Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Victor 181

The journal for Victor 181 is posted at www.uscgbootcamp.com.


tqueeney said...

It is exciting to know that Victor 181 is coming together as a group. God Bless you all!! We are all praying for you.

STSC/SS RET. said...

SR Taylor
I am really looking forward to the graduation of "Victor 181". Mike is coming. I am trying to make him wear his uniform. Hey Woody Has a place about 5 miles from where your at and he is coming down too. He works for a three star in charge of NCIS. He said he will wear his uniform too. He said we can stay at his place and relax. He said he will make you some corn beef hash like on the dolphin... then on to atlantic city.

akpolarbear said...

SR Hamlin, K.F.
Congratulations on reaching the two week milestone and moving forward. You have quite a cheering section who are following your progress and wishing you the very best. You are always in our thoughts. Continue to be strong, safe, reach beyond what you think you can accomplish and conqueror. So very proud of you!! Love Granpa

Elisabeth said...

SR Stehn

Congratulations to you and the rest of Victor 181 on making the two week mark! Victor 181 sounds like it's coming together as a quality group.

Keep focused, disciplined, and strong. I know you can do it!

I love you bunches

Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:
So glad to read the blog on Victor 181, glad to hear all is well, and all is coming together!!
We miss you tons SR Judd, you have tons of letters coming your way. Can't wait to see you in uniform, keep your head up and remember who you are!!

Love you!!

susie said...

Rusty, it was neat to read about your company. I read it with Avery and Hadley. I am at their house for a few days while they install a new motor in the boat! We feel more a part of you guys. Keep up the good work and God Bless all of you! Luv u, mom

Aulttech said...

SR Ault

We were very excited to get our first update on Victor 181. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Keep your head held high and know how proud we are of you. The entire Philo, IL and Unity District is proud of you. Can't wait to hear your voice and see you on July 31st.
Love Mom & Dad

Badger119 said...

Hi from Bama & Congratulations V-181 It is nice to see your moving into week 03.
We're proud of your dedication.
Stay safe & GOD BLESS ya'll.
Dad, Mom & EB

Danny Martinez said...

SR Joshua Martinez~
Hi Bubb! We all miss you lots. We are proud of you. Papa taught us a surprise - ok we'll tell you now.. We can salute you! Well almost all of us, Lilly pad can't cause she is so little - not really she just a brat! Poncho is keeping us all updated on your journey. He waits in the window most of the day. Uhoh Gamma's coming gotta go. LOVE YA - Sugar Bear, Poquita Jane, Lilly Pad, Mangesto, TooToo LaRoo, Nester & MOST OF ALL Poncho!

Anonymous said...

SR Dula
It was great reading your letter to your mom and dad while we were at Michelle's graduation. You were missed. But it was good to read the Victor 181 blog tonight. Between your letter and this blog, I can see that you are enjoying your new career and doing well. Keep up the good work! We are very proud,
Aunt Lucille

Jake said...

Hey bro
Whats going on? Hows the food (Not as good as mine is it). It realy stinks not having you around. Everyone is praying for you. I can't wait to see you agin. Mowing is going realy well me and dad are doing pretty good with it. I'm guessing PT is realy fun. What ever you do don't think about your sorness it's all in your head. Have fun and i waill be praying for you.

Lil Bro

Jerica;) said...

Hey Bubba!!
Hope your getting all the daily letters im sending you,it is tottaly diffrent around with out you here.I am TRULY very proud of you and glad to call you my bigg bub-i just cant wait to see you again i REALLY miss you and hope that your thoughts arnt holding you back from doing ANYTHING on this amazing experence.Just remember to stay strong,god is with you,your fam. is proud of you,and you have a little sis at home that loves and misses you,i love you BUNCHES <3!!

Kathy Parker said...

Hey Susie - I was so glad to read an account of what ya'll were doing last week. I can't imagine - but your Dad can relate. He is getting his uniform in place for your graduation. We love you and miss you much. Keep your head high and remember we all love you.

