymous said...


Hey Mike! I am so happy to have talked to you on the phone.. FINALLY! I was so bummed about missing your previous calls.

You've made your mom very very happy today!

Mom :~)

Anonymous said...


Hey Mike,

I have a reservation at a hotel in Sekiu, WA for the night of July 2. So we don't have to drive all night! LOL We can drive up on the 2nd, then get up early and take you to Neah Bay on the 3rd. It's about 35 minutes away.

Mom :~)

Anonymous said...


Sorry about hogging the board. This is my last for now, I promise.

Hey Mike, if you get a chance to call home next Saturday, June 20, know that we will be in Washington D.C. Allen and Holly may be at home, but I will not. So call my cell phone!

Mom :~)

sutherlands said...

SR Guizlo-
Hey there, hope all is well. I wanted to let you know that Doug and I will be coming up for your graduation. I am telling you in advance so that you can prepare yourself for your crazy cousin and the razzing he will give you :)
All joking aside we are proud of you!! Cant wait to see you! 2 more weeks - hang in there.



It's a beautiful day today. What did your unit do for NATIONAL FLAG DAY WHICH IS TODAY, SUNDAY JUNE 14TH?

I think MANY in America today have forgotten the sacrifice paid for with the blood of our predecessors! It's sad to see how the "Far Left" rails against military spending and yet could not do so were it not for the freedom they enjoy of "free speech".

In some colleges, "Far Left" groupies are adamantly opposed to any form of military recruitment on campus. What a shame?

Anyhow, I'm going to go for a ride and see if I can find a post office box that picks up mail on Sunday? I doubt it, but forgive me, I'm way behind on my letter writing to you. Cooking for picnics, reunions and graduation requires several "woman" hours!

I would like to take a ride to Sandbridge just for the sheer enjoyment. I don't know if Granddad wants to take his 66 Mustang that far or not. Incidentally, I saw the names of the graduates listed on the program. One parent actually named their child "SANDI BEACH" !

My question? Why didn't they just name her "VIRGINIA BEACH?"

OK Brian, just wanted you to know, everyone here is in your corner, routing for you and wanting you to make full use of the talents God has given you wherever you may be!

Love your whole family and especially Granddad & me!


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian - Got a letter off to you today. It won't be picked up till 10:30 in the morning. Things have been so busy, you may get fewer letters from the past week. I sorta took the day off today and believe it or not, have just sat down at the computer for the second time today. The other time was to write to you earlier in the day and send you a quick blog. I thought I would work on some of those pictures I need to "refine".

Jon went to Busch Gardens today. By the way, I see that "Six Flags Over Georgia" theme park is filing for bankruptcy. Hope that doesn't happen here.

The other thing I couldn't wait to tell you was that the "global Warming" hoax has just gotten a little "hotter"--make that cooler!

Here's what's happening in Chicago!
Coldest time on record in last 50 years. Guess many humans aren't breathing in Chicago since we humans are causing the temperature to rise by simply breathing. Moreover, they must not drive cars in Chicago either, because cars emit pollutants that contribute to "global warming". OH YEAH--RIGHT! And there must not be any cows in Chicago either, because we remember that cow flatulence is a major cause of global warming. Poor old Bessie--she doesn't measure up to the hot air coming from Washington, D.C. Have politicians been "metered" to see how much hot air they emit? Hhhmmm?

Anyway, back to chilly Chicago--

This certainly is an inconvenient truth. Al Gore has all sorts of companies set up ready to make a fortune off of the global warming hoax. Scientists who disagree are shunned and their voices are being silenced. After all, the whole "CHANGE" MANTRA IS BEING FUELED BY THE CRISIS OF GLOBAL WARMING.

When I have time, I'm going to take a page from "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "Chicken Little" and write a letter to the editor!

But here's the article that just came out today. I'm reading it off the DRUDGE REPORT.


"So far, June's chill is one for the records

By Steve Kahnon

June 12, 2009 10:53 PM

The cloudy, chilly and rainy open to June here has been the talk of the town. So far this June is running more than 12 degrees cooler than last year, and the clouds, rain and chilly lake winds have been persistent. The average temperature at O'Hare International Airport through Friday has been only 59.5 degrees: nearly 7 degrees below normal and the coldest since records there began 50 years ago.

More bad weather is on the way Saturday with a cold rain expected to linger through the bulk of the morning. Rainfall could be heavy -- especially north of the city, which would be a reversal of Thursday's deluge that targeted the southern suburbs.

Better days ahead
Encouraging signs in recent computer runs signal a change to more typical June weather which by now should feature daily highs around 80 degrees. A return of sunshine should boost temperatures well into the 70s Sunday and Monday, though lake cooling will continue. By midweek a northward shift in the jet stream promises a steady diet of highs in the 80s, though showers and thunderstorms are likely to accompany the warm-up. "
Well, just thought I'd keep you up-to-date on the "weather" and other pressing problems.


Love always - Your G-Ps

P.S. Find out what types of electronic equipment you can have on your next assignment. Will you be able to have a computer or a laptop? Paper & Pencil are getting to be "yesterday". I see miniature "notebooks" at CostCo that weigh less than 5#. Just curious. Let me know.


SR Brian Marshall -10 more to go!

Hey, what did we tell you? Time flies. Ask a 70 yr. old. At 21, time started to matter. We looked backward & said, "Whew, thought I'd never get out of those teenage years". When you first became a teenager, you were truly proud & thought you had finally "arrived". By the time you were 19, you rejoiced to no longer be called a "teenager".

It was at the time of beginning to be called an "adult" that you probably felt a bit unprepared. All of a sudden, you had another member of your family appear on the scene. & NO HE WASN'T YOUR 'RICH UNCLE'. It was an "uncle" who demanded that you give him a good portion of all monies you made from now on until the day you died. He even wanted a good chunk of what was in your bank account when you died. Families who thought they were in the "will" had to take a back seat to their greedy uncle. You guessed it. His name "WAS & STILL IS" ---U N C L E SAM !
Brian, we don't mind telling you we DID LIVE IN THE GOOD OLE DAYS! Things are certainly 'CHANGING'. I didn't vote for "CHANGE". I voted for the lesser of 2 evils. I wanted to keep more of my money so we could leave it to you, but alas, "Uncle Sam" is checking in--even before I die--to take your "share of the inheritance".

You had better make good choices! At best, if you aspire to make over $250,000--you'll be called the "RICH", THEREBY QUALIFYING YOU TO GIVE EVEN MORE MONEY TO UNCLE SAM".

Used to be that anyone who worked hard, got an education, gave up enjoyment for employment at an early age, paid for their own way to college by working 2 jobs to get ahead, is now going to be penalized instead of rewarded. The American Dream has turned into a nightmare. We weep for you coming up in this world today.

Part 2 later
Love G-Ma


SR Brian Marshall

Part 2 Continued - For some reason my complete blog which was less than the permitted 4,096 characters would not "compute".

I'm listening to C-Span as usual as I write you this letter. There is no way we can insure more & pay less. Who says that doctors have to go to school for a great many years--pay for their education out of their own pockets--& then begin their practice in some specialty--only to be told they cannot charge as much as they need to repay their debt while they contribute to the preservation of American citizenry? Moreover, they will be "commanded" to take less money for any patient over 65 years of age. Each year they will be scheduled to receive even less from our "mutual" UNCLE SAM!

Does his gasoline cost less or his food? Does his family need to sacrifice even more than their money--do they get rewarded by giving up being with their "Mom" or "Dad" because they work such long hours. & after they get through seeing patients in the daytime hours, they get to go directly to the hospital & visit their patients who are there. Furthermore, they have to be strapped with an "electronic bracelet" of sorts--it's called a "PAGER", so he can be on "call" even when he's supposed to be "Off work".

I dare say you fellas like being on standby to stand duty on a 24-hour basis, even when you just got off duty & have had no sleep! You say--No way. Who would sign up for that? Well, that gives you an idea of what a dedicated doctor's life consists of. His family sacrifices much, just like members of the military & their families.

You have hopes of making a good salary & working your way up the ladder of success. You do not expect to be penalized for doing a good job & suffer a reduction in salary? We should rebel at such a suggestion. That's just the opposite of the American Dream.

Well, we're broke as a nation, & now we want to treat even more patients with less! I for one am not in favor of paying our doctors less. Some estimates are as high as 4 trillion dollars.

Well, that's my high horse for this morning. I'm particularly upset about having to choose a new family doctor & am greatly hindered in my choices because presently some of the best doctors recommended are NOT TAKING MEDICARE patients. Just called another one & they have all the “Medicare” patients they can afford to take already. & I can’t blame them! --End of ltr that didn't go the 1st time!

Now on a lighter note:

Your Dad just called to speak to Jon. I told him I'd have to pay board to Taylor's mom, since Jon's been there 3 days.

Granddad's reading your commanders' journal for today. Hope you weren't one of the ones pulled out and questioned by the commander. Ya'll didn't do so hot, but were saved by your "spotless" spit-shined boots and uniforms.

The march down to the beach with all your belongings was easy--right? We'll test your knowledge when we see you next. Remember only 10 more days to go.