Jerica;) said...

Hey Sory I didntget yor lettter in the mail box in time today but there will be two sent to you tomorrow,poncho is good but he sits at the window every day waiting for you to come home-well i love you and miss you dearly i cant wait to see you again!!!im sending pics. in the mail tomorrow so hope you get them soon,please let us know if your getting all the letters we send you****God Bless and Stay Strong!!!

Josh's Mom said...

SR Josh Martinez~
Congrats on the two week milestone! It sounds like V181 is coming on strong!! Good job to all of you!!! Josh, I can not tell you enough how proud everyone is of you! Keep your head high and be strong. Love and miss you!!!!

Ryan's mom said...

SR Woods
Hey Ryan it was cool reading the first blog about Victor 181. It sounds like you have started to learn a lot and to form a nice tight group. Stay strong and work hard! I know you can do it. Love ya, MOM

Phillip said...

Hey Airhead - Air-Rick!

We miss you buddy but know you're in the right place. We hope you're kicking butt and getting over your x-box addiction!

Loveya bro! Letters are in the mail!

Dad P & the girls...

Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:
Well it's almost the end of the week and looking forward to the weekend. I've been at uncle Joe's for the week, but now have Brindon and Brooklyn with us. So to where everyone out your brother and I are going to take them ALL to the zoo. (Think well see you in the monkey cage?) HAHA Sorry couldn't pass that up. Glad all is going well, keep up the good work, hang your head high and remember who you are!!!
Love you TONS,
Mom, Jayden, Sydney, Brindon, Brooklyn, and your bro Colton xxxooo

Nick Van Lear said...

SR Van Lear

Hey Leigh!

I just found this, will tell everyone they can leave messages for you.

Congratulations on two weeks (almost 3)!

We are so proud of you and love getting your letters. Who knew you could sing???

Keep up the hard work, we all love you very much.


Jennie said...

SR Paiva:

JOSHIE! I addressed this to your formal name thing in hopes that it'd increase the chances of it being relayed to you. Mom and Dad and I were all really excited when we got your letter yesterday, and I just found the Victor 181 weekly journal thing. I am expecting that come July 31, my big brother's going to be this war-hardened, muscular old man, with this quiet demeanor that is incredibly intimidating in a weird way. But I'm hoping you'll be the same old Joshie, with just a few extra pounds of muscle and fancy-pants "sir, ma'am" manners. I love you a whoooole lot, and I can't wait to see you! I hope everything keeps going well for you, and you end up kicking ass on those push-ups!

-Yer little sister

Jerica;) said...

hey bubba'
we got your letter,and we have been writing you everyday for two weeks but when we looked at the addresses and compared them we have two diffrent zip codes.so we fixed it and you should be gettting all our mail from now on,we are all so sorry and we did not forget about you!!luckly the mail guy didnt pick up the one with all the pics. in it so you should get those soon!!we love you lots and we are all so sorry but we PROMISE you WILL get mail from ALL of us.

Elisabeth said...

SR Lauren Stehn

Hi Lauren, it's Robert. I just read the blog and it sounds like your company is doing extremely well.

Hope that next 6 weeks will be even more exciting.


Ryan's mom said...

SR Woods
Ryan it was so nice to finally get a letter from you today. It sounds like you are working hard and getting strong. Wow what a great new experience, I am so proud of you. Bryan says hi and I saw Adri today at Lowe's

akpolarbear said...

SR Hamlin, K.F.
Your mom & dad shared your last letter with us. I know it's no walk in the park and it sure is no picnic. Hang in there, be strong and remain tough. Sorry to hear the flu bug has hit hard. Eat good, drink lots of water and stay healthy!! Stick to Core Values and teamwork, teamwork are what will help bring success. Almost another week completed and before you know it, graduation will be here. You remain in our thoughts as always. Love Granpa

MorMor said...

SR Judd,
Hi grandson, Can't belive how fast the time is going. For us anyway.
Hows the food? Any orange rolls?
Maybe I should send some. HAHA
Love you so much, MorMor, PaPa & g-ma Martha

Jerica;) said...

hey bubba!!!!
i just sent wendsday's,thursday's,and todays letters out to you today so you should get 3 letters soon and one has alot of pics. in it!!!so i hope you get them soon.i love you and miss you cant wait to see you again!!! take care and stay strong

Unknown said...

SR Mostrom

AKA Thumper, Looks like all this could be right up your alley. Can't wait for your return and hear all those "Sirs-Maam" etc. Keep up the good work, I hope. Guess you are getting our mail. Always glad to hear from you.

Love the gramps

Jake said...

Sr Joshua L. Martinez~
Savy got your letters and relayed the messages. Everything is taken care of. I am so very PROUD of you & I LOVE you more than words can describe. God is with ALL of US! The days will fly by and we will all be together soon :) :) Loving You MY Joshie Loo - Ro

Joel Davne said...

Keep up the good work, we are all very proud of you. Looking forward to seeing you at graduation!


Elisabeth said...

SR Lauren Stehn

Just sent another letter off to you this morning.

I've been thinking about you and talking about you to friends and family quite a bit. We are all so very proud of you.

Stay strong my little Lo. I know you can do it! Kick butt marching!! :) :)

Love you bunches!


Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:
We received your 2nd letter and I am sorry you haven't received any letters yet, I'm sure today you should be getting them. We are thinking of flying into Albany, NY and then driving down for graduation. Hope that sounds good for you to! The sun is shining again today, the 2nd day in a row, must be on a roll. But looks like it will rain again tomorrow. Vegetables are having a hard time growing with all this rain. We are thinking about you tons and hope you are doing a great job at everything you are doing. Keep in up and remember who you are!!! Counting down the days!!
Love you tons!!!!!

Unknown said...

SR Olson-Ramsdell, Kasey
Go Victor 181!! Michael and I are proud of you! Keep up the hard work.
Everyone sends a Hello! Can't wait to see you in July. I am here in Clovis, nm Nut will be back home July 17. Love You and Miss You! MOM

Unknown said...

SR Paiva

I can't wait to hear your voice in 2 weeks. It was great getting your letter last week. I don't like to write knowing someone other than you could be reading this, so just know we love and miss you and couldn't be more proud of you!


Josh's Mom said...

SR Josh Martinez~

Thinking of you daily. Hope you are doing well with training. Just want to let you know you are in my prayers. Love You Always!!!

Jerica;) said...

Hey bubbs!!!
i am sending you a letter tomorrow morning hope you get it!!! i love you and i pray for you everyday!!i cant wait to see you and hope you are doing well^
p.s. i miss you bubba!!!


dnote627 said...

Dear Shane and Kyle,

We hope that you received a few letters by now. I am sorry that we did not write from Illinois. I know how hard it is waiting for mail call.

Nichole is over visiting for my birthday and sends her love. Jay is working this evening and we are watching Gran Torino again. I love Clint; what a fabulous actor & director.

BTW - The Blue Man Group show last night was great, I recommend it highly.

Your dad and I miss you both and can't wait to see you on the 31st.

We have enjoyed your letters.
Keep up the good work!

With much love,

MorMor said...

SR Judd,
Hi grandson,
Can't believe it almost birthday time.Don't burn your fingers on any candles!!! Have a great day.Can,t wait to hear what you wrote to your folks.
love, MorMor,PaPa &g-ma Martha

Unknown said...

SR Hamlin, K.F.
Is is almost over yet? Boot camp that is. I guess it's a little tougher than paint ball, huh guys?
Best of luck (and health) to all of Victor 181!
Love, Kyles' Great-Aunt

Jerica;) said...

Hey bubba!!!
i miss you so much!!! i sent pics hope you got them or soon will!!

i went mowing with dad and Jake today it was good^^

poncho is doing good but hes stil not his normal self**

The Dridgers are having a HUGE 4th of July party-mudding with the trucks,dirt bikes,and four-wheelers,and a slip in slide that goes in the ponds***

i miss you and cant wait to see you i love you stay SUPER strong and have fun!!!write us soon


Jake said...