Love your Over-70 but not
"Over-the-hill-called-Agony" G-MA!


SR Brian Marshall – June 19, 09

Well Bill took me to Williamsburg today for lunch at Chickahominy House.

We’ve had a downpour here tonight. We unplugged the computers. We had a lightning storm that resembled fireworks at Mt. Trashmore.

Well, I just sat down to read the news. Seems like the Pedophiles are now a “protected species”. Senate Bill S.909 is destined to be voted on in the Senate. In that bill, “if a Pedophile “PERCEIVES” that I have spoken against his chosen lifestyle, I can be guilty of a hate crime.” Yes, indeed, you got it right! So like I said in my letter to Senators Warner & Webb, Kindergartners are warned about “unwanted touching” & teachers are discouraged from hugging their students, yet their parents should not speak unkindly about Pedophiles. Go figure!

I’m really on a “high horse” tonight after watching the National Health Care bill being “marked up” in committee. I’m sick! I just watched the 2nd in a series of Senate Health Committee Markups. We have real cause to worry. Rationed health care is coming, if Nat'l.Health Care becomes the norm. If the government competes with private health companies & in doing so offers cheaper health care than the private company, people will enroll with the gov't. This is where the rub comes in. There will be unelected bureaucrats who will “construe” what are reasonable health practices & what are not. Federal guidelines will be set up. Doctors who do not follow the guidelines will open themselves up to a lawsuit, if they do not follow the “prescribed guidelines”. I watched a great back & forth between Democrat & Republican Senators. Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma, is also a doctor. He says, no doubt about it, health care will be rationed & costs will rise. He says health care should be between the doctor & his patient. What medicine works for 1 person will not work for another. If the bureaucrats mandate one drug be used for a certain condition but not another, there’s the rub. If the doctor uses a medication that always works for you, but it is not on the “prescribed list of drugs that Government National Health Care plan says they will pay for, the doctor will “not” be reimbursed for prescribing that medication. We are really sick watching the actual making of the laws that will put us under a “one size fits all” type of gov't. plan. It isn’t working in Britain or Canada. There are long waiting lines there for operations that we routinely have done here in the good old USA. People often come from Canada to get medical care here.

Remember me telling you about one guy from Britain that told us he had to wait in line to get an appointment. He was worried about Barrett’s Esophagus turning into Esophageal Cancer if not treated. That is a fact—it is a precursor to Esophageal Cancer. He said when you go to a clinic, you do not get to see the same doctor like we do here. He was first told he had Barrett’s Esophagus & then was told to come back in a MONTH & they would tell him what THEY WERE GOING TO DO. He returned the following month & was told his records had been confused with another patient’s & he, in fact, did not have it after all. He said, the well to do in Britain have no problem getting prompt health care. Others are not so blessed. There are long waiting lines & health care is definitely rationed. We know this is a fact because we converse with patients from Canada & Britain on the American Cancer Society Survivor’s web page.

So tonight I witnessed the Democrats vote down in committee by a vote of 13 to 10 several amendments which would have kept the government from definitely “MANDATING” WHAT CARE WE WOULD RECEIVE. Being 70 & 72 is going to be a problem. There are going to be “cost comparatives”.

Doctors & patients should have FINAL SAY NOT THE GOV'T. If this passes, health care will definitely be rationed!

Will write more later. - GMa!


SR Brian Marshall

June 19, 09

COUNTDOWN - 6 more days & counting!

Dear Brian - Looks like everybody has gone home. I'm not seeing nearly as many blogs on here. Is no one able to read them. Well, today is a comfortable day of 88 degrees here in Virginia Beach, VA. I just paid $15 to have my hair done. Funny thing, we attended a Sunday School picnic last Saturday. The rest of the members were 10 to 15 years older than me and I was the only one in the crowd with "Silver/White" Hair. The hair coloring people must be doing a whopping business.

Anyhow, I'm still on my high horse about medical care and have written letters and made calls to Senators today. Here is a copy of one of my letters to our Senator Webb in Virginia. You certainly know that you are represented by two Democrat Senators Warner & Webb, I hope! So here's my letter. After this I will finish my other letter to you which I will rush to get in the mail today. Don't want the postman to miss handing you some mail.


June 19, 09

Dear Senator Webb:

As a 6-year survivor of Esophageal Cancer, Stage III, I am very worried about the new National Health Care plan being proposed.