Hey Josh
Whats up man just wanted to say hey and tell you that it is so much diffrent know that you are gone. It is so werd not having a brother seeing how i had one for 15 years. I can't wait till we get to see you agin. Mowing is going well everything is working good. I pray for you every night and tell the lord to let you have another stromg boot cmap day. I can't wait to see you agin and stay strong and jusst hold on.

Love Jake & Hancho

Ryan's mom said...

SR Woods
Just want you to know that I am praying for you and I hope you are staying strong. I am writing letters but its hard because I live a boring life and I run out of things to say. It was 108 degrees today in Cali. Love and miss you.

akpolarbear said...

SR Hamlin, K.F.
Your weather looks pretty good compared to our thunder, lightning and heavy rain already this morning. Hope this 3rd week for you and your company has been a good one. Be strong, healthy and hang tough. Looking forward to reviewing the companies journal for this week. Gram getting restless waiting to get Crew. We all wonder how you are doing? You remain in our thoughts and prayers daily and we all send best wishes and love your way. Love Granpa

Elisabeth said...

SR Lauren Stehn

Winding up your3rd week -- almost half way there! I'm sending another letter off to you today-- I hope you are getting all of them. We're celebrating Robert's 18th Birthday this evening. I can't wait to hear from you and how you are doing.


Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:
Wow it's the end of the month!! YAHOO now we can start counting down the days tell graduation!!! Boy they will go by fast. We also are counting down the days tell it's YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! HA HA Guess the birthday spankings are out of the question this year!! We are still planning on coming for graduation. Keep your head up and remember who you are!!
Love and miss you tons,
MOM and the gang

Jerica;) said...

Hey Joshie!!!
we have looked at your pics on the web finnaly!!!i miss you lots and just want you to know that i am always thinking of you as your little sister<3!!!!im sure the days are long but the weeks go bt super fast-

i love you joshi and cant wait to seee you at graduation in 31 days!!!!we are counting down the days at home.stay strong 31 days will fly by or you could say 4 1/2 weeks which ever sounds shorter to you!!

love you bunches^Bertie~~~

akpolarbear said...

SR Hamlin, K.F.
Third week almost over and onward to your 4th. I read your 2nd company journal and I was very impressed. To all recruits in VICTOR 181, way to go!!! I encourage you all to keep up the good work, stick to core values, teamwork and close up ranks. Less incentive training will allow you to get down to the training most important and high lite the reason you are there which will be with you for a life time. Kyle, stay healthy, strong, tough, hang in there and know we are thinking about you. Good luck on the many important events coming up during your 4th week. Be proud as we sure are proud of you and wish you the very best. Love Granpa

Josh's Mom said...

SR Josh Martinez...I love you son!
To the rest of Victor 181...You all look amazing in your photos! Keep your heads up, think positive and stay strong. Teamwork is the key!
God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

SR Earley
I am so proud of you baby!!! Thank you so much for the pictures. I'm glad you are one of the company historians!! Love you! You can get through this! God is with you my love

Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:)
Loved the phone call this morning SHORT but great!! I loved the YES MAM and SIR part of the conversation. You sounded good and can't wait to hear your voice again when you have liberty, and see you at graduation!! Hang on almost done, the lemon ice and Italian cookies are waiting.
We are ALL so very proud of you!!
Remember who you are, head high, and keep up the good work!!!
Love to you SR Judd,
Mom and Dad

Momma Judd said...

SR Judd:
WOW only 3 more days!!We are leaving today and we'll see you soon. We had a great time talking with you on Saturday, everyone LOVED their phone calls. Hang in there and remember who you are, we are so proud of you and what you have accomplished so far. Your future holds so many adventures for you!!! You've accomplished the hardest one already!!!
Love you tons Guardian Judd
Mom & Dad & Family