Please do not tell me I can keep my doctor. You and I both know that my premiums will increase to the point that my family cannot afford the increased private Health Premium. This is a travesty to try to foist this Public Health Care on the entire country. Haven't we learned anything from the Canadian and British systems of "RATIONED CARE"? Obviously not, but as a cancer survivor, I am in touch with patients in both countries and they complain of long waiting periods, inability to choose their own doctor, or have any real input into their treatment. Furthermore, older people are discriminated against by having "limited" health care depending on the cost relative to their life expectancy.

If you cast your vote for this plan, you can count on my not voting for you in the next election. I have voted DEMOCRAT in the past, but we are being taken over by what we consider to be a "Fascist regime". Many are wakening up, albeit too late, to seeing capitalism being overtaken by socialism & fascism. The country is sick of these policies and those who support them. Government control instead of the welfare of the citizenry is a "CHANGE" ALRIGHT, BUT NOT WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY!

Please, Please, Please wake up and do the right thing. Vote "NO" to the Health Care plan now being marked up in committee headed up by Sen. Christopher Dodd known as the "Kennedy-Dodd" Health Care Plan. Sen. Dodd has said he would like some bi-partisan support but will pass it without any if necessary. I pray there will be "no" Republicans lending a hand in the further downfall of America.

Well, Brian, I'm looking out for you and you aren't even aware of it. We weep for our children who will not be able to enjoy the same freedoms that you are trying to preserve by serving in the military. Thanks to all our military who are willing to risk their lives for us.

Love & prayers -- GMa!


SR Brian Marshall

Hey Brian –Just read the journal posted by your commanders. Looks like you’ve learned a lot. I said to Bill, well, at least if we have a heart attack, Brian can administer CPR. The Obama’s public health care plan came to mind. I said on second thought, no CPR, we’ll be better off dead. If the plan passes, we’ll lose our health care coverage and be forced to sign on to an inferior plan. Good thing Bill had cancer while we could still be attended to quickly by the best doctors. With the new plan we will not be able to keep our doctor, because our private plan would cost so much, we couldn’t afford to continue paying the premium.

I used this illustration. How can a plan cover 46 more million people and cost less?

If I buy one of those Hershey bars that have the little blocks on it. Say it will have 12 blocks—& I pay 89 cents for it. Now, if I break that bar into 24 blocks, will each person still get the same amount of the candy bar & will I now only pay say 50 cents? Not in the real world! Further more, how can the same doctors spread themselves twice as far to cover the extra patients all the while taking a PAY CUT! No way! We “common folks” certainly have more sense than the Washington politicians for sure.

Now, last I wanted to say we’re having a real cool summer. Take Chicago for instance since that is the President’s hometown. Up until today, they are in a cooling cycle. Hottest day so far has been 89˚. Don’t know what the weather is like in Tennessee. If it’s that “hot” there, Al Gore has probably jetted up to the North Pole and landed on one of those broken off pieces of the supposedly melting glaciers. We don’t have any Coast Guard cutters up there to rescue “Chicken Little” politicians I hope. He can just float home on the back of one of those endangered species! Oops—just woke up. I was just “dreaming”—what a nightmare!

Well, looks like the folks in the streets aren’t going to get much encouragement from our country. The President has sent the “stern warning” that he is “not pleased” with the demonstrators being met with resistance from the gov’t. He doesn’t want to be seen as “meddling in the affairs of Iran”. Meanwhile, he is dictating to Israel that they should cease building any settlements in the West Bank & divide their land and give half of it to their Muslim enemies who are vowing to drive them into the sea. Nope no meddling in Iran, but plenty in Israel. What’s wrong with this picture?

I just listened to a plea from the son of the former Shah of Iran Sadat. Sadat was assassinated several years ago. He was in a grand reviewing stand when a member of the military that was marching by suddenly lurched forward & killed him. The Shah’s son was near tears & hardly managed to control his emotions. He called on the President to issue a word of encouragement to those who were upset over the fixed election. The people are crying out for more freedom.

We have lived through quite a lot of tumultuous years with history in mind. We’ve lived through the VietNam debacle with a war lost because it was fought from the White House. We witnessed the assassination of John F. Kennedy. We’ve seen man land on the moon. We’re now witnessing the loss of many of our freedoms here in America. Something we would have never dreamed of. I’m up nights listening to C-Span & the demolishing of our private health care plans.

Well, will keep you informed. Meanwhile, I’ve got to go & catch some fish caught in the open waters of Tidwater, Virginia. No we didn’t get them “inspected by the local Health Care Department first”. We would receive a fine for catching more than 2. After all, Randy got ticketed for dropping anchor in the wrong place when his canoe overturned. All those beautiful fish escaped, but he got back home alive. Thank God.

See you later Brian. We love you. Quebec 181 deserves the title of “Survivors” along with your Granddad. This is my last blog on the web.

Love G-Ma!